Overlunky/Playlunky Lua API
Read this first
- We try not to make breaking changes to the API, but some stupid errors or new stuff that was guessed wrong may have to be changed. Sorry!
- If you encounter something that doesn't seem quite right, please raise your voice instead of conforming to it outright.
- This doc is generated from dozens of C++ files by a janky-ass python script however, so there may be weird documentation errors that hopefully don't reflect weird errors in the API.
- This doc doesn't have a lot of examples, that's why we have examples/. There are also sample mods for things that make more sense in Playlunky.
- This doc and the examples are written for a person who already knows how to program in Lua.
- This doc doesn't cover how to actually load scripts. Check the README for instructions.
- This doc is up to date for the Overlunky WHIP build and Playlunky nightly build. If you're using a stable release from the past, you might find some things here don't work.
- Use
Overlunky.exe --console
command line switch to keep the Overlunky terminal open for better debug prints. Playlunky will also print the messages to terminal (even from Overlunky) if ran with the-console
switch. - Testing functions, exploring the types, and most inline Lua examples in here can be used in the in-game REPL console, default opened with the tilde key or regional equivalent. Full script examples can be found in the Overlunky Scripts menu if the script bundle is installed.
External Function Library
If you use a text editor/IDE that has a Lua linter available you can download spel2.lua, place it in a folder of your choice and specify that folder as a "external function library". For example VSCode with the Lua Extension offers this feature. This will allow you to get auto-completion of API functions along with linting
Lua libraries
The following Lua libraries and their functions are available. You can read more about them in the Lua documentation. We're using Lua 5.4 with the Sol C++ binding.
-- Write a data file
-- Data will be written to Mods/Data/[scriptname.lua or Mod Name]/timestamp.txt
local f = io.open_data(tostring(os.time()) .. ".txt", "w")
if f then
f:write("hello world at " .. os.date())
-- List all files in data dir and read them out
for _, v in pairs(list_data_dir()) do
local f = io.open_data(v)
if f then
print(v .. ": " .. f:read("a"))
exposes all standard library functions and removes basedir restrictions from the custom functions.
In safe mode (default) the following standard and custom functions are available:
: likeio.open
but restricted to base directoryMods/Data/modname
: likeio.open
but restricted to the mod directory
Safely opened files can be used normally through the file:
handle. Files and folders opened in write mode are automatically created.
Also see list_dir and list_data_dir.
exposes all standard library functions and removes basedir restrictions from the custom functions.
In safe mode (default) the following standard and custom functions are available:
: likeos.remove
but restricted to base directoryMods/Data/modname
: likeos.remove
but restricted to the mod directory
To save data in your mod it makes a lot of sense to use json
to encode a table into a string and decode strings to table. For example this code that saves table and loads it back:
local some_mod_data_that_should_be_saved = {{
kills = 0,
unlocked = false
local save_data_str = json.encode(some_mod_data_that_should_be_saved)
end, ON.SAVE)
local load_data_str = load_ctx:load()
if load_data_str ~= "" then
some_mod_data_that_should_be_saved = json.decode(load_data_str)
end, ON.LOAD)
This module is a great substitute for tostring
because it can convert any type to a string and thus helps a lot with debugging. Use for example like this:
local look_ma_no_tostring = {
number = 15,
nested_table = {
array = {
number = 15,
nested_table = {
array = { 1, 2, 4 }
This allows you to make strings without having to do a lot of tostring
and ..
by placing your variables directly inside of the string. Use F
in front of your string and wrap variables you want to print in {}
, for example like this:
for _, player in players do
local royal_title = nil
if player:is_female() then
royal_title = 'Queen'
royal_title = 'King'
local name = F'{player:get_name()} aka {royal_title} {player:get_short_name()}'
Unsafe mode
Setting meta.unsafe = true
enables the rest of the standard Lua libraries like unrestricted io
, os
, ffi
and debug
, loading dlls with require, package.loadlib
, the network functions and some debug functions. Using unsafe scripts requires users to enable the option in the overlunky.ini file which is found in the Spelunky 2 installation directory.
You can load modules with require "mymod"
or require "mydir.mymod"
, just put mymod.lua
in the same directory the script is, or in mydir/
to keep things organized.
Check the Lua tutorial or examples how to actually make modules.
You can also import other loaded script mods to your own mod if they have exports
Used to clarify what kind of values can be passed and returned from a function, even if the underlying type is really just an integer or a string. This should help to avoid bugs where one would for example just pass a random integer to a function expecting a callback id.
Name | Type |
CallbackId | int; |
Flags | int; |
uColor | int; |
STRINGID | int; |
SOUNDID | int; |
FEAT | int; |
Global variables
These variables are always there to use.
meta.name = "Awesome Mod"
meta.version = "1.0"
meta.author = "You"
meta.description = [[
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at nulla porttitor, lobortis magna at, tempus dolor. Cras non ligula tellus. Duis tincidunt sodales velit et ornare. Mauris eu sapien finibus dolor dictum malesuada in non elit.
Aenean luctus leo ut diam ornare viverra. Nunc condimentum interdum elit, quis porttitor quam finibus ac. Nam mattis, lectus commodo placerat tristique, justo justo congue dui, sed sodales nunc sem ut neque.
-- set this to enable unsafe mode
--meta.unsafe = true
-- rest of your mod goes here
array<mixed> meta
Search script examples for meta
Table of strings where you should set some script metadata shown in the UI and used by other scripts to find your script.
if state.time_level > 300 and state.theme == THEME.DWELLING then
toast("Congratulations for lasting 5 seconds in Dwelling")
StateMemory state
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A bunch of game state variables. Your ticket to almost anything that is not an Entity.
if game_manager.game_props.game_has_focus == false then
message("Come back soon!")
GameManager game_manager
Search script examples for game_manager
The GameManager gives access to a couple of Screens as well as the pause and journal UI elements
message = "Currently playing: "
for _, p in pairs(online.online_players) do
if p.ready_state ~= 0 then
message = message .. p.player_name .. " "
Online online
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The Online object has information about the online lobby and its players
-- Make the player invisible, use only in single player only mods
players[1].flags = set_flag(players[1].flags, 1)
array<Player> players
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An array of Player of the current players. This is just a list of existing Player entities in order, i.e., players[1]
is not guaranteed to be P1 if they have been gibbed for example. See get_player.
Print best time from savegame
SaveData savegame
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Provides access to the save data, updated as soon as something changes (i.e. before it's written to savegame.sav.) Use save_progress to save to savegame.sav.
register_option_bool("bomb_bag", "BombBag", "Spawn bomb bag at the start of every level", false)
if options.bomb_bag then
-- Spawn the bomb bag at player location thanks to the LAYER.PLAYER1
spawn_entity_snapped_to_floor(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_PICKUP_BOMBBAG, 0, 0, LAYER.PLAYER1)
end, ON.LEVEL)
optional<array<mixed>> options
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Table of options set in the UI, added with the register_option_functions, but nil
before any options are registered. You can also write your own options in here or override values defined in the register functions/UI before or after they are registered. Check the examples for many different use cases and saving options to disk.
--Make it so there is 50% chance that the Ankh will be destroyed
set_callback(function ()
-- more or less 50% chance
if prng:random(2) == 1 then
-- get all Ankh's in a level
for _, uid in pairs(ankhs) do
end, ON.LEVEL)
PRNG prng
Search script examples for prng
The global prng state, calling any function on it will advance the prng state, thus desynchronizing clients if it does not happen on both clients.
STD Library Containers
Sometimes game variables and return of some functions will be of type map
, set
, vector
etc. from the C++ Standard Library.
You don't really need to know much of this as they will behave similar to a lua table, even accept some table functions from the table
library and support looping thru using pair
function. You can also use them as parameter for functions that take array
, Sol will happily convert them for you.
They come with some extra functionality:
Type | Name | Description |
bool | all:empty() | Returns true if container is empty, false otherwise |
int | all:size() | Same as #container |
any | vector:at(int index) | Same as vector[index] |
any | span:at(int index) | Same as span[index] |
any | set:at(int order) | Returns elements in order, it's not an index as sets don't have one |
any | map:at(int order) | Returns elements in order, it's not an index as maps don't have one |
int | vector:find(any value) | Searches for the value in vector, returns index of the item in vector or nil if not found, only available for simple values that are comparable |
int | span:find(any value) | Searches for the value in span, returns index of the item in span or nil if not found, only available for simple values that are comparable |
any | set:find(any key) | Searches for the value in set, returns the value itself or nil if not found, only available for simple values that are comparable |
any | map:find(any key) | Searches for the key in map, returns the value itself or nil if not found, only available for simple keys that are comparable |
nil | vector:erase(int index) | Removes element at given index, the rest of elements shift down so that the vector stays contiguous |
nil | set:erase(any key) | Removes element from set |
nil | map:erase(any key) | Removes element from map |
nil | vector:clear() | Removes all elements from vector |
nil | set:clear() | Removes all elements from set |
nil | map:clear() | Removes all elements from map |
nil | vector:insert(int index, any element) | Inserts element at given index, the rest of elements shift up in index |
nil | set:insert(int order, any key) | The order param doesn't acutally matter and can be set to nil |
nil | map:insert(any key, any value)? | unsure, probably easier to just use map[key] = value |
The game functions like spawn
use level coordinates. Draw functions use normalized screen coordinates from -1.0 .. 1.0
where 0.0, 0.0
is the center of the screen.
Callback functions
Create three explosions and then clear the interval
local count = 0 -- this upvalues to the interval
count = count + 1
if count >= 3 then
-- calling this without parameters clears the callback that's calling it
end, 60)
Search script examples for clear_callback
nil clear_callback(optional<CallbackId> id)
Clear previously added callback id
or call without arguments inside any callback to clear that callback after it returns.
Search script examples for clear_screen_callback
nil clear_screen_callback(int screen_id, CallbackId cb_id)
Clears a callback that is specific to a screen.
Search script examples for clear_vanilla_sound_callback
nil clear_vanilla_sound_callback(CallbackId id)
Clears a previously set callback
Search script examples for set_callback
CallbackId set_callback(function cb, ON event)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_callback. Add global callback function to be called on an event.
Search script examples for set_global_interval
CallbackId set_global_interval(function cb, int frames)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_callback. You can also return false
from your function to clear the callback.
Add global callback function to be called every frames
engine frames. This timer is never paused or cleared.
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CallbackId set_global_timeout(function cb, int frames)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_callback.
Add global callback function to be called after frames
engine frames. This timer is never paused or cleared.
Create three explosions and then clear the interval
local count = 0 -- this upvalues to the interval
count = count + 1
if count >= 3 then
-- calling this without parameters clears the fallback that's calling it
end, 60)
Search script examples for set_interval
CallbackId set_interval(function cb, int frames)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_callback. You can also return false
from your function to clear the callback.
Add per level callback function to be called every frames
engine frames
Ex. frames = 100 - will call the function on 100th frame from this point. This might differ in the exact timing of first frame depending as in what part of the frame you call this function
or even be one frame off if called right before the time_level variable is updated
If you require precise timing, choose the start of your interval in one of those safe callbacks:
Timer is paused on pause and cleared on level transition.
Search script examples for set_on_player_instagib
optional<CallbackId> set_on_player_instagib(int uid, function fun)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right when an player/hired hand is crushed/insta-gibbed, return true
to skip the game's crush handling.
The game's instagib function will be forcibly executed (regardless of whatever you return in the callback) when the entity's health is zero.
This is so that when the entity dies (from other causes), the death screen still gets shown.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The callback signature is bool on_player_instagib(Entity self)
Search script examples for set_post_entity_spawn
CallbackId set_post_entity_spawn(function cb, SPAWN_TYPE flags, int mask, variadic_args entity_types)
Add a callback for a spawn of specific entity types or mask. Set mask
to ignore that.
This is run right after the entity is spawned but before and particular properties are changed, e.g. owner or velocity.
The callback signature is nil post_entity_spawn(Entity ent, SPAWN_TYPE spawn_flags)
Search script examples for set_post_render_screen
optional<CallbackId> set_post_render_screen(int screen_id, function fun)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_screen_callback or nil
if screen_id is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right after the screen is drawn.
The callback signature is nil render_screen(Screen self, VanillaRenderContext render_ctx)
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CallbackId set_pre_entity_spawn(function cb, SPAWN_TYPE flags, int mask, variadic_args entity_types)
Add a callback for a spawn of specific entity types or mask. Set mask
to ignore that.
This is run before the entity is spawned, spawn your own entity and return its uid to replace the intended spawn.
In many cases replacing the intended entity won't have the intended effect or will even break the game, so use only if you really know what you're doing.
The callback signature is optional
Search script examples for set_pre_render_screen
optional<CallbackId> set_pre_render_screen(int screen_id, function fun)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_screen_callback or nil
if screen_id is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right before the screen is drawn, return true
to skip the default rendering.
The callback signature is bool render_screen(Screen self, VanillaRenderContext render_ctx)
Search script examples for set_timeout
CallbackId set_timeout(function cb, int frames)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_callback.
Add per level callback function to be called after frames
engine frames. Timer is paused on pause and cleared on level transition.
Search script examples for set_vanilla_sound_callback
CallbackId set_vanilla_sound_callback(VANILLA_SOUND name, VANILLA_SOUND_CALLBACK_TYPE types, function cb)
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_vanilla_sound_callback.
Sets a callback for a vanilla sound which lets you hook creation or playing events of that sound
Callbacks are executed on another thread, so avoid touching any global state, only the local Lua state is protected
If you set such a callback and then play the same sound yourself you have to wait until receiving the STARTED event before changing any properties on the sound. Otherwise you may cause a deadlock.
The callback signature is nil on_vanilla_sound(PlayingSound sound)
Debug functions
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table dump(any object, optional depth)
Dump the object (table, container, class) as a recursive table, for pretty printing in console. Don't use this for anything except debug printing. Unsafe.
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nil dump_network()
Hook the sendto and recvfrom functions and start dumping network data to terminal
Search script examples for get_address
nil get_address(any o)
Get memory address from a lua object
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string get_rva(string address_name)
Get the rva for a pattern name, used for debugging.
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string get_virtual_rva(VTABLE_OFFSET offset, int index)
Get the rva for a vtable offset and index, used for debugging.
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nil raise()
Raise a signal and probably crash the game
Entity functions
-- set random speed, direction and distance for the spark
direction = 1
if prng:random_chance(2, PRNG_CLASS.ENTITY_VARIATION) then
direction = -1
ent.speed = prng:random_float(PRNG_CLASS.ENTITY_VARIATION) * 0.1 * direction
ent.distance = prng:random_float(PRNG_CLASS.ENTITY_VARIATION) * 10
Search script examples for activate_sparktraps_hack
nil activate_sparktraps_hack(bool activate)
Activate custom variables for speed and distance in the ITEM_SPARK
note: because those the variables are custom and game does not initiate them, you need to do it yourself for each spark, recommending set_post_entity_spawn
default game values are: speed = -0.015, distance = 3.0
Search script examples for add_entity_to_liquid_collision
nil add_entity_to_liquid_collision(int uid, bool add)
Attach liquid collision to entity by uid (this is what the push blocks use) Collision is based on the entity's hitbox, collision is removed when the entity is destroyed (bodies of killed entities will still have the collision) Use only for entities that can move around, (for static prefer update_liquid_collision_at ) If entity is in back layer and liquid in the front, there will be no collision created, also collision is not destroyed when entity changes layers, so you have to handle that yourself
Search script examples for apply_entity_db
nil apply_entity_db(int uid)
Apply changes made in get_type() to entity instance by uid.
Search script examples for attach_ball_and_chain
int attach_ball_and_chain(int uid, float off_x, float off_y)
Spawns and attaches ball and chain to uid
, the initial position of the ball is at the entity position plus off_x
, off_y
Search script examples for attach_entity
nil attach_entity(int overlay_uid, int attachee_uid)
Attaches attachee
to overlay
, similar to setting get_entity(attachee).overlay = get_entity(overlay)
However this function offsets attachee
(so you don't have to) and inserts it into overlay
's inventory.
Search script examples for carry
nil carry(int mount_uid, int rider_uid)
Make mount_uid
carry rider_uid
on their back. Only use this with actual mounts and living things.
Search script examples for change_waddler_drop
nil change_waddler_drop(array<ENT_TYPE> ent_types)
Change ENT_TYPE's spawned when Waddler dies, by default there are 3:
Max 255 types.
Use empty table as argument to reset to the game default
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nil drop(int who_uid, optional what_uid)
Drop held entity, what_uid
optional, if set, it will check if entity is holding that entity first before dropping it
Search script examples for enter_door
nil enter_door(int player_uid, int door_uid)
Calls the enter door function, position doesn't matter, can also enter closed doors (like COG, EW) without unlocking them
Search script examples for entity_get_items_by
vector<int> entity_get_items_by(int uid, array<ENT_TYPE> entity_types, int mask)
vector<int> entity_get_items_by(int uid, ENT_TYPE entity_type, int mask)
Gets uids of entities attached to given entity uid. Use entity_type
and mask
(MASK) to filter, set them to 0 to return all attached entities.
Search script examples for entity_has_item_type
bool entity_has_item_type(int uid, array<ENT_TYPE> entity_types)
bool entity_has_item_type(int uid, ENT_TYPE entity_type)
Check if the entity uid
has some ENT_TYPE entity_type
in their inventory, can also use table of entity_types
Search script examples for entity_has_item_uid
bool entity_has_item_uid(int uid, int item_uid)
Check if the entity uid
has some specific item_uid
by uid in their inventory
Search script examples for entity_remove_item
nil entity_remove_item(int uid, int item_uid, optional check_autokill)
Remove item by uid from entity. check_autokill
defaults to true, checks if entity should be killed when missing overlay and kills it if so (can help with avoiding crashes)
Search script examples for filter_entities
vector<int> filter_entities(vector entities, function predicate)
Returns a list of all uids in entities
for which predicate(get_entity(uid))
returns true
Search script examples for flip_entity
nil flip_entity(int uid)
Flip entity around by uid. All new entities face right by default.
Search script examples for force_olmec_phase_0
nil force_olmec_phase_0(bool b)
Forces Olmec to stay on phase 0 (stomping)
Search script examples for get_door_target
tuple<int, int, int> get_door_target(int uid)
Get door target world
, level
, theme
Search script examples for get_entities_at
vector<int> get_entities_at(array<ENT_TYPE> entity_types, int mask, float x, float y, LAYER layer, float radius)
vector<int> get_entities_at(ENT_TYPE entity_type, int mask, float x, float y, LAYER layer, float radius)
Get uids of matching entities inside some radius (ENT_TYPE, MASK). Set entity_type
or mask
to 0
to ignore that, can also use table of entity_types
Recommended to always set the mask, even if you look for one entity type
-- find all cavemen and give them bombs
-- using a type and mask in get_entities_by speeds up the search, cause the api knows which bucket to search in
for i,uid in ipairs(get_entities_by(ENT_TYPE.MONS_CAVEMAN, MASK.MONSTER, LAYER.BOTH)) do
local x, y, l = get_position(uid)
spawn_entity_snapped_to_floor(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_BOMB, x, y, l)
Search script examples for get_entities_by
vector<int> get_entities_by(array<ENT_TYPE> entity_types, int mask, LAYER layer)
vector<int> get_entities_by(ENT_TYPE entity_type, int mask, LAYER layer)
Get uids of entities by some conditions (ENT_TYPE, MASK). Set entity_type
or mask
to 0
to ignore that, can also use table of entity_types.
Recommended to always set the mask, even if you look for one entity type
Search script examples for get_entities_by_draw_depth
vector<int> get_entities_by_draw_depth(array draw_depths, LAYER l)
vector<int> get_entities_by_draw_depth(int draw_depth, LAYER l)
Get uids of entities by draw_depth. Can also use table of draw_depths. You can later use filter_entities if you want specific entity
local uids = get_entities_by_type(ENT_TYPE.MONS_SNAKE, ENT_TYPE.MONS_BAT)
-- is not the same thing as this, but also works
local uids2 = get_entities_by_type(types)
print(tostring(#uids).." == "..tostring(#uids2))
end, ON.LEVEL)
Search script examples for get_entities_by_type
vector<int> get_entities_by_type(ENT_TYPE, ENT_TYPE...)
Get uids of entities matching id. This function is variadic, meaning it accepts any number of id's. You can even pass a table! This function can be slower than the get_entities_by with the mask parameter filled
Search script examples for get_entities_overlapping_grid
vector<int> get_entities_overlapping_grid(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Get uids of static entities overlapping this grid position (decorations, backgrounds etc.)
Search script examples for get_entities_overlapping_hitbox
vector<int> get_entities_overlapping_hitbox(array<ENT_TYPE> entity_types, int mask, AABB hitbox, LAYER layer)
vector<int> get_entities_overlapping_hitbox(ENT_TYPE entity_type, int mask, AABB hitbox, LAYER layer)
Get uids of matching entities overlapping with the given hitbox. Set entity_type
or mask
to 0
to ignore that, can also use table of entity_types
Search script examples for get_entity
Entity get_entity(int uid)
Get the Entity behind an uid, converted to the correct type. To see what type you will get, consult the entity hierarchy list
Search script examples for get_entity_name
string get_entity_name(ENT_TYPE type, optional fallback_strategy)
Get localized name of an entity from the journal, pass fallback_strategy
as true
to fall back to the ENT_TYPE.*
enum name
if the entity has no localized name
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ENT_TYPE get_entity_type(int uid)
Get the ENT_TYPE... of the entity by uid
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int get_grid_entity_at(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Gets a grid entity, such as floor or spikes, at the given position and layer.
Search script examples for get_local_players
vector<Player> get_local_players()
Get the thread-local version of players
Search script examples for get_player
Player get_player(int slot, bool or_ghost = false)
Returns Player (or PlayerGhost if get_player(1, true)
) with this player slot
Search script examples for get_playerghost
PlayerGhost get_playerghost(int slot)
Returns PlayerGhost with this player slot 1..4
Search script examples for get_type
EntityDB get_type(ENT_TYPE id)
Get the EntityDB behind an ENT_TYPE...
Search script examples for kill_entity
nil kill_entity(int uid, optional destroy_corpse = nullopt)
Kills an entity by uid. destroy_corpse
defaults to true
, if you are killing for example a caveman and want the corpse to stay make sure to pass false
Search script examples for lock_door_at
nil lock_door_at(float x, float y)
Try to lock the exit at coordinates
Search script examples for modify_ankh_health_gain
nil modify_ankh_health_gain(int max_health, int beat_add_health)
Change how much health the ankh gives you after death, with every beat (the heart beat effect) it will add beat_add_health
to your health,
has to be divisor of health
and can't be 0, otherwise the function does nothing. Set health
to 0 to return to the game defaults
If you set health
above the game max health it will be forced down to the game max
Search script examples for modify_sparktraps
nil modify_sparktraps(float angle_increment = 0.015, float distance = 3.0)
Changes characteristics of (all) sparktraps: speed, rotation direction and distance from center Speed: expressed as the amount that should be added to the angle every frame (use a negative number to go in the other direction) Distance from center: if you go above 3.0 the game might crash because a spark may go out of bounds!
Search script examples for move_entity
nil move_entity(int uid, float x, float y, float vx, float vy)
nil move_entity(int uid, float x, float y, float vx, float vy, LAYER layer)
Teleport entity to coordinates with optional velocity
Search script examples for move_grid_entity
nil move_grid_entity(int uid, float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Teleport grid entity, the destination should be whole number, this ensures that the collisions will work properly
-- spawn and equip a jetpack on the player
pick_up(players[1].uid, spawn(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_JETPACK, 0, 0, LAYER.PLAYER, 0, 0))
Search script examples for pick_up
nil pick_up(int who_uid, int what_uid)
Pick up another entity by uid. Make sure you're not already holding something, or weird stuff will happen.
Search script examples for poison_entity
nil poison_entity(int entity_uid)
Poisons entity, to cure poison set Movable.poison_tick_timer
to -1
Search script examples for replace_drop
nil replace_drop(int drop_id, ENT_TYPE new_drop_entity_type)
Changes a particular drop, e.g. what Van Horsing throws at you (use e.g. replace_drop(DROP.VAN_HORSING_DIAMOND, ENT_TYPE.ITEM_PLASMACANNON))
Use 0
as type to reset this drop to default, use -1
as drop_id to reset all to default
Check all the available drops here
Search script examples for set_boss_door_control_enabled
nil set_boss_door_control_enabled(bool enable)
Allows you to disable the control over the door for Hundun and Tiamat This will also prevent game crashing when there is no exit door when they are in level
Search script examples for set_contents
nil set_contents(int uid, ENT_TYPE item_entity_type)
Set the contents of Coffin, Present, Pot, Container Check the entity hierarchy list for what the exact ENT_TYPE's can this function affect
Search script examples for set_cursepot_ghost_enabled
nil set_cursepot_ghost_enabled(bool enable)
Determines whether the ghost appears when breaking the ghost pot
Search script examples for set_door
nil set_door(int uid, int w, int l, int t)
Short for set_door_target.
Search script examples for set_door_target
nil set_door_target(int uid, int w, int l, int t)
Make an ENT_TYPE.FLOOR_DOOR_EXIT go to world w
, level l
, theme t
Search script examples for set_drop_chance
nil set_drop_chance(int dropchance_id, int new_drop_chance)
Alters the drop chance for the provided monster-item combination (use e.g. set_drop_chance(DROPCHANCE.MOLE_MATTOCK, 10) for a 1 in 10 chance)
Use -1
as dropchance_id to reset all to default
Search script examples for set_explosion_mask
nil set_explosion_mask(int mask)
Sets which entities are affected by a bomb explosion. Default = MASK.PLAYER | MASK.MOUNT | MASK.MONSTER | MASK.ITEM | MASK.ACTIVEFLOOR | MASK.FLOOR
Search script examples for set_kapala_blood_threshold
nil set_kapala_blood_threshold(int threshold)
Sets the amount of blood drops in the Kapala needed to trigger a health increase (default = 7).
Search script examples for set_kapala_hud_icon
nil set_kapala_hud_icon(int icon_index)
Sets the hud icon for the Kapala (0-6 ; -1 for default behaviour). If you set a Kapala treshold greater than 7, make sure to set the hud icon in the range 0-6, or other icons will appear in the hud!
Search script examples for set_max_rope_length
nil set_max_rope_length(int length)
Sets the maximum length of a thrown rope (anchor segment not included). Unfortunately, setting this higher than default (6) creates visual glitches in the rope, even though it is fully functional.
Search script examples for set_olmec_cutscene_enabled
nil set_olmec_cutscene_enabled(bool enable)
Olmec cutscene moves Olmec and destroys the four floor tiles, so those things never happen if the cutscene is disabled, and Olmec will spawn on even ground. More useful for level gen mods, where the cutscene doesn't make sense. You can also set olmec_cutscene.timer to the last frame (809) to skip to the end, with Olmec in the hole.
Search script examples for set_olmec_phase_y_level
nil set_olmec_phase_y_level(int phase, float y)
Sets the Y-level at which Olmec changes phases
Search script examples for set_time_ghost_enabled
nil set_time_ghost_enabled(bool b)
Determines whether the time ghost appears, including the showing of the ghost toast
Search script examples for set_time_jelly_enabled
nil set_time_jelly_enabled(bool b)
Determines whether the time jelly appears in cosmic ocean
Search script examples for unequip_backitem
nil unequip_backitem(int who_uid)
Unequips the currently worn backitem
Search script examples for unlock_door_at
nil unlock_door_at(float x, float y)
Try to unlock the exit at coordinates
Search script examples for waddler_count_entity
int waddler_count_entity(ENT_TYPE entity_type)
Returns how many of a specific entity type Waddler has stored
Search script examples for waddler_entity_type_in_slot
int waddler_entity_type_in_slot(int slot)
Gets the entity type of the item in the provided slot
Search script examples for waddler_get_entity_meta
int waddler_get_entity_meta(int slot)
Gets the 16-bit meta-value associated with the entity type in the associated slot
Search script examples for waddler_remove_entity
nil waddler_remove_entity(ENT_TYPE entity_type, int amount_to_remove = 99)
Removes an entity type from Waddler's storage. Second param determines how many of the item to remove (default = remove all)
Search script examples for waddler_set_entity_meta
nil waddler_set_entity_meta(int slot, int meta)
Sets the 16-bit meta-value associated with the entity type in the associated slot
Search script examples for waddler_store_entity
int waddler_store_entity(ENT_TYPE entity_type)
Store an entity type in Waddler's storage. Returns the slot number the item was stored in or -1 when storage is full and the item couldn't be stored.
Search script examples for worn_backitem
int worn_backitem(int who_uid)
Returns the uid of the currently worn backitem, or -1 if wearing nothing
Feat functions
Search script examples for change_feat
nil change_feat(FEAT feat, bool hidden, string name, string description)
Helper function to set the title and description strings for a FEAT with change_string, as well as the hidden state.
Search script examples for get_feat
tuple<bool, bool, string, string> get_feat(FEAT feat)
Check if the user has performed a feat (Real Steam achievement or a hooked one). Returns: bool unlocked, bool hidden, string name, string description
Search script examples for get_feat_hidden
bool get_feat_hidden(FEAT feat)
Get the visibility of a feat
Search script examples for set_feat_hidden
nil set_feat_hidden(FEAT feat, bool hidden)
Set the visibility of a feat
Flag functions
Search script examples for clr_flag
Flags clr_flag(Flags flags, int bit)
Clears the nth bit in a number. This doesn't actually change the variable you pass, it just returns the new value you can use.
Search script examples for clr_mask
Flags clr_mask(Flags flags, Flags mask)
Clears a bitmask in a number. This doesn't actually change the variable you pass, it just returns the new value you can use.
Search script examples for flip_flag
Flags flip_flag(Flags flags, int bit)
Flips the nth bit in a number. This doesn't actually change the variable you pass, it just returns the new value you can use.
Search script examples for flip_mask
Flags flip_mask(Flags flags, Flags mask)
Flips the nth bit in a number. This doesn't actually change the variable you pass, it just returns the new value you can use.
Search script examples for get_entity_flags
int get_entity_flags(int uid)
Get the flags
field from entity by uid
Search script examples for get_entity_flags2
int get_entity_flags2(int uid)
Get the more_flags
field from entity by uid
Search script examples for get_level_flags
int get_level_flags()
Get state.level_flags
Search script examples for set_entity_flags
nil set_entity_flags(int uid, int flags)
Set the flags
field from entity by uid
Search script examples for set_entity_flags2
nil set_entity_flags2(int uid, int flags)
Set the more_flags
field from entity by uid
Search script examples for set_flag
Flags set_flag(Flags flags, int bit)
Set the nth bit in a number. This doesn't actually change the variable you pass, it just returns the new value you can use.
Search script examples for set_level_flags
nil set_level_flags(int flags)
Set state.level_flags
Search script examples for set_mask
Flags set_mask(Flags flags, Flags mask)
Set a bitmask in a number. This doesn't actually change the variable you pass, it just returns the new value you can use.
Search script examples for test_flag
bool test_flag(Flags flags, int bit)
Returns true if the nth bit is set in the number.
Search script examples for test_mask
bool test_mask(Flags flags, Flags mask)
Returns true if a bitmask is set in the number.
Generic functions
Search script examples for activate_crush_elevator_hack
nil activate_crush_elevator_hack(bool activate)
Activate custom variables for speed and y coordinate limit for crushing elevator note: because those variables are custom and game does not initiate them, you need to do it yourself for each CrushElevator entity, recommending set_post_entity_spawn default game values are: speed = 0.0125, y_limit = 98.5
Search script examples for activate_hundun_hack
nil activate_hundun_hack(bool activate)
Activate custom variables for y coordinate limit for hundun and spawn of it's heads note: because those variables are custom and game does not initiate them, you need to do it yourself for each Hundun entity, recommending set_post_entity_spawn default game value are: y_limit = 98.5, rising_speed_x = 0, rising_speed_y = 0.0125, bird_head_spawn_y = 55, snake_head_spawn_y = 71
Search script examples for add_custom_type
ENT_TYPE add_custom_type(array<ENT_TYPE> types)
ENT_TYPE add_custom_type()
Adds new custom type (group of ENT_TYPE) that can be later used in functions like get_entities_by or set_(pre/post)_entity_spawn Use empty array or no parameter to get new unique ENT_TYPE that can be used for custom EntityDB
Search script examples for add_money
int add_money(int amount, optional display_time)
Adds money to the state.money_shop_total and displays the effect on the HUD for money change Can be negative, default display_time = 60 (about 2s). Returns the current money after the transaction
Search script examples for add_money_slot
int add_money_slot(int amount, int player_slot, optional display_time)
Adds money to the state.items.player_inventory[player_slot].money and displays the effect on the HUD for money change Can be negative, default display_time = 60 (about 2s). Returns the current money after the transaction
Search script examples for change_poison_timer
nil change_poison_timer(int frames)
Change the amount of frames after the damage from poison is applied
Search script examples for clear_cache
nil clear_cache()
Clear cache for a file path or the whole directory
Search script examples for clear_state
nil clear_state(int slot)
Clear save state from slot 1..4.
Search script examples for create_image
tuple<IMAGE, int, int> create_image(string path)
Create image from file. Returns a tuple containing id, width and height. Depending on the image size, this can take a moment, preferably don't create them dynamically, rather create all you need in global scope so it will load them as soon as the game starts
Search script examples for create_image_crop
tuple<IMAGE, int, int> create_image_crop(string path, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Create image from file, cropped to the geometry provided. Returns a tuple containing id, width and height. Depending on the image size, this can take a moment, preferably don't create them dynamically, rather create all you need in global scope so it will load them as soon as the game starts
Search script examples for create_layer
nil create_layer(int layer)
Initializes an empty layer that doesn't currently exist.
Search script examples for create_level
nil create_level()
Initializes an empty front and back layer that don't currently exist. Does nothing(?) if layers already exist.
Search script examples for destroy_grid
nil destroy_grid(int uid)
nil destroy_grid(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Destroy the grid entity (by uid or position), and its item entities, removing them from the grid without dropping particles or gold. Will also destroy monsters or items that are standing on a linked activefloor or chain, though excludes MASK.PLAYER to prevent crashes
Search script examples for destroy_layer
nil destroy_layer(int layer)
Destroys a layer and all entities in it.
Search script examples for destroy_level
nil destroy_level()
Destroys all layers and all entities in the level. Usually a bad idea, unless you also call create_level and spawn the player back in.
Search script examples for disable_floor_embeds
bool disable_floor_embeds(bool disable)
Disable all crust item spawns, returns whether they were already disabled before the call
Search script examples for force_journal
nil force_journal(int chapter, int entry)
Force the journal to open on a chapter and entry# when pressing the journal button. Only use even entry numbers. Set chapter to JOURNALUI_PAGE_SHOWN.JOURNAL
to reset. (This forces the journal toggle to always read from game_manager.save_related.journal_popup_ui.entry_to_show
Search script examples for get_adventure_seed
tuple<int, int> get_adventure_seed(optional run_start)
Get the current adventure seed pair, or optionally what it was at the start of this run, because it changes every level.
Search script examples for get_bucket
Bucket get_bucket()
Returns the Bucket of data stored in shared memory between Overlunky and Playlunky
Search script examples for get_character_heart_color
Color get_character_heart_color(ENT_TYPE type_id)
Same as Player.get_heart_color
Search script examples for get_color
uColor get_color(string color_name, optional alpha = nullopt)
Convert a string to a color, you can use the HTML color names, or even HTML color codes, just prefix them with '#' symbol You can also convert hex string into a color, prefix it with '0x', but use it only if you need to since lua allows for hex values directly too. Default alpha value will be 0xFF, unless it's specified Format: [name], #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, 0xBBGGRR, 0xAABBGGRR
Search script examples for get_current_money
int get_current_money()
Just convenient way of getting the current amount of money short for state->money_shop_total + loop[inventory.money + inventory.collected_money_total]
Search script examples for get_frame
int get_frame()
Get the current frame count since the game was started. You can use this to make some timers yourself, the engine runs at 60fps. This counter is paused if you block PRE_UPDATE from running, and also doesn't increment during some loading screens, even though state update still runs.
Search script examples for get_frametime
double get_frametime()
Get engine target frametime (1/framerate, default 1/60).
Search script examples for get_frametime_unfocused
double get_frametime_unfocused()
Get engine target frametime when game is unfocused (1/framerate, default 1/33).
Search script examples for get_global_frame
int get_global_frame()
Get the current global frame count since the game was started. You can use this to make some timers yourself, the engine runs at 60fps. This counter keeps incrementing when state is updated, even during loading screens.
Search script examples for get_hud
HudData get_hud()
Search script examples for get_id
string get_id()
Get your sanitized script id to be used in import.
Search script examples for get_level_config
int get_level_config(LEVEL_CONFIG config)
Gets the value for the specified config
Search script examples for get_liquid_layer
int get_liquid_layer()
Get the current layer that the liquid is spawn in. Related function set_liquid_layer
Search script examples for get_liquids_at
tuple<int, int> get_liquids_at(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Optimized function to check for the amount of liquids at a certain position, by accessing a 2d array of liquids by third of a tile. Try the liquids.lua
example to know better how it works.
Returns a pair of water and lava, in that order.
Water blobs increase the number by 2 on the grid, while lava blobs increase it by 3. The maximum is usually 6.
Coarse water increase the number by 3, coarse and stagnant lava by 6. Combinations of both normal and coarse can make the number higher than 6.
Search script examples for get_local_prng
PRNG get_local_prng()
Get the thread-local version of prng
Search script examples for get_local_state
StateMemory get_local_state()
Get the thread-local version of state
Search script examples for get_ms
nil get_ms()
Get the current timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
Search script examples for get_performance_counter
int get_performance_counter()
Retrieves the current value of the performance counter, which is a high resolution (<1us) time stamp that can be used for time-interval measurements.
Search script examples for get_performance_frequency
int get_performance_frequency()
Retrieves the frequency of the performance counter. The frequency of the performance counter is fixed at system boot and is consistent across all processors. Therefore, the frequency need only be queried upon application initialization, and the result can be cached.
Search script examples for get_save_state
StateMemory get_save_state(int slot)
Get StateMemory from a save_state slot.
Search script examples for get_setting
optional<int> get_setting(GAME_SETTING setting)
Gets the specified setting, values might need to be interpreted differently per setting
Search script examples for get_speedhack
float get_speedhack()
Get the current speedhack multiplier
Search script examples for get_start_level_paused
bool get_start_level_paused()
Returns true if the level pause hack is enabled
Search script examples for god
nil god(bool g)
Enable/disable godmode for players.
Search script examples for god_companions
nil god_companions(bool g)
Enable/disable godmode for companions.
Search script examples for grow_chainandblocks
bool grow_chainandblocks()
bool grow_chainandblocks(int x, int y)
and chain with blocks on it from ENT_TYPE_FLOOR_CHAINANDBLOCKS_CEILING
, it starts looking for the ceilings from the top left corner of a level.
To limit it use the parameters, so x = 10 will only grow chains from ceilings with x < 10, with y = 10 it's ceilings that have y > (level bound top - 10)
Search script examples for grow_poles
nil grow_poles(LAYER l, int max_length, AABB area, bool destroy_broken)
nil grow_poles(LAYER l, int max_length)
entities in a level, area
default is whole level, destroy_broken
default is false
Search script examples for grow_vines
nil grow_vines(LAYER l, int max_length, AABB area, bool destroy_broken)
nil grow_vines(LAYER l, int max_length)
Grow vines from GROWABLE_VINE
entities in a level, area
default is whole level, destroy_broken
default is false
Search script examples for import
table import(string id, optional version, optional optional)
Load another script by id "author/name" and import its exports
table. Returns:
if the script has exportsnil
if the script was found but has no exportsfalse
if the script was not found but optional is set to true- an error if the script was not found and the optional argument was not set
Search script examples for inputs_to_buttons
tuple<float, float, BUTTON> inputs_to_buttons(INPUTS inputs)
Converts INPUTS to (x, y, BUTTON)
Search script examples for intersection
Vec2 intersection(Vec2 A, Vec2 B, Vec2 C, Vec2 D)
Find intersection point of two lines [A, B] and [C, D], returns INFINITY if the lines don't intersect each other [parallel]
Search script examples for is_character_female
bool is_character_female(ENT_TYPE type_id)
Same as Player.is_female
Search script examples for list_char_mods
nil list_char_mods()
List all char_*.png files recursively from Mods/Packs. Returns table of file paths.
Search script examples for list_data_dir
nil list_data_dir(optional dir)
List files in directory relative to the mods data directory (Mods/Data/...). Returns table of file/directory names or nil if not found.
Search script examples for list_dir
nil list_dir(optional dir)
List files in directory relative to the script root. Returns table of file/directory names or nil if not found.
Search script examples for load_death_screen
nil load_death_screen()
Immediately ends the run with the death screen, also calls the save_progress
Search script examples for load_screen
nil load_screen()
Immediately load a screen based on state.screen_next and stuff
Search script examples for load_state
nil load_state(int slot)
Load level state from slot 1..4, if a save_state was made in this level.
Search script examples for lowbias32
int lowbias32(int x)
Some random hash function
Search script examples for lowbias32_r
int lowbias32_r(int x)
Reverse of some random hash function
Search script examples for pause
nil pause()
Access the PauseAPI, or directly call pause(true)
to enable current pause.pause_type
Search script examples for play_adventure
nil play_adventure()
Initializes some adventure run related values and loads the character select screen, as if starting a new adventure run from the Play menu. Character select can be skipped by changing state.screen_next
right after calling this function, maybe with warp()
. If player isn't already selected, make sure to set state.items.player_select
and state.items.player_count
appropriately too.
Search script examples for play_seeded
nil play_seeded(optional seed)
Initializes some seeded run related values and loads the character select screen, as if starting a new seeded run after entering the seed.
Search script examples for register_console_command
nil register_console_command(string name, function cmd)
Adds a command that can be used in the console.
Search script examples for rgba
uColor rgba(int r, int g, int b, int a)
Converts a color to int to be used in drawing functions. Use values from 0..255
Search script examples for save_progress
bool save_progress()
Saves the game to savegame.sav, unless game saves are blocked in the settings. Also runs the ON.SAVE callback. Fails and returns false, if you're trying to save too often (2s).
Search script examples for save_script
bool save_script()
Runs the ON.SAVE callback. Fails and returns false, if you're trying to save too often (2s).
Search script examples for save_state
nil save_state(int slot)
Save current level state to slot 1..4. These save states are invalid and cleared after you exit the current level, but can be used to rollback to an earlier state in the same level. You probably definitely shouldn't use save state functions during an update, and sync them to the same event outside an update (i.e. GUIFRAME, POST_UPDATE). These slots are already allocated by the game, actually used for online rollback, and use no additional memory. Also see SaveState if you need more.
Search script examples for script_enabled
bool script_enabled(string id, string version = "")
Check if another script is enabled by id "author/name". You should probably check this after all the other scripts have had a chance to load.
Search script examples for seed_prng
nil seed_prng(int seed)
Seed the game prng.
Search script examples for set_adventure_seed
nil set_adventure_seed(int first, int second)
Set the current adventure seed pair. Use just before resetting a run to recreate an adventure run.
g_current_timer = nil
-- default load_time 36
function change_layer(layer_to, load_time)
if state.camera_layer == layer_to then
if g_current_timer ~= nil then
g_current_timer = nil
-- if we don't want the load time, we can just change the actual layer
if load_time == nil or load_time == 0 then
state.camera_layer = layer_to
state.layer_transition_timer = load_time
state.transition_to_layer = layer_to
state.camera_layer = layer_to
Search script examples for set_camera_layer_control_enabled
nil set_camera_layer_control_enabled(bool enable)
This disables the state.camera_layer
to be forced to the (leader player).layer
and setting of the state.layer_transition_timer
& state.transition_to_layer
when player enters layer door.
Letting you control those manually.
Look at the example on how to mimic game layer switching behavior
Search script examples for set_character_heart_color
nil set_character_heart_color(ENT_TYPE type_id, Color color)
Same as Player.set_heart_color
-- change character unlocked by endings to pilot
-- change texture of the actual savior in endings to pilot
if state.screen == SCREEN.WIN then
end, ON.WIN)
Search script examples for set_ending_unlock
nil set_ending_unlock(ENT_TYPE type)
Force the character unlocked in either ending to ENT_TYPE. Set to 0 to reset to the default guys. Does not affect the texture of the actual savior. (See example)
Search script examples for set_frametime
nil set_frametime(optional frametime)
Set engine target frametime (1/framerate, default 1/60). Always capped by your GPU max FPS / VSync. To run the engine faster than rendered FPS, try update_state. Set to 0 to go as fast as possible. Call without arguments to reset. Also see set_speedhack
Search script examples for set_frametime_unfocused
nil set_frametime_unfocused(optional frametime)
Set engine target frametime when game is unfocused (1/framerate, default 1/33). Always capped by the engine frametime. Set to 0 to go as fast as possible. Call without arguments to reset.
Search script examples for set_hotkey
CallbackId set_hotkey(function cb, KEY key, HOTKEY_TYPE flags = HOTKEY_TYPE.NORMAL)
Returns unique id >= 0 for the callback to be used in clear_callback or -1 if the key could not be registered.
Add callback function to be called on a hotkey, using Windows hotkey api. These hotkeys will override all game and UI input and can work even when the game is unfocused. They are by design very intrusive and won't let anything else use the same key combo. Can't detect if input is active in another instance, use ImGuiIO if you need Playlunky hotkeys to react to Overlunky input state. Key is a KEY combo (e.g. KEY.OL_MOD_CTRL | KEY.X
), possibly returned by GuiDrawContext:key_picker. Doesn't work with mouse buttons.
The callback signature is nil on_hotkey(KEY key)
Search script examples for set_infinite_loop_detection_enabled
nil set_infinite_loop_detection_enabled(bool enable)
Disable the Infinite Loop Detection of 420 million instructions per frame, if you know what you're doing and need to perform some serious calculations that hang the game updates for several seconds.
Search script examples for set_journal_enabled
nil set_journal_enabled(bool b)
Enables or disables the journal
Search script examples for set_level_config
nil set_level_config(LEVEL_CONFIG config, int value)
Set the value for the specified config
Search script examples for set_level_logic_enabled
nil set_level_logic_enabled(bool enable)
Setting to false disables all player logic in SCREEN.LEVEL, mainly the death screen from popping up if all players are dead or missing, but also shop camera zoom and some other small things.
Search script examples for set_liquid_layer
nil set_liquid_layer(LAYER l)
Change layer at which the liquid spawns in, THIS FUNCTION NEEDS TO BE CALLED BEFORE THE LEVEL IS BUILD, otherwise collisions and other stuff will be wrong for the newly spawned liquid This sadly also makes lavamanders extinct, since the logic for their spawn is hardcoded to front layer with bunch of other unrelated stuff (you can still spawn them with script or place them directly in level files) Everything should be working more or less correctly (report on community discord if you find something unusual)
Search script examples for set_seed
nil set_seed(int seed)
Set seed and reset run.
-- set some visual settings needed by your mod
-- doing this here will reapply these after visiting the options, which would reset them to real values
if state.screen_next == SCREEN.LEVEL then
-- use the secret tiny hud size
set_setting(GAME_SETTING.HUD_SIZE, 3)
-- force opaque textboxes
Search script examples for set_setting
bool set_setting(GAME_SETTING setting, int value)
Sets the specified setting temporarily. These values are not saved and might reset to the users real settings if they visit the options menu. (Check example.) All settings are available in unsafe mode and only a smaller subset SAFE_SETTING by default for Hud and other visuals. Returns false, if setting failed.
Search script examples for set_speedhack
nil set_speedhack(optional multiplier)
Set multiplier (default 1.0) for a QueryPerformanceCounter hook based speedhack, similar to the one in Cheat Engine. Call without arguments to reset. Also see set_frametime
Search script examples for set_start_level_paused
nil set_start_level_paused(bool enable)
Setting to true will stop the state update from unpausing after a screen load, leaving you with state.pause == PAUSE.FADE on the first frame to do what you want.
-- Sets the right layer when using the vanilla tile code if waddler is still happy,
-- otherwise spawns the floor to the left of this tile.
-- Manually spawning FLOOR_STORAGE pre-tilecode doesn't seem to work as expected,
-- so we destroy it post-tilecode.
set_post_tile_code_callback(function(x, y, layer)
if not test_flag(state.quest_flags, 10) then
-- Just set the layer and let the vanilla tilecode handle the floor
local floor = get_entity(get_grid_entity_at(x, y, layer))
if floor then
if get_grid_entity_at(x - 1, y, layer) ~= -1 then
local left = get_entity(get_grid_entity_at(x - 1, y, layer))
spawn_grid_entity(left.type.id, x, y, layer)
end, "storage_floor")
-- This fixes a bug in the game that breaks storage on transition.
-- The old storage_uid is not cleared after every level for some reason.
state.storage_uid = -1
-- Having a waddler is completely optional for storage,
-- but this makes a nice waddler room if he still likes you.
set_pre_tile_code_callback(function(x, y, layer)
if not test_flag(state.quest_flags, 10) then
local uid = spawn_roomowner(ENT_TYPE.MONS_STORAGEGUY, x + 0.5, y, layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE.WADDLER)
set_on_kill(uid, function()
-- Disable current level storage if you kill waddler
state.storage_uid = -1
return true
end, "waddler")
Search script examples for set_storage_layer
nil set_storage_layer(LAYER layer)
Set layer to search for storage items on
Search script examples for set_tiamat_cutscene_enabled
nil set_tiamat_cutscene_enabled(bool enable)
Tiamat cutscene is also responsible for locking the exit door, so you may need to close it yourself if you still want Tiamat kill to be required
Search script examples for show_journal
nil show_journal(JOURNALUI_PAGE_SHOWN chapter, int page)
Open the journal on a chapter and page. The main Journal spread is pages 0..1, so most chapters start at 2. Use even page numbers only.
Search script examples for toggle_journal
nil toggle_journal()
Open or close the journal as if pressing the journal button. Will respect visible journal popups and force_journal.
Search script examples for two_lines_angle
float two_lines_angle(Vec2 A, Vec2 common, Vec2 B)
Measures angle between two lines with one common point
float two_lines_angle(Vec2 line1_A, Vec2 line1_B, Vec2 line2_A, Vec2 line2_B)
Gets line1_A, intersection point and line2_B and calls the 3 parameter version of this function
Search script examples for update_liquid_collision_at
nil update_liquid_collision_at(float x, float y, bool add, optional<LAYER> layer = nullopt)
Updates the floor collisions used by the liquids, set add to false to remove tile of collision, set to true to add one
optional layer
parameter to be used when liquid was moved to back layer using set_liquid_layer
Search script examples for update_state
nil update_state()
Run state update manually, i.e. simulate one logic frame. Use in e.g. POST_UPDATE, but be mindful of infinite loops, this will cause another POST_UPDATE. Can even be called thousands of times to simulate minutes of gameplay in a few seconds.
Search script examples for warp
nil warp(int w, int l, int t)
Warp to a level immediately.
Input functions
Search script examples for buttons_to_inputs
INPUTS buttons_to_inputs(float x, float y, BUTTON buttons)
Converts (x, y, BUTTON) to INPUTS
Search script examples for get_io
ImGuiIO get_io()
Returns: ImGuiIO for raw keyboard, mouse and xinput gamepad stuff.
Search script examples for get_raw_input
RawInput get_raw_input()
Returns RawInput, a game structure for raw keyboard and controller state
Search script examples for mouse_position
tuple<float, float> mouse_position()
Current mouse cursor position in screen coordinates.
Lighting functions
Search script examples for create_illumination
Illumination create_illumination(Vec2 pos, Color color, LIGHT_TYPE type, float size, int flags, int uid, LAYER layer)
Illumination create_illumination(Color color, float size, float x, float y)
Illumination create_illumination(Color color, float size, int uid)
Creates a new Illumination. Don't forget to continuously call refresh_illumination, otherwise your light emitter fades out! Check out the illumination.lua script for an example. Warning: this is only valid for current level!
Search script examples for refresh_illumination
nil refresh_illumination(Illumination illumination)
Refreshes an Illumination, keeps it from fading out (updates the timer, keeping it in sync with the game render)
Message functions
Search script examples for cancel_speechbubble
nil cancel_speechbubble()
Search script examples for cancel_toast
nil cancel_toast()
Search script examples for console_prinspect
nil console_prinspect(variadic_args objects)
Prinspect to in-game console.
Search script examples for console_print
nil console_print(string message)
Print a log message to in-game console with a comment identifying the script that sent it.
Search script examples for log_print
nil log_print(string message)
Log to spelunky.log
Search script examples for lua_print
nil lua_print()
Standard lua print function, prints directly to the terminal but not to the game
Search script examples for message
nil message(string message)
Same as print
Search script examples for messpect
nil messpect(variadic_args objects)
Same as prinspect
prinspect(state.level, state.level_next)
local some_stuff_in_a_table = {
some = state.time_total,
stuff = state.world
Search script examples for prinspect
nil prinspect(variadic_args objects)
Prints any type of object by first funneling it through inspect
, no need for a manual tostring
or inspect
Search script examples for print
nil print(string message)
Print a log message on screen.
Search script examples for printf
nil printf()
Short for print(string.format(...))
Search script examples for say
nil say(int entity_uid, string message, int sound_type, bool top)
Show a message coming from an entity
Search script examples for speechbubble_visible
bool speechbubble_visible()
Search script examples for toast
nil toast(string message)
Show a message that looks like a level feeling.
Search script examples for toast_visible
bool toast_visible()
Movable Behavior functions
Search script examples for make_custom_behavior
CustomMovableBehavior make_custom_behavior(string behavior_name, int state_id, VanillaMovableBehavior base_behavior)
Make a CustomMovableBehavior
, if base_behavior
is nil
you will have to set all of the
behavior functions. If a behavior with behavior_name
already exists for your script it will
be returned instead.
Network functions
Search script examples for http_get
optional<string> http_get(string url)
Send a synchronous HTTP GET request and return response as a string or nil on an error
Search script examples for http_get_async
nil http_get_async(string url, function on_data)
Send an asynchronous HTTP GET request and run the callback when done. If there is an error, response will be nil and vice versa. The callback signature is nil on_data(string response, string error)
Search script examples for udp_listen
UdpServer udp_listen(string host, int port, function cb)
Start an UDP server on specified address and run callback when data arrives. Return a string from the callback to reply. Requires unsafe mode. The server will be closed once the handle is released.
Search script examples for udp_send
nil udp_send(string host, int port, string msg)
Send data to specified UDP address. Requires unsafe mode.
Option functions
register_option_bool("bomb_bag", "BombBag", "Spawn bomb bag at the start of every level", false)
if options.bomb_bag then
-- Spawn the bomb bag at player location thanks to the LAYER.PLAYER1
spawn_entity_snapped_to_floor(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_PICKUP_BOMBBAG, 0, 0, LAYER.PLAYER1)
end, ON.LEVEL)
Search script examples for register_option_bool
nil register_option_bool(string name, string desc, string long_desc, bool value)
Add a boolean option that the user can change in the UI. Read with options.name
, value
is the default.
Search script examples for register_option_button
nil register_option_button(string name, string desc, string long_desc, function on_click)
Add a button that the user can click in the UI. Sets the timestamp of last click on value and runs the callback function.
Search script examples for register_option_callback
nil register_option_callback(string name, any value, function on_render)
Add custom options using the window drawing functions. Everything drawn in the callback will be rendered in the options window and the return value saved to options[name]
or overwriting the whole options
table if using and empty name.
is the default value, and pretty important because anything defined in the callback function will only be defined after the options are rendered. See the example for details.
The callback signature is optional
Search script examples for register_option_combo
nil register_option_combo(string name, string desc, string long_desc, string opts, int value)
Add a combobox option that the user can change in the UI. Read the int index of the selection with options.name
. Separate opts
with \0
with a double \0\0
at the end. value
is the default index 1..n.
Search script examples for register_option_float
nil register_option_float(string name, string desc, string long_desc, float value, float min, float max)
Add a float option that the user can change in the UI. Read with options.name
, value
is the default. Keep in mind these are just soft
limits, you can override them in the UI with double click.
Search script examples for register_option_int
nil register_option_int(string name, string desc, string long_desc, int value, int min, int max)
Add an integer option that the user can change in the UI. Read with options.name
, value
is the default. Keep in mind these are just soft
limits, you can override them in the UI with double click.
Search script examples for register_option_string
nil register_option_string(string name, string desc, string long_desc, string value)
Add a string option that the user can change in the UI. Read with options.name
, value
is the default.
Search script examples for unregister_option
nil unregister_option(string name)
Removes an option by name. To make complicated conditionally visible options you should probably just use register_option_callback though.
Particle functions
Search script examples for advance_screen_particles
nil advance_screen_particles(ParticleEmitterInfo particle_emitter)
Advances the state of the screen particle emitter (simulates the next positions, ... of all the particles in the emitter). Only used with screen particle emitters. See the particles.lua
example script for more details.
Search script examples for extinguish_particles
nil extinguish_particles(ParticleEmitterInfo particle_emitter)
Extinguish a particle emitter (use the return value of generate_world_particles
or generate_screen_particles
as the parameter in this function)
Search script examples for generate_screen_particles
ParticleEmitterInfo generate_screen_particles(PARTICLEEMITTER particle_emitter_id, float x, float y)
Generate particles of the specified type at a certain screen coordinate (use e.g. local emitter = generate_screen_particles(PARTICLEEMITTER.CHARSELECTOR_TORCHFLAME_FLAMES, 0.0, 0.0)
). See the particles.lua
example script for more details.
Search script examples for generate_world_particles
ParticleEmitterInfo generate_world_particles(PARTICLEEMITTER particle_emitter_id, int uid)
Generate particles of the specified type around the specified entity uid (use e.g. local emitter = generate_world_particles(PARTICLEEMITTER.PETTING_PET, players[1].uid)
). You can then decouple the emitter from the entity with emitter.entity_uid = -1
and freely move it around. See the particles.lua
example script for more details.
Search script examples for get_particle_type
ParticleDB get_particle_type(PARTICLEEMITTER id)
Get the ParticleDB details of the specified ID
Search script examples for render_screen_particles
nil render_screen_particles(ParticleEmitterInfo particle_emitter)
Renders the particles to the screen. Only used with screen particle emitters. See the particles.lua
example script for more details.
Position functions
-- make them same as in the game, but relative to the tiamat entity
ent.attack_x = ent.x - 1
ent.attack_y = ent.y + 2
Search script examples for activate_tiamat_position_hack
nil activate_tiamat_position_hack(bool activate)
Activate custom variables for position used for detecting the player (normally hardcoded) note: because those variables are custom and game does not initiate them, you need to do it yourself for each Tiamat entity, recommending set_post_entity_spawn default game values are: attack_x = 17.5 attack_y = 62.5
Search script examples for distance
float distance(int uid_a, int uid_b)
Calculate the tile distance of two entities by uid
-- draw text
-- get a random color
local color = math.random(0, 0xffffffff)
-- zoom the font size based on frame
local size = (get_frame() % 199)+1
local text = 'Awesome!'
-- calculate size of text
local w, h = draw_text_size(size, text)
-- draw to the center of screen
draw_ctx:draw_text(0-w/2, 0-h/2, size, text, color)
Search script examples for draw_text_size
tuple<float, float> draw_text_size(float size, string text)
Calculate the bounding box of text, so you can center it etc. Returns width
, height
in screen distance.
-- call this in ON.FRAME if needed in your custom level
set_callback(fix_liquid_out_of_bounds, ON.FRAME)
Search script examples for fix_liquid_out_of_bounds
nil fix_liquid_out_of_bounds()
Removes all liquid that is about to go out of bounds, this would normally crash the game, but playlunky/overlunky patch this bug. The patch however does not destroy the liquids that fall pass the level bounds, so you may still want to use this function if you spawn a lot of liquid that may fall out of the level
Search script examples for game_position
tuple<float, float> game_position(float x, float y)
Get the game coordinates at the screen position (x
, y
Search script examples for get_aabb_bounds
AABB get_aabb_bounds()
Same as get_bounds but returns AABB struct instead of loose floats
-- Draw the level boundaries
local xmin, ymax, xmax, ymin = get_bounds()
local sx, sy = screen_position(xmin, ymax) -- top left
local sx2, sy2 = screen_position(xmax, ymin) -- bottom right
draw_ctx:draw_rect(sx, sy, sx2, sy2, 4, 0, rgba(255, 255, 255, 255))
Search script examples for get_bounds
tuple<float, float, float, float> get_bounds()
Basically gets the absolute coordinates of the area inside the unbreakable bedrock walls, from wall to wall. Every solid entity should be inside these boundaries. The order is: left x, top y, right x, bottom y
Search script examples for get_camera_position
tuple<float, float> get_camera_position()
Gets the current camera position in the level
Search script examples for get_hitbox
AABB get_hitbox(int uid, optional extrude, optional offsetx, optional offsety)
Gets the hitbox of an entity, use extrude
to make the hitbox bigger/smaller in all directions and offset
to offset the hitbox in a given direction
Search script examples for get_hud_position
AABB get_hud_position(int index)
Approximate bounding box of the player hud element for player index 1..4 based on user settings and player count
Search script examples for get_image_size
tuple<int, int> get_image_size(string path)
Get image size from file. Returns a tuple containing width and height.
Search script examples for get_position
tuple<float, float, int> get_position(int uid)
Get position x, y, layer
of entity by uid. Use this, don't use Entity.x/y
because those are sometimes just the offset to the entity
you're standing on, not real level coordinates.
Search script examples for get_render_hitbox
AABB get_render_hitbox(int uid, optional extrude, optional offsetx, optional offsety)
Same as get_hitbox
but based on get_render_position
Search script examples for get_render_position
tuple<float, float, int> get_render_position(int uid)
Get interpolated render position x, y, layer
of entity by uid. This gives smooth hitboxes for 144Hz master race etc...
Search script examples for get_velocity
tuple<float, float> get_velocity(int uid)
Get velocity vx, vy
of an entity by uid. Use this to get velocity relative to the game world, (the Entity.velocityx/velocityy
are relative to Entity.overlay
). Only works for movable or liquid entities
Search script examples for get_window_size
tuple<int, int> get_window_size()
Gets the resolution (width and height) of the screen
Search script examples for get_zoom_level
float get_zoom_level()
Get the current set zoom level
Search script examples for position_is_valid
bool position_is_valid(float x, float y, LAYER layer, POS_TYPE flags)
Check if position satisfies the given POS_TYPE flags, to be used in a custom is_valid function procedural for spawns.
Search script examples for screen_aabb
AABB screen_aabb(AABB box)
Convert an AABB
to a screen AABB
that can be directly passed to draw functions
Search script examples for screen_distance
float screen_distance(float x)
Translate a distance of x
tiles to screen distance to be be used in drawing functions
Search script examples for screen_position
tuple<float, float> screen_position(float x, float y)
Translate an entity position to screen position to be used in drawing functions
Search script examples for set_camera_position
nil set_camera_position(float cx, float cy)
Sets the absolute current camera position without rubberbanding animation. Ignores camera bounds or currently focused uid, but doesn't clear them. Best used in ON.RENDER_PRE_GAME or similar. See Camera for proper camera handling with bounds and rubberbanding.
Search script examples for set_camp_camera_bounds_enabled
nil set_camp_camera_bounds_enabled(bool b)
Enables or disables the default position based camp camera bounds, to set them manually yourself
Search script examples for update_camera_position
nil update_camera_position()
Updates the camera focus according to the params set in Camera, i.e. to apply normal camera movement when paused etc.
Search script examples for zoom
nil zoom(float level)
Set the zoom level used in levels and shops. 13.5 is the default, or 12.5 for shops. See zoom_reset.
Search script examples for zoom_reset
nil zoom_reset()
Reset the default zoom levels for all areas and sets current zoom level to 13.5.
Room functions
Search script examples for define_room_template
int define_room_template(string room_template, ROOM_TEMPLATE_TYPE type)
Define a new room template to use with set_room_template
Search script examples for get_room_index
tuple<int, int> get_room_index(float x, float y)
Transform a position to a room index to be used in get_room_template
and PostRoomGenerationContext.set_room_template
Search script examples for get_room_pos
tuple<float, float> get_room_pos(int x, int y)
Transform a room index into the top left corner position in the room
Search script examples for get_room_template
optional<int> get_room_template(int x, int y, LAYER layer)
Get the room template given a certain index, returns nil
if coordinates are out of bounds
Search script examples for get_room_template_name
string get_room_template_name(int room_template)
For debugging only, get the name of a room template, returns 'invalid'
if room template is not defined
Search script examples for is_machine_room_origin
bool is_machine_room_origin(int x, int y)
Get whether a room is the origin of a machine room
Search script examples for is_room_flipped
bool is_room_flipped(int x, int y)
Get whether a room is flipped at the given index, returns false
if coordinates are out of bounds
Search script examples for set_room_template_size
bool set_room_template_size(int room_template, int width, int height)
Set the size of room template in tiles, the template must be of type ROOM_TEMPLATE_TYPE.MACHINE_ROOM
-- spawns waddler selling pets
-- all the aggro etc mechanics from a normal shop still apply
local x, y, l = get_position(get_player(1).uid)
local owner = spawn_roomowner(ENT_TYPE.MONS_STORAGEGUY, x+1, y, l, ROOM_TEMPLATE.SHOP)
add_item_to_shop(spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.MONS_PET_DOG, x-1, y, l), owner)
add_item_to_shop(spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.MONS_PET_CAT, x-2, y, l), owner)
add_item_to_shop(spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.MONS_PET_HAMSTER, x-3, y, l), owner)
-- use in a tile code to add shops to custom levels
-- this may spawn some shop related decorations too
set_pre_tile_code_callback(function(x, y, layer)
local owner = spawn_roomowner(ENT_TYPE.MONS_YANG, x, y, layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE.SHOP)
-- another dude for the meme, this has nothing to do with the shop
spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.MONS_BODYGUARD, x+1, y, layer)
add_item_to_shop(spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.MONS_PET_HAMSTER, x+2, y, layer), owner)
return true
end, "pet_shop_boys")
Search script examples for spawn_roomowner
int spawn_roomowner(ENT_TYPE owner_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template = -1)
Spawn a RoomOwner (or a few other like CavemanShopkeeper) in the coordinates and make them own the room, optionally changing the room template. Returns the RoomOwner uid.
Shop functions
Search script examples for add_item_to_shop
nil add_item_to_shop(int item_uid, int shop_owner_uid)
Adds entity as shop item, has to be of Purchasable type, check the entity hierarchy list to find all the Purchasable entity types. Adding other entities will result in not obtainable items or game crash
Search script examples for change_diceshop_prizes
nil change_diceshop_prizes(array<ENT_TYPE> ent_types)
Change ENT_TYPE's spawned in dice shops (Madame Tusk as well), by default there are 25:
Min 6, Max 255, if you want less then 6 you need to write some of them more then once (they will have higher "spawn chance").
If you use this function in the level with dice shop in it, you have to update item_ids
Use empty table as argument to reset to the game default
Search script examples for is_inside_active_shop_room
bool is_inside_active_shop_room(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Checks whether a coordinate is inside a room containing an active shop. This function checks whether the shopkeeper is still alive.
Search script examples for is_inside_shop_zone
bool is_inside_shop_zone(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Checks whether a coordinate is inside a shop zone, the rectangle where the camera zooms in a bit. Does not check if the shop is still active!
-- spawns a shopkeeper selling a shotgun next to you
-- converts the current room to a ROOM_TEMPLATE.SHOP with shop music and zoom effect
local x, y, l = get_position(get_player(1).uid)
local owner = spawn_shopkeeper(x+1, y, l)
add_item_to_shop(spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_SHOTGUN, x-1, y, l), owner)
-- spawns a shopkeeper selling a puppy next to you
-- also converts the room to a shop, but after the shopkeeper is spawned
-- this enables the safe zone for moving items, but disables shop music and zoom for whatever reason
local x, y, l = get_position(get_player(1).uid)
local owner = spawn_shopkeeper(x+1, y, l, ROOM_TEMPLATE.SIDE)
add_item_to_shop(spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE.MONS_PET_DOG, x-1, y, l), owner)
local ctx = PostRoomGenerationContext:new()
local rx, ry = get_room_index(x, y)
ctx:set_room_template(rx, ry, l, ROOM_TEMPLATE.SHOP)
Search script examples for spawn_shopkeeper
int spawn_shopkeeper(float x, float y, LAYER layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template = ROOM_TEMPLATE.SHOP)
Spawn a Shopkeeper in the coordinates and make the room their shop. Returns the Shopkeeper uid. Also see spawn_roomowner.
Sound functions
Search script examples for convert_sound_id
VANILLA_SOUND convert_sound_id(SOUNDID id)
SOUNDID convert_sound_id(VANILLA_SOUND sound)
Convert SOUNDID to VANILLA_SOUND and vice versa
Search script examples for create_sound
optional<CustomSound> create_sound(string path)
Loads a sound from disk relative to this script, ownership might be shared with other code that loads the same file. Returns nil if file can't be found
Search script examples for get_sound
optional<CustomSound> get_sound(string path_or_vanilla_sound)
Gets an existing sound, either if a file at the same path was already loaded or if it is already loaded by the game
Search script examples for play_sound
SoundMeta play_sound(VANILLA_SOUND sound, int source_uid)
SoundMeta play_sound(SOUNDID sound_id, int source_uid)
Use source_uid to make the sound be played at the location of that entity, set it -1 to just play it "everywhere"
Returns SoundMeta, beware that the sound can't be stopped (start_over
and playing
are unavailable). Should only be used for sfx.
Spawn functions
Search script examples for change_altar_damage_spawns
nil change_altar_damage_spawns(array<ENT_TYPE> ent_types)
Change ENT_TYPE's spawned when you damage the altar, by default there are 6:
Max 255 types.
Use empty table as argument to reset to the game default
Search script examples for change_sunchallenge_spawns
nil change_sunchallenge_spawns(array<ENT_TYPE> ent_types)
, by default there are 4:
Use empty table as argument to reset to the game default
Search script examples for default_spawn_is_valid
bool default_spawn_is_valid(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Default function in spawn definitions to check whether a spawn is valid or not
Search script examples for define_extra_spawn
int define_extra_spawn(function do_spawn, function is_valid, int num_spawns_frontlayer, int num_spawns_backlayer)
Define a new extra spawn, these are semi-guaranteed level gen spawns with a fixed upper bound.
The function nil do_spawn(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
contains your code to spawn the thing, whatever it is.
The function bool is_valid(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
determines whether the spawn is legal in the given position and layer.
Use for example when you can spawn only on the ceiling, under water or inside a shop.
Set is_valid
to nil
in order to use the default rule (aka. on top of floor and not obstructed).
To change the number of spawns use PostRoomGenerationContext:set_num_extra_spawns
No name is attached to the extra spawn since it is not modified from level files, instead every call to this function will return a new unique id.
Search script examples for define_procedural_spawn
PROCEDURAL_CHANCE define_procedural_spawn(string procedural_spawn, function do_spawn, function is_valid)
Define a new procedural spawn, the function nil do_spawn(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
contains your code to spawn the thing, whatever it is.
The function bool is_valid(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
determines whether the spawn is legal in the given position and layer.
Use for example when you can spawn only on the ceiling, under water or inside a shop.
Set is_valid
to nil
in order to use the default rule (aka. on top of floor and not obstructed).
If a user disables your script but still uses your level mod nothing will be spawned in place of your procedural spawn.
Search script examples for door
int door(float x, float y, LAYER layer, int w, int l, int t)
Short for spawn_door.
Search script examples for get_missing_extra_spawns
tuple<int, int> get_missing_extra_spawns(int extra_spawn_chance_id)
Use to query whether any of the requested spawns could not be made, usually because there were not enough valid spaces in the level.
Returns missing spawns in the front layer and missing spawns in the back layer in that order.
The value only makes sense after level generation is complete, aka after ON.POST_LEVEL_GENERATION
has run.
Search script examples for get_procedural_spawn_chance
int get_procedural_spawn_chance(PROCEDURAL_CHANCE chance_id)
Get the inverse chance of a procedural spawn for the current level. A return value of 0 does not mean the chance is infinite, it means the chance is zero.
Search script examples for layer_door
nil layer_door(float x, float y)
Short for spawn_layer_door.
Search script examples for set_ghost_spawn_times
nil set_ghost_spawn_times(int normal = 10800, int cursed = 9000)
Determines when the ghost appears, either when the player is cursed or not
-- spawn a jetpack next to the player
Search script examples for spawn
int spawn(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer, float vx, float vy)
Short for spawn_entity.
Search script examples for spawn_apep
int spawn_apep(float x, float y, LAYER layer, bool right)
Spawns apep with the choice if it going left or right, if you want the game to choose use regular spawn functions with ENT_TYPE.MONS_APEP_HEAD
Search script examples for spawn_companion
int spawn_companion(ENT_TYPE companion_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Spawn a companion (hired hand, player character, eggplant child)
Search script examples for spawn_critical
int spawn_critical(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer, float vx, float vy)
Short for spawn_entity_nonreplaceable.
Search script examples for spawn_door
int spawn_door(float x, float y, LAYER layer, int w, int l, int t)
Spawn a door to another world, level and theme and return the uid of spawned entity. Uses level coordinates with LAYER.FRONT and LAYER.BACK, but player-relative coordinates with LAYER.PLAYERn
-- spawn megajelly on top of player using absolute coordinates on level start
local x, y, layer = get_position(players[1].uid)
spawn_entity(ENT_TYPE.MONS_MEGAJELLYFISH, x, y+3, layer, 0, 0)
end, ON.LEVEL)
-- spawn clover next to player using player-relative coordinates
end, ON.LEVEL)
Search script examples for spawn_entity
int spawn_entity(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer, float vx, float vy)
Spawn an entity in position with some velocity and return the uid of spawned entity. Uses level coordinates with LAYER.FRONT and LAYER.BACK, but player-relative coordinates with LAYER.PLAYER(n), where (n) is a player number (1-4).
Search script examples for spawn_entity_nonreplaceable
int spawn_entity_nonreplaceable(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer, float vx, float vy)
Same as spawn_entity
but does not trigger any pre-entity-spawn callbacks, so it will not be replaced by another script
Search script examples for spawn_entity_over
int spawn_entity_over(ENT_TYPE entity_type, int over_uid, float x, float y)
Spawn an entity of entity_type
attached to some other entity over_uid
, in offset x
, y
Search script examples for spawn_entity_snapped_to_floor
int spawn_entity_snapped_to_floor(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Spawns an entity directly on the floor below the tile at the given position. Use this to avoid the little fall that some entities do when spawned during level gen callbacks.
Search script examples for spawn_grid_entity
int spawn_grid_entity(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Spawn a grid entity, such as floor or traps, that snaps to the grid.
Search script examples for spawn_layer_door
nil spawn_layer_door(float x, float y)
Spawn a door to backlayer.
Search script examples for spawn_liquid
nil spawn_liquid(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y)
nil spawn_liquid(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, float velocityx, float velocityy, int liquid_flags, int amount, float blobs_separation)
Spawn liquids, always spawns in the front layer, will have fun effects if entity_type
is not a liquid (only the short version, without velocity etc.).
Don't overuse this, you are still restricted by the liquid pool sizes and thus might crash the game.
- not much known about, 2 - will probably crash the game, 3 - pause_physics, 6-12 is probably agitation, surface_tension etc. set to 0 to ignore
- it will spawn amount x amount (so 1 = 1, 2 = 4, 3 = 6 etc.), blobs_separation
is optional
Search script examples for spawn_mushroom
int spawn_mushroom(float x, float y, LAYER l, int height)
int spawn_mushroom(float x, float y, LAYER l)
Spawns and grows mushroom, height relates to the trunk, without it, it will roll the game default 3-5 height Regardless, if there is not enough space, it will spawn shorter one or if there is no space even for the smallest one, it will just not spawn at all Returns uid of the base or -1 if it wasn't able to spawn
Search script examples for spawn_on_floor
int spawn_on_floor(ENT_TYPE entity_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Short for spawn_entity_snapped_to_floor.
Search script examples for spawn_over
int spawn_over(ENT_TYPE entity_type, int over_uid, float x, float y)
Short for spawn_entity_over
Search script examples for spawn_player
int spawn_player(int player_slot, optional x, optional y, optional<LAYER> layer)
Spawn a player in given location, if player of that slot already exist it will spawn clone, the game may crash as this is very unexpected situation
If you want to respawn a player that is a ghost, set in his Inventory health
to above 0, and time_of_death
to 0 and call this function, the ghost entity will be removed automatically
Search script examples for spawn_playerghost
int spawn_playerghost(ENT_TYPE char_type, float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Spawn the PlayerGhost entity, it will not move and not be connected to any player, you can then use steal_input and send_input to control it
or change it's player_inputs
to the input
of real player so he can control it directly
Search script examples for spawn_tree
int spawn_tree(float x, float y, LAYER layer, int height)
int spawn_tree(float x, float y, LAYER layer)
Spawns and grows a tree
Search script examples for spawn_unrolled_player_rope
int spawn_unrolled_player_rope(float x, float y, LAYER layer, TEXTURE texture)
int spawn_unrolled_player_rope(float x, float y, LAYER layer, TEXTURE texture, int max_length)
Spawns an already unrolled rope as if created by player
String functions
Search script examples for add_custom_name
nil add_custom_name(int uid, string name)
Adds custom name to the item by uid used in the shops
This is better alternative to add_string
but instead of changing the name for entity type, it changes it for this particular entity
Search script examples for add_string
STRINGID add_string(string str)
Add custom string, currently can only be used for names of shop items (EntityDB->description) Returns STRINGID of the new string
Search script examples for change_string
nil change_string(STRINGID id, string str)
Change string at the given id (don't use stringid directly for vanilla string, use hash_to_stringid first) This edits custom string and in game strings but changing the language in settings will reset game strings
Search script examples for clear_custom_name
nil clear_custom_name(int uid)
Clears the name set with add_custom_name
Search script examples for enum_get_mask_names
table<string> enum_get_mask_names(table enum, int value)
Return the matching names for a bitmask in an enum table of masks
Search script examples for enum_get_name
string enum_get_name(table enum, int value)
Return the name of the first matching number in an enum table
Search script examples for enum_get_names
table<string> enum_get_names(table enum, int value)
Return all the names of a number in an enum table
Search script examples for get_character_name
string get_character_name(ENT_TYPE type_id)
Same as Player.get_name
Search script examples for get_character_short_name
string get_character_short_name(ENT_TYPE type_id)
Same as Player.get_short_name
Search script examples for get_string
string get_string(STRINGID string_id)
Get string behind STRINGID, don't use stringid directly for vanilla string, use hash_to_stringid first Will return the string of currently choosen language
Search script examples for hash_to_stringid
STRINGID hash_to_stringid(int hash)
Convert the hash to stringid Check strings00_hashed.str for the hash values, or extract assets with modlunky and check those.
Search script examples for key_name
string key_name()
Returns human readable string from KEY chord (e.g. "Ctrl+X", "Unknown" or "None")
-- set the level string shown in hud, journal and game over
-- also change the one used in transitions for consistency
if state.screen_next == SCREEN.LEVEL then
local level_str = "test" .. tostring(state.level_count)
change_string(hash_to_stringid(0xda7c0c5b), F"{level_str} COMPLETED!")
Search script examples for set_level_string
nil set_level_string(string str)
Set the level number shown in the hud and journal to any string. This is reset to the default "%d-%d" automatically just before PRE_LOAD_SCREEN to a level or main menu, so use in PRE_LOAD_SCREEN, POST_LEVEL_GENERATION or similar for each level. Use "%d-%d" to reset to default manually. Does not affect the "...COMPLETED!" message in transitions or lines in "Dear Journal", you need to edit them separately with change_string.
Texture functions
Search script examples for define_texture
TEXTURE define_texture(TextureDefinition texture_data)
Defines a new texture that can be used in Entity::set_texture If a texture with the same definition already exists the texture will be reloaded from disk.
Search script examples for get_texture
optional<TEXTURE> get_texture(TextureDefinition texture_data)
Gets a texture with the same definition as the given, if none exists returns nil
Search script examples for get_texture_definition
TextureDefinition get_texture_definition(TEXTURE texture_id)
Gets a TextureDefinition
for equivalent to the one used to define the texture with id
Search script examples for reload_texture
nil reload_texture(string texture_path)
Reloads a texture from disk, use this only as a development tool for example in the console Note that define_texture will also reload the texture if it already exists
Search script examples for replace_texture
bool replace_texture(TEXTURE vanilla_id, TEXTURE custom_id)
Replace a vanilla texture definition with a custom texture definition and reload the texture.
Search script examples for replace_texture_and_heart_color
bool replace_texture_and_heart_color(TEXTURE vanilla_id, TEXTURE custom_id)
Replace a vanilla texture definition with a custom texture definition and reload the texture. Set corresponding character heart color to the pixel in the center of the player indicator arrow in that texture. (448,1472)
Search script examples for reset_lut
nil reset_lut(LAYER layer)
Same as set_lut(nil, layer)
Search script examples for reset_texture
nil reset_texture(TEXTURE vanilla_id)
Reset a replaced vanilla texture to the original and reload the texture.
Search script examples for set_lut
nil set_lut(optional<TEXTURE> texture_id, LAYER layer)
Force the LUT texture for the given layer (or both) until it is reset.
Pass nil
in the first parameter to reset
Theme functions
Search script examples for force_co_subtheme
nil force_co_subtheme(COSUBTHEME subtheme)
Forces the theme of the next cosmic ocean level(s) (use e.g. force_co_subtheme(COSUBTHEME.JUNGLE)
. Use COSUBTHEME.RESET to reset to default random behaviour)
Search script examples for force_custom_subtheme
nil force_custom_subtheme(CustomTheme|ThemeInfo|THEME customtheme)
Force current subtheme used in the CO theme. You can pass a CustomTheme, ThemeInfo or THEME. Not to be confused with force_co_subtheme.
Search script examples for force_custom_theme
nil force_custom_theme(CustomTheme|ThemeInfo|THEME customtheme)
Force a theme in PRE_LOAD_LEVEL_FILES, POST_ROOM_GENERATION or PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to change different aspects of the levelgen. You can pass a CustomTheme, ThemeInfo or THEME.
Search script examples for get_co_subtheme
COSUBTHEME get_co_subtheme()
Gets the sub theme of the current cosmic ocean level, returns COSUBTHEME.NONE if the current level is not a CO level.
Tile code functions
Search script examples for define_tile_code
TILE_CODE define_tile_code(string tile_code)
Define a new tile code, to make this tile code do anything you have to use either set_pre_tile_code_callback or set_post_tile_code_callback. If a user disables your script but still uses your level mod nothing will be spawned in place of your tile code.
Search script examples for get_short_tile_code
optional<int> get_short_tile_code(ShortTileCodeDef short_tile_code_def)
Gets a short tile code based on definition, returns nil
if it can't be found
Search script examples for get_short_tile_code_definition
optional<ShortTileCodeDef> get_short_tile_code_definition(SHORT_TILE_CODE short_tile_code)
Gets the definition of a short tile code (if available), will vary depending on which file is loaded
Search script examples for set_post_tile_code_callback
CallbackId set_post_tile_code_callback(function cb, string tile_code)
Add a callback for a specific tile code that is called after the game handles the tile code.
Use this to affect what the game or other scripts spawned in this position.
This is received even if a previous pre-tile-code-callback has returned true
The callback signature is nil post_tile_code(float x, float y, int layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template)
Search script examples for set_pre_tile_code_callback
CallbackId set_pre_tile_code_callback(function cb, string tile_code)
Add a callback for a specific tile code that is called before the game handles the tile code.
Return true in order to stop the game or scripts loaded after this script from handling this tile code.
For example, when returning true in this callback set for "floor"
then no floor will spawn in the game (unless you spawn it yourself)
The callback signature is bool pre_tile_code(float x, float y, int layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template)
Deprecated functions
Use set_callback(function, ON.FRAME)
Use set_callback(function, ON.CAMP)
Use set_callback(function, ON.LEVEL)
Use set_callback(function, ON.START)
Use set_callback(function, ON.TRANSITION)
Use set_callback(function, ON.DEATH)
Use set_callback(function, ON.WIN)
Use set_callback(function, ON.SCREEN)
Use set_callback(function, ON.GUIFRAME)
Search script examples for load_script
nil load_script()
Same as import().
Search script examples for read_prng
vector<int> read_prng()
Read the game prng state. Use prng:get_pair() instead.
-- forces any level to be dark, even bosses
state.level_flags = set_flag(state.level_flags, 18)
Search script examples for force_dark_level
nil force_dark_level(bool g)
Set level flag 18 on post room generation instead, to properly force every level to dark
Search script examples for get_entities
vector<int> get_entities()
Use get_entities_by(0, MASK.ANY, LAYER.BOTH)
Search script examples for get_entities_by_mask
vector<int> get_entities_by_mask(int mask)
Use get_entities_by(0, mask, LAYER.BOTH)
Search script examples for get_entities_by_layer
vector<int> get_entities_by_layer([LAYER](#LAYER) layer)
Use get_entities_by(0, MASK.ANY, layer)
Search script examples for get_entities_overlapping
vector<int> get_entities_overlapping(array<[ENT_TYPE](#ENT_TYPE)> entity_types, int mask, float sx, float sy, float sx2, float sy2, [LAYER](#LAYER) layer)
vector<int> get_entities_overlapping([ENT_TYPE](#ENT_TYPE) entity_type, int mask, float sx, float sy, float sx2, float sy2, [LAYER](#LAYER) layer)
Use get_entities_overlapping_hitbox
Search script examples for get_entity_ai_state
int get_entity_ai_state(int uid)
As the name is misleading. use Movable.move_state
field instead
Search script examples for set_arrowtrap_projectile
nil set_arrowtrap_projectile([ENT_TYPE](#ENT_TYPE) regular_entity_type, [ENT_TYPE](#ENT_TYPE) poison_entity_type)
Use replace_drop(DROP.ARROWTRAP_WOODENARROW, new_arrow_type) and replace_drop(DROP.POISONEDARROWTRAP_WOODENARROW, new_arrow_type) instead
Search script examples for set_blood_multiplication
nil set_blood_multiplication(int default_multiplier, int vladscape_multiplier)
This function never worked properly as too many places in the game individually check for vlads cape and calculate the blood multiplication
doesn't do anything due to some changes in last game updates, vladscape_multiplier
only changes the multiplier to some entities death's blood spit
Search script examples for setflag
nil setflag()
Search script examples for clrflag
nil clrflag()
Search script examples for testflag
nil testflag()
Search script examples for steal_input
nil steal_input(int uid)
Deprecated because it's a weird old hack that crashes the game. You can modify inputs in many other ways, like editing state.player_inputs.player_slot_1.buttons_gameplay
in PRE_UPDATE or a set_pre_process_input
hook. Steal input from a Player, HiredHand or PlayerGhost.
Search script examples for return_input
nil return_input(int uid)
Return input previously stolen with steal_input
Search script examples for send_input
nil send_input(int uid, INPUTS buttons)
Send input to entity, has to be previously stolen with steal_input
Search script examples for read_input
INPUTS read_input(int uid)
Use players[1].input.buttons_gameplay
for only the inputs during the game, or .buttons
for all the inputs, even during the pause menu
Of course, you can get the Player by other mean, it doesn't need to be the players
You can only read inputs from actual players, HH don't have any inputs
Search script examples for read_stolen_input
INPUTS read_stolen_input(int uid)
Read input that has been previously stolen with steal_input
Use state.player_inputs.player_slots[player_slot].buttons_gameplay
for only the inputs during the game, or .buttons
for all the inputs, even during the pause menu
Search script examples for clear_entity_callback
nil clear_entity_callback(int uid, CallbackId cb_id)
Use entity.clear_virtual
Clears a callback that is specific to an entity.
Search script examples for set_pre_statemachine
optional<CallbackId> set_pre_statemachine(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_update_state_machine
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
has to be the uid of a Movable
or else stuff will break.
Sets a callback that is called right before the statemachine, return true
to skip the statemachine update.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
Check here to see whether you can use this callback on the entity type you intend to.
The callback signature is bool statemachine(Entity self)
Search script examples for set_post_statemachine
optional<CallbackId> set_post_statemachine(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_post_update_state_machine
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
has to be the uid of a Movable
or else stuff will break.
Sets a callback that is called right after the statemachine, so you can override any values the satemachine might have set (e.g. animation_frame
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
Check here to see whether you can use this callback on the entity type you intend to.
The callback signature is nil statemachine(Entity self)
Search script examples for set_on_destroy
optional<CallbackId> set_on_destroy(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_destroy
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right when an entity is destroyed, e.g. as if by Entity.destroy()
before the game applies any side effects.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The callback signature is nil on_destroy(Entity self)
Search script examples for set_on_kill
optional<CallbackId> set_on_kill(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_kill
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right when an entity is eradicated, before the game applies any side effects.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The callback signature is nil on_kill(Entity self, Entity killer)
Search script examples for set_on_damage
optional<CallbackId> set_on_damage(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_damage
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right before an entity is damaged, return true
to skip the game's damage handling.
Note that damage_dealer can be nil ! (long fall, ...)
DO NOT CALL self:damage()
in the callback !
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The entity has to be of a Movable type.
The callback signature is bool on_damage(Entity self, Entity damage_dealer, int damage_amount, float vel_x, float vel_y, int stun_amount, int iframes)
Search script examples for set_pre_floor_update
optional<CallbackId> set_pre_floor_update(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_floor_update
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right before a floor is updated (by killed neighbor), return true
to skip the game's neighbor update handling.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The callback signature is bool pre_floor_update(Entity self)
-- Use FLOOR_GENERIC with textures from different themes that update correctly when destroyed.
-- This lets you use the custom tile code 'floor_generic_tidepool'
-- in the level editor to spawn tidepool floor in dwelling for example...
set_pre_tile_code_callback(function(x, y, layer)
local uid = spawn_grid_entity(ENT_TYPE.FLOOR_GENERIC, x, y, layer)
set_post_floor_update(uid, function(me)
for i,v in ipairs(entity_get_items_by(me.uid, ENT_TYPE.DECORATION_GENERIC, MASK.DECORATION)) do
local deco = get_entity(v)
return true
end, "floor_generic_tidepool")
-- Fix quicksand decorations when not in temple
for i,v in ipairs(entity_get_items_by(me.uid, ENT_TYPE.DECORATION_GENERIC, MASK.DECORATION)) do
local deco = get_entity(v)
Search script examples for set_post_floor_update
optional<CallbackId> set_post_floor_update(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_post_floor_update
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right after a floor is updated (by killed neighbor).
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The callback signature is nil post_floor_update(Entity self)
Search script examples for set_on_open
optional<CallbackId> set_on_open(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_trigger_action
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right when a container is opened by the player (up+whip)
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
Check here to see whether you can use this callback on the entity type you intend to.
The callback signature is nil on_open(Entity entity_self, Entity opener)
Search script examples for set_pre_collision1
optional<CallbackId> set_pre_collision1(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_collision1
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right before the collision 1 event, return true
to skip the game's collision handling.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
Check here to see whether you can use this callback on the entity type you intend to.
The callback signature is bool pre_collision1(Entity entity_self, Entity collision_entity)
Search script examples for set_pre_collision2
optional<CallbackId> set_pre_collision2(int uid, function fun)
Use entity:set_pre_collision2
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right before the collision 2 event, return true
to skip the game's collision handling.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
Check here to see whether you can use this callback on the entity type you intend to.
The callback signature is bool pre_collision12(Entity self, Entity collision_entity)
Search script examples for set_pre_render
optional<CallbackId> set_pre_render(int uid, function fun)
Use entity.rendering_info:set_pre_render
in combination with render_info:get_entity
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right after the entity is rendered.
Return true
to skip the original rendering function and all later pre_render callbacks.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The callback signature is bool render(VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, Entity self)
Search script examples for set_post_render
optional<CallbackId> set_post_render(int uid, function fun)
Use entity.rendering_info:set_post_render
in combination with render_info:get_entity
Returns unique id for the callback to be used in clear_entity_callback or nil
if uid is not valid.
Sets a callback that is called right after the entity is rendered.
Use this only when no other approach works, this call can be expensive if overused.
The callback signature is nil post_render(VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, Entity self)
Search script examples for generate_particles
[ParticleEmitterInfo](#ParticleEmitterInfo) generate_particles([PARTICLEEMITTER](#PARTICLEEMITTER) particle_emitter_id, int uid)
Use generate_world_particles
Search script examples for draw_line
nil draw_line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float thickness, uColor color)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_line
Search script examples for draw_rect
nil draw_rect(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float thickness, float rounding, uColor color)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_rect
Search script examples for draw_rect_filled
nil draw_rect_filled(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float rounding, uColor color)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_rect_filled
Search script examples for draw_circle
nil draw_circle(float x, float y, float radius, float thickness, uColor color)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_circle
Search script examples for draw_circle_filled
nil draw_circle_filled(float x, float y, float radius, uColor color)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_circle_filled
Search script examples for draw_text
nil draw_text(float x, float y, float size, string text, uColor color)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_text
Search script examples for draw_image
nil draw_image(IMAGE image, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float uvx1, float uvy1, float uvx2, float uvy2, uColor color)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_image
Search script examples for draw_image_rotated
nil draw_image_rotated(IMAGE image, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float uvx1, float uvy1, float uvx2, float uvy2, uColor color, float angle, float px, float py)
Use GuiDrawContext.draw_image_rotated
Search script examples for window
nil window(string title, float x, float y, float w, float h, bool movable, function callback)
Use GuiDrawContext.window
Search script examples for win_text
nil win_text(string text)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_text
Search script examples for win_separator
nil win_separator()
Use GuiDrawContext.win_separator
Search script examples for win_inline
nil win_inline()
Use GuiDrawContext.win_inline
Search script examples for win_sameline
nil win_sameline(float offset, float spacing)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_sameline
Search script examples for win_button
bool win_button(string text)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_button
Search script examples for win_input_text
string win_input_text(string label, string value)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_input_text
Search script examples for win_input_int
int win_input_int(string label, int value)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_input_int
Search script examples for win_input_float
float win_input_float(string label, float value)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_input_float
Search script examples for win_slider_int
int win_slider_int(string label, int value, int min, int max)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_slider_int
Search script examples for win_drag_int
int win_drag_int(string label, int value, int min, int max)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_drag_int
Search script examples for win_slider_float
float win_slider_float(string label, float value, float min, float max)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_slider_float
Search script examples for win_drag_float
float win_drag_float(string label, float value, float min, float max)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_drag_float
Search script examples for win_check
bool win_check(string label, bool value)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_check
Search script examples for win_combo
int win_combo(string label, int selected, string opts)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_combo
Search script examples for win_pushid
nil win_pushid(int id)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_pushid
Search script examples for win_popid
nil win_popid()
Use GuiDrawContext.win_popid
Search script examples for win_image
nil win_image(IMAGE image, float width, float height)
Use GuiDrawContext.win_image
Non-Entity types
Arena types
Used in ArenaState
Type | Name | Description |
array<bool, 40> | list | |
bool | dwelling_1 | |
bool | dwelling_2 | |
bool | dwelling_3 | |
bool | dwelling_4 | |
bool | dwelling_5 | |
bool | jungle_1 | |
bool | jungle_2 | |
bool | jungle_3 | |
bool | jungle_4 | |
bool | jungle_5 | |
bool | volcana_1 | |
bool | volcana_2 | |
bool | volcana_3 | |
bool | volcana_4 | |
bool | volcana_5 | |
bool | tidepool_1 | |
bool | tidepool_2 | |
bool | tidepool_3 | |
bool | tidepool_4 | |
bool | tidepool_5 | |
bool | temple_1 | |
bool | temple_2 | |
bool | temple_3 | |
bool | temple_4 | |
bool | temple_5 | |
bool | icecaves_1 | |
bool | icecaves_2 | |
bool | icecaves_3 | |
bool | icecaves_4 | |
bool | icecaves_5 | |
bool | neobabylon_1 | |
bool | neobabylon_2 | |
bool | neobabylon_3 | |
bool | neobabylon_4 | |
bool | neobabylon_5 | |
bool | sunkencity_1 | |
bool | sunkencity_2 | |
bool | sunkencity_3 | |
bool | sunkencity_4 | |
bool | sunkencity_5 |
Used in ArenaState
Type | Name | Description |
bool | paste | |
bool | climbing_gloves | |
bool | pitchers_mitt | |
bool | spike_shoes | |
bool | spring_shoes | |
bool | parachute | |
bool | kapala | |
bool | scepter |
Used in ArenaState
Type | Name | Description |
bool | rock | |
bool | pot | |
bool | bombbag | |
bool | bombbox | |
bool | ropepile | |
bool | pickup_12bag | |
bool | pickup_24bag | |
bool | cooked_turkey | |
bool | royal_jelly | |
bool | torch | |
bool | boomerang | |
bool | machete | |
bool | mattock | |
bool | crossbow | |
bool | webgun | |
bool | freezeray | |
bool | shotgun | |
bool | camera | |
bool | plasma_cannon | |
bool | wooden_shield | |
bool | metal_shield | |
bool | teleporter | |
bool | mine | |
bool | snaptrap | |
bool | paste | |
bool | climbing_gloves | |
bool | pitchers_mitt | |
bool | spike_shoes | |
bool | spring_shoes | |
bool | parachute | |
bool | cape | |
bool | vlads_cape | |
bool | jetpack | |
bool | hoverpack | |
bool | telepack | |
bool | powerpack | |
bool | excalibur | |
bool | scepter | |
bool | kapala | |
bool | true_crown |
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
int | current_arena | |
array<int, 4> | player_teams | |
int | format | |
int | ruleset | |
array<int, 4> | player_lives | |
array<int, 4> | player_totalwins | |
array<bool, 4> | player_won | |
int | timer | The menu selection for timer, default values 0..20 where 0 == 30 seconds, 19 == 10 minutes and 20 == infinite. Can go higher, although this will glitch the menu text. Actual time (seconds) = (state.arena.timer + 1) x 30 |
int | timer_ending | |
int | wins | |
int | lives | |
int | time_to_win | |
array<int, 4> | player_idolheld_countdown | |
int | health | |
int | bombs | |
int | ropes | |
int | stun_time | |
int | mount | |
int | arena_select | |
ArenaConfigArenas | arenas | |
int | dark_level_chance | |
int | crate_frequency | |
ArenaConfigItems | items_enabled | |
ArenaConfigItems | items_in_crate | |
int | held_item | |
int | equipped_backitem | |
ArenaConfigEquippedItems | equipped_items | |
int | whip_damage | |
bool | final_ghost | |
int | breath_cooldown | |
bool | punish_ball |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | crate_spawn_timer |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Callback context types
-- Draw the level boundaries
local xmin, ymax, xmax, ymin = get_bounds()
local sx, sy = screen_position(xmin, ymax) -- top left
local sx2, sy2 = screen_position(xmax, ymin) -- bottom right
draw_ctx:draw_rect(sx, sy, sx2, sy2, 4, 0, rgba(255, 255, 255, 255))
Used in register_option_callback and set_callback with ON.GUIFRAME
Type | Name | Description |
nil | draw_line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float thickness, uColor color) | Draws a line on screen |
nil | draw_rect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float thickness, float rounding, uColor color) | Draws a rectangle on screen from top-left to bottom-right. |
nil | draw_rect(AABB rect, float thickness, float rounding, uColor color) | Draws a rectangle on screen from top-left to bottom-right. |
nil | draw_rect_filled(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float rounding, uColor color) | Draws a filled rectangle on screen from top-left to bottom-right. |
nil | draw_rect_filled(AABB rect, float rounding, uColor color) | Draws a filled rectangle on screen from top-left to bottom-right. |
nil | draw_triangle(Vec2 p1, Vec2 p2, Vec2 p3, float thickness, uColor color) | Draws a triangle on screen. |
nil | draw_triangle_filled(Vec2 p1, Vec2 p2, Vec2 p3, uColor color) | Draws a filled triangle on screen. |
nil | draw_poly(array |
Draws a polyline on screen. |
nil | draw_poly_filled(array |
Draws a filled convex polyline on screen. |
nil | draw_bezier_cubic(Vec2 p1, Vec2 p2, Vec2 p3, Vec2 p4, float thickness, uColor color) | Draws a cubic bezier curve on screen. |
nil | draw_bezier_quadratic(Vec2 p1, Vec2 p2, Vec2 p3, float thickness, uColor color) | Draws a quadratic bezier curve on screen. |
nil | draw_circle(float x, float y, float radius, float thickness, uColor color) | Draws a circle on screen |
nil | draw_circle_filled(float x, float y, float radius, uColor color) | Draws a filled circle on screen |
nil | draw_text(float x, float y, float size, string text, uColor color) | Draws text in screen coordinates x , y , anchored top-left. Text size 0 uses the default 18. |
nil | draw_image(IMAGE image, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float uvx1, float uvy1, float uvx2, float uvy2, uColor color) | Draws an image on screen from top-left to bottom-right. Use UV coordinates 0, 0, 1, 1 to just draw the whole image. |
nil | draw_image(IMAGE image, AABB rect, AABB uv_rect, uColor color) | Draws an image on screen from top-left to bottom-right. Use UV coordinates 0, 0, 1, 1 to just draw the whole image. |
nil | draw_image_rotated(IMAGE image, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float uvx1, float uvy1, float uvx2, float uvy2, uColor color, float angle, float px, float py) | Same as draw_image but rotates the image by angle in radians around the pivot offset from the center of the rect (meaning px=py=0 rotates around the center) |
nil | draw_image_rotated(IMAGE image, AABB rect, AABB uv_rect, uColor color, float angle, float px, float py) | Same as draw_image but rotates the image by angle in radians around the pivot offset from the center of the rect (meaning px=py=0 rotates around the center) |
nil | draw_layer(DRAW_LAYER layer) | Draw on top of UI windows, including platform windows that may be outside the game area, or only in current widget window. Defaults to main viewport background. |
bool | window(string title, float x, float y, float w, float h, bool movable, function callback) | Create a new widget window. Put all win_ widgets inside the callback function. The window functions are just wrappers for the ImGui widgets, so read more about them there. Use screen position and distance, or 0, 0, 0, 0 toautosize in center. Use just a ##Label as title to hide titlebar.Important: Keep all your labels unique! If you need inputs with the same label, add ##SomeUniqueLabel after the text, or use pushid togive things unique ids. ImGui doesn't know what you clicked if all your buttons have the same text... Returns false if the window was closed from the X. The callback signature is nil win(GuiDrawContext ctx, Vec2 pos, Vec2 size) |
nil | win_text(string text) | Add some text to window, automatically wrapped |
nil | win_separator() | Add a separator line to window |
nil | win_separator_text(string text) | Add a separator text line to window |
nil | win_inline() | Add next thing on the same line. This is same as win_sameline(0, -1) |
nil | win_sameline(float offset, float spacing) | Add next thing on the same line, with an offset |
bool | win_button(string text) | Add a button |
string | win_input_text(string label, string value) | Add a text field |
int | win_input_int(string label, int value) | Add an integer field |
float | win_input_float(string label, float value) | Add a float field |
int | win_slider_int(string label, int value, int min, int max) | Add an integer slider |
int | win_drag_int(string label, int value, int min, int max) | Add an integer dragfield |
float | win_slider_float(string label, float value, float min, float max) | Add an float slider |
float | win_drag_float(string label, float value, float min, float max) | Add an float dragfield |
bool | win_check(string label, bool value) | Add a checkbox |
int | win_combo(string label, int selected, string opts) | Add a combo box |
nil | win_pushid(int id) | Add unique identifier to the stack, to distinguish identical inputs from each other. Put before the input. |
nil | win_pushid(string id) | Add unique identifier to the stack, to distinguish identical inputs from each other. Put before the input. |
nil | win_popid() | Pop unique identifier from the stack. Put after the input. |
nil | win_image(IMAGE image, float width, float height) | Draw image to window. |
bool | win_imagebutton(string label, IMAGE image, float width, float height, float uvx1, float uvy1, float uvx2, float uvy2) | Draw imagebutton to window. |
nil | win_section(string title, function callback) | Add a collapsing accordion section, put contents in the callback function. |
nil | win_indent(float width) | Indent contents, or unindent if negative |
nil | win_width(float width) | Sets next item width (width>1: width in pixels, width<0: to the right of window, -1<width<1: fractional, multiply by available window width) |
int | key_picker(string message, KEY_TYPE flags) | Returns KEY flags including held OL_MOD modifiers, or -1 before any key has been pressed and released, or mouse button pressed. Also returns -1 before all initially held keys are released before the picker was opened, or if another key picker is already waiting for keys. If a modifier is released, that modifier is returned as an actual keycode (e.g. KEY.LSHIFT ) while the other held modifiers are returned as KEY.OL_MOD_... flags.Shows a fullscreen key picker with a message, with the accepted input type (keyboard/mouse) filtered by flags. The picker won't show before all previously held keys have been released and other key pickers have returned a valid key. |
Context received in ON.LOAD Used to load from save_{}.dat into a string
Type | Name | Description |
string | load() |
Context received in ON.POST_ROOM_GENERATION. Used to change the room templates in the level and other shenanigans that affect level gen.
Type | Name | Description |
bool | set_room_template(int x, int y, LAYER layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template) | Set the room template at the given index and layer, returns false if the index is outside of the level. |
bool | mark_as_machine_room_origin(int x, int y, LAYER layer) | Marks the room as the origin of a machine room, should be the top-left corner of the machine room Run this after setting the room template for the room, otherwise the machine room will not spawn correctly |
bool | mark_as_set_room(int x, int y, LAYER layer) | Marks the room as a set-room, a corresponding setroomy-x template must be loaded, else the game will crash |
bool | unmark_as_set_room(int x, int y, LAYER layer) | Unmarks the room as a set-room |
bool | set_shop_type(int x, int y, LAYER layer, int shop_type) | Set the shop type for a specific room, does nothing if the room is not a shop |
bool | set_procedural_spawn_chance(PROCEDURAL_CHANCE chance_id, int inverse_chance) | Force a spawn chance for this level, has the same restrictions as specifying the spawn chance in the .lvl file. Note that the actual chance to spawn is 1/inverse_chance and that is also slightly skewed because of technical reasons.Returns false if the given chance is not defined. |
nil | set_num_extra_spawns(int extra_spawn_id, int num_spawns_front_layer, int num_spawns_back_layer) | Change the amount of extra spawns for the given extra_spawn_id . |
optional<SHORT_TILE_CODE> | define_short_tile_code(ShortTileCodeDef short_tile_code_def) | Defines a new short tile code, automatically picks an unused character or returns a used one in case of an exact match Returns nil if all possible short tile codes are already in use |
nil | change_short_tile_code(SHORT_TILE_CODE short_tile_code, ShortTileCodeDef short_tile_code_def) | Overrides a specific short tile code, this means it will change for the whole level |
Context received in ON.PRE_HANDLE_ROOM_TILES. Used to change the room data as well as add a backlayer room if none is set yet.
Type | Name | Description |
optional<SHORT_TILE_CODE> | get_short_tile_code(int tx, int ty, LAYER layer) | Gets the tile code at the specified tile coordinate Valid coordinates are 0 <= tx < CONST.ROOM_WIDTH , 0 <= ty < CONST.ROOM_HEIGHT and layer in {LAYER.FRONT, LAYER.BACK} Also returns nil if layer == LAYER.BACK and the room does not have a back layer |
bool | set_short_tile_code(int tx, int ty, LAYER layer, SHORT_TILE_CODE short_tile_code) | Sets the tile code at the specified tile coordinate Valid coordinates are 0 <= tx < CONST.ROOM_WIDTH , 0 <= ty < CONST.ROOM_HEIGHT and layer in {LAYER.FRONT, LAYER.BACK, LAYER.BOTH} Also returns false if layer == LAYER.BACK and the room does not have a back layer |
vector<tuple<int, int, LAYER>> | find_all_short_tile_codes(LAYER layer, SHORT_TILE_CODE short_tile_code) | Finds all places a short tile code is used in the room, layer must be in {LAYER.FRONT, LAYER.BACK, LAYER.BOTH} Returns an empty list if layer == LAYER.BACK and the room does not have a back layer |
bool | replace_short_tile_code(LAYER layer, SHORT_TILE_CODE short_tile_code, SHORT_TILE_CODE replacement_short_tile_code) | Replaces all instances of short_tile_code in the given layer with replacement_short_tile_code , layer must be in {LAYER.FRONT, LAYER.BACK, LAYER.BOTH} Returns false if layer == LAYER.BACK and the room does not have a back layer |
bool | has_back_layer() | Check whether the room has a back layer |
nil | add_empty_back_layer() | Add a back layer filled with all 0 if there is no back layer yetDoes nothing if there already is a backlayer |
nil | add_copied_back_layer() | Add a back layer that is a copy of the front layer Does nothing if there already is a backlayer |
Context received in ON.PRE_LOAD_LEVEL_FILES, used for forcing specific .lvl
files to load.
Type | Name | Description |
nil | override_level_files(array |
Block all loading .lvl files and instead load the specified .lvl files. This includes generic.lvl so if you need it specify it here.All .lvl files are loaded relative to Data/Levels , but they can be completely custom .lvl files that ship with your mod so long as they are in said folder.Use at your own risk, some themes/levels expect a certain level file to be loaded. |
nil | add_level_files(array |
Load additional levels files other than the ones that would usually be loaded. Stacks with override_level_files if that was called first.All .lvl files are loaded relative to Data/Levels , but they can be completely custom .lvl files that ship with your mod so long as they are in said folder. |
Context received in ON.SAVE Used to save a string to some form of save_{}.dat Future calls to this will override the save
Type | Name | Description |
bool | save(string data) |
Used in set_callback ON.RENDER_* callbacks, set_post_render, set_post_render_screen, set_pre_render, set_pre_render_screen
Type | Name | Description |
nil | draw_text(string text, float x, float y, float scale_x, float scale_y, Color color, VANILLA_TEXT_ALIGNMENT alignment, VANILLA_FONT_STYLE fontstyle) | Draw text using the built-in renderer Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱ events. See vanilla_rendering.lua in the example scripts. |
nil | draw_text(TextRenderingInfo tri, Color color) | |
tuple<float, float> | draw_text_size(string text, float scale_x, float scale_y, int fontstyle) | Measure the provided text using the built-in renderer If you can, consider creating your own TextRenderingInfo instead You can then use :text_size() and draw_text with that one objectdraw_text_size works by creating new TextRenderingInfo just to call :text_size() , which is not very optimal |
nil | draw_screen_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, Color color) | Draw a texture in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, AABB rect, Color color) | Draw a texture in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, AABB rect, Color color, float angle, float px, float py) | Draw a texture in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer with angle, px/py is pivot for the rotation where 0,0 is center 1,1 is top right corner etc. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, Quad dest, Color color) | Draw a texture in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, Quad source, Quad dest, Color color) | Draw a texture in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer. source - the coordinates in the texture, dest - the coordinates on the screenUse in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, TextureRenderingInfo tri, Color color) | Draw a texture in screen coordinates using TextureRenderingInfo Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | set_corner_finish(CORNER_FINISH c) | Set the preferred way of drawing corners for the non filled shapes |
nil | draw_screen_line(Vec2 A, Vec2 B, float thickness, Color color) | Draws a line on screen using the built-in renderer from point A to point B .Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_rect(AABB rect, float thickness, Color color, optional |
Draw rectangle in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer with optional angle .px /py is pivot for the rotation where 0,0 is center 1,1 is top right corner etc. (corner from the AABB, not the visible one from adding the thickness )Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_rect_filled(AABB rect, Color color, optional |
Draw filled rectangle in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer with optional angle .px /py is pivot for the rotation where 0,0 is center 1,1 is top right corner etc.Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_triangle(Triangle triangle, float thickness, Color color) | Draw triangle in screen coordinates using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_triangle_filled(Triangle triangle, Color color) | Draw filled triangle in screen coordinates using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_poly(array |
Draw a polyline on screen from points using the built-in renderer Draws from the first to the last point, use closed to connect first and last as wellUse in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_poly(Quad points, float thickness, Color color, bool closed) | Draw quadrilateral in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_poly_filled(array |
Draw a convex polygon on screen from points using the built-in renderer Can probably draw almost any polygon, but the convex one is guaranteed to look correct Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_screen_poly_filled(Quad points, Color color) | Draw filled quadrilateral in screen coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_✱_HUD/PAUSE_MENU/JOURNAL_PAGE events |
nil | draw_world_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, Color color) | Draw a texture in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event For more control use the version taking a Quad instead |
nil | draw_world_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, AABB dest, Color color) | Draw a texture in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event For more control use the version taking a Quad instead |
nil | draw_world_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, AABB dest, Color color, float angle, float px, float py) | Draw a texture in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer with angle, px/py is pivot for the rotation where 0,0 is center 1,1 is top right corner etc. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event For more control use the version taking a Quad instead |
nil | draw_world_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, Quad dest, Color color, WORLD_SHADER shader) | Draw a texture in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer The shader parameter controls how to render the textureUse in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, int row, int column, Quad dest, Color color) | Draw a texture in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, Quad source, Quad dest, Color color, WORLD_SHADER shader) | Draw a texture in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer. source - the coordinates in the texture, dest - the coordinates on the screenThe shader parameter controls how to render the textureUse in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_texture(TEXTURE texture_id, Quad source, Quad dest, Color color) | Draw a texture in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer. source - the coordinates in the texture, dest - the coordinates on the screenUse in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_line(Vec2 A, Vec2 B, float thickness, Color color) | Draws a line in world coordinates using the built-in renderer from point A to point B .Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_rect(AABB rect, float thickness, Color color, optional |
Draw rectangle in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer with optional angle .px /py is pivot for the rotation where 0,0 is center 1,1 is top right corner etc. (corner from the AABB, not the visible one from adding the thickness )Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_rect_filled(AABB rect, Color color, optional |
Draw rectangle in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer with optional angle .px /py is pivot for the rotation where 0,0 is center 1,1 is top right corner etc.Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_triangle(Triangle triangle, float thickness, Color color) | Draw triangle in world coordinates using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_triangle_filled(Triangle triangle, Color color) | Draw filled triangle in world coordinates using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_poly(array |
Draw a polyline in world coordinates from points using the built-in renderer Draws from the first to the last point, use closed to connect first and last as wellUse in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_poly(Quad points, float thickness, Color color, bool closed) | Draw quadrilateral in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_poly_filled(array |
Draw a convex polygon in world coordinates from points using the built-in renderer Can probably draw almost any polygon, but the convex one is guaranteed to look correct Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
nil | draw_world_poly_filled(Quad points, Color color) | Draw filled quadrilateral in world coordinates from top-left to bottom-right using the built-in renderer. Use in combination with ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH event |
AABB | bounding_box | |
render_draw_depth |
Entity related types
Used in Player
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | target | |
int | target_uid | |
int | timer | |
int | state | AI state (patrol, sleep, attack, aggro...) |
int | last_state | |
int | trust | Levels completed with, 0..3 |
int | whipped | Number of times whipped by player |
int | walk_pause_timer | positive: walking, negative: waiting/idle |
Used in EntityDB
Type | Name | Description |
int | id | |
int | first_tile | |
int | num_tiles | |
int | interval | |
REPEAT_TYPE | repeat_mode |
When cloning an entity type, remember to save it in the script for as long as you need it. Otherwise the memory will be freed immediately, which eventually leads to a crash when used or overwritten by other stuff:
-- Create a special fast snake type with weird animation
special_snake = EntityDB:new(ENT_TYPE.MONS_SNAKE)
special_snake.max_speed = 1
special_snake.acceleration = 2
special_snake.animations[2].num_tiles = 1
-- 50% chance to make snakes special
if prng:random_chance(2, PRNG_CLASS.PROCEDURAL_SPAWNS) then
-- Assign custom type
snake.type = special_snake
-- This is only really needed if types are changed during the level
snake.current_animation = special_snake.animations[2]
You can also use Entity.user_data to store the custom type:
-- Custom player who is buffed a bit every level
-- Doing this to include HH
for i,v in ipairs(get_entities_by_mask(MASK.PLAYER)) do
local player = get_entity(v)
-- Create new custom type on the first level, based on the original type
if not player.user_data then
player.user_data = {}
player.user_data.type = EntityDB:new(player.type.id)
-- Set the player entity type to the custom type every level
player.type = player.user_data.type
-- Buff the player every subsequent level
if state.level_count > 0 then
player.type.max_speed = player.type.max_speed * 1.1
player.type.acceleration = player.type.acceleration * 1.1
player.type.jump = player.type.jump * 1.1
Illegal bad example, don't do this:
-- Nobody owns the new type and the memory is freed immediately, eventually leading to a crash
players[1].type = EntityDB:new(players[1].type)
players[1].type.max_speed = 2
Used in Entity and get_type
Stores static common data for an ENT_TYPE. You can also clone entity types with the copy constructor to create new custom entities with different common properties. This tool can be helpful when messing with the animations. The default values are also listed in entities.json.
Type | Name | Description |
EntityDB | new(EntityDB other) | |
EntityDB | new(ENT_TYPE other) | |
ENT_TYPE | id | |
int | search_flags | MASK |
float | width | |
float | height | |
int | draw_depth | |
float | offsetx | Offset of the hitbox in relation to the entity position |
float | offsety | Offset of the hitbox in relation to the entity position |
float | hitboxx | Half of the width of the hitbox |
float | hitboxy | Half of the height of the hitbox |
SHAPE | default_shape | |
bool | default_hitbox_enabled | |
int | collision2_mask | MASK, will only call collision2 when colliding with entities that match this mask. |
int | collision_mask | MASK used for collision with floors, walls etc. |
int | default_flags | |
int | default_more_flags | |
int | properties_flags | |
float | friction | |
float | elasticity | |
float | weight | |
float | acceleration | |
float | max_speed | |
float | sprint_factor | |
float | jump | |
Color | default_color | |
TEXTURE | texture | |
int | tilex | |
int | tiley | |
int | damage | |
int | life | |
int | sacrifice_value | Favor for sacrificing alive. Halved when dead (health == 0). |
int | blood_content | |
bool | leaves_corpse_behind | |
STRINGID | description | |
SOUNDID | sound_killed_by_player | |
SOUNDID | sound_killed_by_other | |
map<int, Animation> | animations | |
float | default_special_offsetx | |
float | default_special_offsety |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | enabled | |
int | health | |
int | bombs | |
int | ropes | |
bool | ankh | |
bool | kapala | |
SpritePosition | kapala_sprite | |
bool | poison | |
bool | curse | |
bool | elixir | |
ENT_TYPE | crown | Powerup type or 0 |
array<SpritePosition, 18> | powerup_sprites | |
int | item_count | Amount of generic pickup items at the bottom. Set to 0 to not draw them. |
Used in Player, PlayerGhost and Items
Type | Name | Description |
int | money | Sum of the money collected in current level |
int | bombs | |
int | ropes | |
int | player_slot | |
int | poison_tick_timer | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
bool | cursed | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
bool | elixir_buff | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
int | health | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
int | kapala_blood_amount | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
int | time_of_death | Is set to state.time_total when player dies in coop (to determinate who should be first to re-spawn from coffin) |
ENT_TYPE | held_item | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
int | held_item_metadata | Metadata of the held item (health, is cursed etc.) Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
int | saved_pets_count | |
ENT_TYPE | mount_type | Used to transfer information to transition/next level (player riding a mount). Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
int | mount_metadata | Metadata of the mount (health, is cursed etc.) Used to transfer information to transition/next level (player riding a mount). Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
int | kills_level | |
int | kills_total | |
int | collected_money_total | Total money collected during previous levels (so excluding the current one) |
int | collected_money_count | Count/size for the collected_money arrays |
array<ENT_TYPE, 512> | collected_money | Types of gold/gems collected during this level, used later to display during the transition |
array<int, 512> | collected_money_values | Values of gold/gems collected during this level, used later to display during the transition |
array<ENT_TYPE, 256> | killed_enemies | Types of enemies killed during this level, used later to display during the transition |
int | companion_count | Number of companions, it will determinate how many companions will be transferred to next level Increments when player acquires new companion, decrements when one of them dies |
array<ENT_TYPE, 8> | companions | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
array<ENT_TYPE, 8> | companion_held_items | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
array<int, 8> | companion_held_item_metadatas | Metadata of items held by companions (health, is cursed etc.) Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
array<int, 8> | companion_trust | (0..3) Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
array<int, 8> | companion_health | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
array<int, 8> | companion_poison_tick_timers | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
array<bool, 8> | is_companion_cursed | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
array<ENT_TYPE, 30> | acquired_powerups | Used to transfer information to transition/next level. Is not updated during a level You can use ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION to access/edit this |
Generic types
Axis-Aligned-Bounding-Box, represents for example a hitbox of an entity or the size of a gui element
Type | Name | Description |
AABB | new() | Create a new axis aligned bounding box - defaults to all zeroes |
AABB | new(AABB other) | Copy an axis aligned bounding box |
AABB | new(Vec2 top_left, Vec2 bottom_right) | |
AABB | new(float left_, float top_, float right_, float bottom_) | Create a new axis aligned bounding box by specifying its values |
float | left | |
float | bottom | |
float | right | |
float | top | |
bool | overlaps_with(AABB other) | |
AABB | abs() | Fixes the AABB if any of the sides have negative length |
AABB | extrude(float amount) | Grows or shrinks the AABB by the given amount in all directions. If amount < 0 and abs(amount) > right/top - left/bottom the respective dimension of the AABB will become 0 . |
AABB | extrude(float amount_x, float amount_y) | Grows or shrinks the AABB by the given amount in each direction. If amount_x/y < 0 and abs(amount_x/y) > right/top - left/bottom the respective dimension of the AABB will become 0 . |
AABB | offset(float off_x, float off_y) | Offsets the AABB by the given offset. |
float | area() | Compute area of the AABB, can be zero if one dimension is zero or negative if one dimension is inverted. |
tuple<float, float> | center() | Short for (aabb.left + aabb.right) / 2.0f, (aabb.top + aabb.bottom) / 2.0f . |
float | width() | Short for aabb.right - aabb.left . |
float | height() | Short for aabb.top - aabb.bottom . |
bool | is_point_inside(Vec2 p) | Checks if point lies between left/right and top/bottom |
bool | is_point_inside(float x, float y) | |
AABB | set(AABB other) | |
tuple<float, float, float, float> | split() |
Used in GameManager
Shared memory structure used for Playlunky-Overlunky interoperability
Type | Name | Description |
map<string, any> | data | You can store arbitrary simple values here in Playlunky to be read in on Overlunky script for example. |
Overlunky | overlunky | Access Overlunky options here, nil if Overlunky is not loaded. |
PauseAPI | pause | PauseAPI is used by Overlunky and can be used to control the Overlunky pause options from scripts. Can be accessed from the global pause more easily. |
SharedIO | io | Shared part of ImGuiIO to block keyboard/mouse input across API instances. |
int | count | Number of API instances present |
-- make a semi transparent red color and print it in different formats
local color = Color:red()
color.a = 0.5
local r, g, b, a = color:get_rgba()
prinspect(r, g, b, a) -- 255, 0, 0, 128
prinspect(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) -- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5
prinspect(string.format("%x"), color:get_ucolor()) -- 800000ff
Type | Name | Description |
Color | new() | Create a new color - defaults to black |
Color | new(Color other) | |
Color | new(Color color) | |
Color | new(float r_, float g_, float b_, float a_) | Create a new color by specifying its values |
Color | new(float (c) | Create a color from an array of 4 floats |
Color | new(string color_name, optional |
float | r | |
float | g | |
float | b | |
float | a | |
Color | white() | |
Color | silver() | |
Color | gray() | |
Color | black() | |
Color | red() | |
Color | maroon() | |
Color | yellow() | |
Color | olive() | |
Color | lime() | |
Color | green() | |
Color | aqua() | |
Color | teal() | |
Color | blue() | |
Color | navy() | |
Color | fuchsia() | |
Color | purple() | |
tuple<int, int, int, int> | get_rgba() | Returns RGBA colors in 0..255 range |
Color | set_rgba(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) | Changes color based on given RGBA colors in 0..255 range |
uColor | get_ucolor() | Returns the uColor used in GuiDrawContext drawing functions |
Color | set_ucolor(uColor color) | Changes color based on given uColor |
Color | set(Color other) | Copies the values of different Color to this one |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | down | Button is being held |
bool | pressed | Button was just pressed down this frame |
Type | Name | Description |
set_callback(function(ctx, hud)
-- draw on screen bottom but keep neat animations
if hud.y > 0 then hud.y = -hud.y end
-- spoof some values
hud.data.inventory[1].health = prng:random_int(1, 99, 0)
-- hide generic pickup items
hud.data.inventory[1].item_count = 0
-- hide money element
hud.data.money.opacity = 0
-- get real current opacity of p1 inventory element
prinspect(hud.data.players[1].opacity * hud.data.opacity * hud.opacity)
Type | Name | Description |
float | y | |
float | opacity | |
HudData | data |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | dim | Hide background and dim if using the auto adjust setting. |
float | opacity | Background will be drawn if this is not 0.5 |
int | time_dim | Level time when element should dim again after highlighted, INT_MAX if dimmed on auto adjust. 0 on opaque. |
Derived from HudElement
Type | Name | Description |
int | total | |
int | counter | |
int | timer |
Derived from HudElement
Type | Name | Description |
int | health | |
int | bombs | |
int | ropes |
Used in RoomOwnersInfo
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | owner_type | |
int | owner_uid |
Used in SaveRelated
Type | Name | Description |
int | page_nr | |
int | sprite_id | |
STRINGID | name | |
STRINGID | description | |
float | scale | |
float | offset_x | |
float | offset_y |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | down | Key is being held |
bool | pressed | Key was just pressed down this frame |
Type | Name | Description |
Triangle | bottom | |
Triangle | top | |
Quad | get_quad() | Get the Quad of a letter (easier to work with compared to the two triangles) This assumes that the triangles are in the correct 'touching each other' position if the positions were altered the results may not end up as expected |
nil | set_quad(Quad quad) | Inverse of the get_quad |
Vec2 | center() | Get's approximated center of a letter by finding the highest and lowest values, then finding the center of a rectangle build from those values |
Used in LogicMagmamanSpawn
Type | Name | Description |
MagmamanSpawnPosition | new(int x_, int y_) | |
int | x | |
int | y | |
int | timer |
Opaque handle to a movable behavior used in some Movable functions
Type | Name | Description |
int | get_state_id() | |
int | get_state_id() | Get the state_id of a behavior, this is the id that needs to be returned from a behavior'sget_next_state_id to enter this state, given that the behavior is added to the movable. |
Used to get and set Overlunky settings in Bucket
Type | Name | Description |
map<string, any> | options | Current Overlunky options. Read only. |
map<string, any> | set_options | Write some select options here to change Overlunky options. |
map<string, KEY> | keys | Current Overlunky key bindings. Read only. You can use this to bind some custom feature to the same unknown key as currently bound by the user. |
set<string> | ignore_keys | Disable some key bindings in Overlunky, whatever key they are actually bound to. Remember this might not be bound to the default any more, so only use this if you also plan on overriding the current keybinding, or just need to disable some feature and don't care what key it is bound on. |
set<KEY> | ignore_keycodes | Disable keys that may or may not be used by Overlunky. You should probably write the keycodes you need here just in case if you think using OL will interfere with your keybinds. |
set<string> | ignore_features | TODO: Disable Overlunky features. Doesn't do anything yet. |
int | selected_uid | Currently selected uid in the entity picker or -1 if nothing is selected. |
vector<int> | selected_uids | Currently selected uids in the entity finder. |
int | hovered_uid | Currently hovered entity uid or -1 if nothing is hovered. |
optional<int> | set_selected_uid | Set currently selected uid in the entity picker or -1 to clear selection. |
optional<vector<int>> | set_selected_uids | Set currently selected uids in the entity finder. |
PRNG (short for Pseudo-Random-Number-Generator) holds 10 128bit wide buffers of memory that are mutated on every generation of a random number.
The game uses specific buffers for specific scenarios, for example the third buffer is used every time particles are spawned to determine a random velocity.
The used buffer is determined by PRNG_CLASS. If you want to make a mod that does not affect level generation but still uses the prng then you want to stay away from specific buffers.
If you don't care what part of the game you affect just use prng.random
Type | Name | Description |
nil | seed(int seed) | Same as seed_prng |
float | random_float(PRNG_CLASS type) | Generate a random floating point number in the range [0, 1) |
bool | random_chance(int inverse_chance, PRNG_CLASS type) | Returns true with a chance of 1/inverse_chance |
optional<int> | random_index(int i, PRNG_CLASS type) | Generate a integer number in the range [1, i] or nil if i < 1 |
int | random_int(int min, int max, PRNG_CLASS type) | Generate a integer number in the range [min, max] |
float | random() | Drop-in replacement for math.random() |
optional<int> | random(int i) | Drop-in replacement for math.random(i) |
int | random(int min, int max) | Drop-in replacement for math.random(min, max) |
tuple<int, int> | get_pair(PRNG_CLASS type) | |
nil | set_pair(PRNG_CLASS type, int first, int second) |
Control the pause API
Type | Name | Description |
PAUSE_TYPE | pause | Current pause state bitmask. Use custom PAUSE_TYPE.PRE_✱ (or multiple) to freeze the game at the specified callbacks automatically. Checked after the matching ON update callbacks, so can be set on the same callback you want to block at the latest. Vanilla PAUSE flags will be forwarded to state.pause, but use of vanilla PAUSE flags is discouraged and might not work with other PauseAPI features. |
PAUSE_TYPE | pause_type | Pause mask to toggle when using the PauseAPI methods to set or get pause state. |
PAUSE_TRIGGER | pause_trigger | Bitmask for conditions when the current pause_type should be automatically enabled in pause , can have multiple conditions. |
PAUSE_SCREEN | pause_screen | Bitmask to only enable PAUSE_TRIGGER.SCREEN during specific SCREEN, or any screen when NONE. |
PAUSE_TRIGGER | unpause_trigger | Bitmask for conditions when the current pause_type should be automatically disabled in pause , can have multiple conditions. |
PAUSE_SCREEN | unpause_screen | Bitmask to only enable PAUSE_TRIGGER.SCREEN during specific SCREEN, or any screen when NONE. |
PAUSE_SCREEN | ignore_screen | Bitmask for game SCREEN where the PRE_✱ pause types are ignored, even though enabled in pause . Can also use the special cases [FADE, EXIT] to unfreeze temporarily during fades (or other screen transitions where player input is probably impossible) or the level exit walk of shame. |
PAUSE_SCREEN | ignore_screen_trigger | Bitmask for game SCREEN where the triggers are ignored. |
bool | skip | Set to true to unfreeze the game for one update cycle. Sets back to false after ON.POST_GAME_LOOP, so it can be used to check if current frame is a frame advance frame. |
bool | update_camera | Set to true to enable normal camera movement when the game is paused or frozen on a callback by PauseAPI. |
bool | blocked | Is true when PauseAPI is freezing the game. |
bool | skip_fade | Set to true to skip all fade transitions, forcing fade_timer and fade_value to 0 on every update. |
bool | last_instance | Set to true to run pause logic and triggers only in the last API instance in the chain (Playlunky) when multiple instances of the API (Overlunky and Playlunky) are injected. |
int | last_trigger_frame | Global frame stamp when one of the triggers was last triggered, used to prevent running them again on the same frame on unpause. |
int | last_fade_timer | Fade timer stamp when fade triggers were last checked. |
nil | frame_advance() | Sets skip |
PAUSE_TYPE | get_pause() | Get the current pause flags |
nil | set_pause(PAUSE_TYPE flags) | Set the current pause flags |
bool | set_paused(bool enable = true) | Enable/disable the current pause_type flags in pause state |
bool | paused() | Is the game currently paused and that pause state matches any of the current the pause_type |
bool | toggle() | Toggles pause state |
bool | loading() | Is the game currently loading and PAUSE_SCREEN.LOADING would be triggered, based on state.loading and some arbitrary checks. |
int | modifiers_down | Bitmask of modifier KEYs that are currently held |
int | modifiers_block | Bitmask of modifier KEYs that will block all game input |
bool | modifiers_clear_input | Enable to clear affected input when modifiers are held, disable to ignore all input events, i.e. keep held button state as it was before pressing the modifier key |
For using a custom normal map:
-- Doesn't really make sense with this texture, you can use your custom normal texture id here
ent.rendering_info.shader = 30 -- Make sure to set the shader to one that uses normal map
Note: if using set_texture_num, make sure to have used set_second_texture/set_third_texture before, since not doing so can lead to crashes
Some information used to render the entity, can not be changed, used in Entity
Type | Name | Description |
float | x | |
float | y | |
float | offset_x | |
float | offset_y | |
WORLD_SHADER | shader | |
Quad | source | |
Quad | destination | |
float | tilew | |
float | tileh | |
bool | facing_left | |
float | angle | |
int | animation_frame | |
bool | render_inactive | |
float | brightness | |
int | texture_num | |
Entity | get_entity() | |
bool | set_normal_map_texture(TEXTURE texture_id) | Sets second_texture to the texture specified, then sets third_texture to SHINE_0 and texture_num to 3. You still have to change shader to 30 to render with normal map (same as COG normal maps) |
optional<TEXTURE> | get_second_texture() | |
optional<TEXTURE> | get_third_texture() | |
bool | set_second_texture(TEXTURE texture_id) | |
bool | set_third_texture(TEXTURE texture_id) | |
bool | set_texture_num(int num) | Set the number of textures that may be used, need to have them set before for it to work |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(RENDER_INFO_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(RENDER_INFO_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_dtor(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is nil dtor(RenderInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_dtor(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil dtor(RenderInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_draw(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool draw(RenderInfo self) Virtual function docs: Called when the entity enters the camera view, using its hitbox with an extra threshold. Handles low-level graphics tasks related to the GPU |
CallbackId | set_post_draw(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil draw(RenderInfo self) Virtual function docs: Called when the entity enters the camera view, using its hitbox with an extra threshold. Handles low-level graphics tasks related to the GPU |
CallbackId | set_pre_render(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool render(RenderInfo self, Vec2 offset, VanillaRenderContext vanilla_render_context) Virtual function docs: Offset used in CO to draw the fake image of the entity on the other side of a level |
CallbackId | set_post_render(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil render(RenderInfo self, Vec2 offset, VanillaRenderContext vanilla_render_context) Virtual function docs: Offset used in CO to draw the fake image of the entity on the other side of a level |
Used in RoomOwnersInfo
Type | Name | Description |
int | layer | |
int | room_index | |
int | owner_uid |
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
map<int, ItemOwnerDetails> | owned_items | key/index is the uid of an item |
vector<RoomOwnerDetails> | owned_rooms |
Type | Name | Description |
SaveState | new() | Create a new temporary SaveState/clone of the main level state. Unlike save_state slots that are preallocated by the game anyway, these will use 32MiB a pop and aren't freed automatically, so make sure to clear them or reuse the same one to save memory. The garbage collector will eventually clear the SaveStates you don't have a handle to any more though. |
nil | load() | Load a SaveState |
nil | save() | Save over a previously allocated SaveState |
nil | clear() | Delete the SaveState and free the memory. The SaveState can't be used after this. |
StateMemory | get_state() | Access the StateMemory inside a SaveState |
Type | Name | Description |
optional<bool> | wantkeyboard | |
optional<bool> | wantmouse |
Used in get_short_tile_code, get_short_tile_code_definition and PostRoomGenerationContext
Type | Name | Description |
TILE_CODE | tile_code | Tile code that is used by default when this short tile code is encountered. Defaults to 0. |
int | chance | Chance in percent to pick tile_code over alt_tile_code , ignored if chance == 0 . Defaults to 100. |
TILE_CODE | alt_tile_code | Alternative tile code, ignored if chance == 100 . Defaults to 0. |
Type | Name | Description |
ROOM_TEMPLATE | room_template | |
Entity | grid_entity | Grid entity at this position, will only try to spawn procedural if this is nil |
float | x | |
float | y |
Type | Name | Description |
int | column | |
int | row |
Used in SaveRelated
Type | Name | Description |
int | sprite_id | |
TEXTURE | texture |
Type | Name | Description |
Triangle | new() | |
Triangle | new(Triangle other) | |
Triangle | new(Vec2 _a, Vec2 _b, Vec2 _c) | |
Triangle | new(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy) | |
Vec2 | A | |
Vec2 | B | |
Vec2 | C | |
Triangle | offset(Vec2 off) | |
Triangle | offset(float x, float y) | |
Triangle | rotate(float angle, float px, float py) | Rotate triangle by an angle, the px/py are just coordinates, not offset from the center |
Vec2 | center() | Also known as centroid |
tuple<float, float, float> | get_angles() | Returns ABC, BCA, CAB angles in radians |
Triangle | scale(float scale) | |
float | area() | |
bool | is_point_inside(Vec2 p, optional |
Check if point lies inside of triangle Because of the imprecise nature of floating point values, the epsilon value is needed to compare the floats, the default value is 0.0001 |
bool | is_point_inside(float x, float y, optional |
Triangle | set(Triangle other) | |
tuple<Vec2, Vec2, Vec2> | split() | Returns the corner points |
Type | Name | Description |
Simple object to hold pair of coordinates
Type | Name | Description |
Vec2 | new() | |
Vec2 | new(Vec2 other) | |
Vec2 | new(float x_, float y_) | |
float | x | |
float | y | |
Vec2 | rotate(float angle, float px, float py) | |
Vec2 | rotate(float angle, Vec2 p) | |
float | distance_to(Vec2 other) | Just simple Pythagoras theorem |
Vec2 | set(Vec2 other) | |
tuple<float, float> | split() |
Input types
Type | Name | Description |
array<ControllerButton, 16> | buttons | Zero-based indexing. Use PlayerSlot.input_mapping_controller or RAW_BUTTON (or RAW_DUALSHOCK) to index this. |
Used in ImGuiIO
Type | Name | Description |
bool | enabled | |
GAMEPAD | buttons | |
float | lt | |
float | rt | |
float | lx | |
float | ly | |
float | rx | |
float | ry |
Used in get_io, also see set_hotkey and GuiDrawContext::key_picker.
- Functions are static, not class methods expecting
(call withget_io().keydown(key)
, not:
) - The clicked/pressed actions only work in
(they are true for one GUIFRAME), but get_io() can be used anywhere for the other parts. - You can use
or other standard virtual keycodes < 0xFF to indexkeys[]
or in the functions. - You can use chords
in the keydown/keypressed/keyreleased functions. - You can also use mouse buttons (e.g.
) or anything returned by GuiDrawContext:key_picker in the keydown/keypressed/keyreleased functions. - A modifier key as a keycode (
) is not the same as modifier flags OL_MOD_...keypressed(KEY.OL_MOD_CTRL)
won't work,keypressed(KEY.OL_MOD_CTRL | KEY.LSHIFT)
will trigger on "Ctrl+Shift" but not "Shift+Ctrl" - All held modifiers must be present in the chord, e.g.
keypressed(KEY.OL_MOD_CTRL | KEY.X)
won't trigger when Ctrl+Shift+X is pressed,keydown(KEY.Y)
won't trigger when Ctrl+Y is pressed. - Most fields are read only, except
. - Setting
early (e.g. already whenmodifierdown(KEY.OL_MOD_CTRL | KEY.X)
) will prevent the game and UI from reacting to your actual combo later (e.g.keypressed(KEY.OL_MOD_CTRL | KEY.X)
) - Gamepad is basically XINPUT_GAMEPAD but variables are renamed and values are normalized to -1.0..1.0 range.
Type | Name | Description |
Vec2 | displaysize | |
float | framerate | |
bool | wantkeyboard | True if anyone else (i.e. some input box, OL hotkey) is already capturing keyboard or reacted to this keypress and you probably shouldn't. Set this to true every GUIFRAME while you want to capture keyboard and disable UI key bindings and game keys. Won't affect UI or game keys on this frame though, that train has already sailed. Also see Bucket::Overlunky for other ways to override key bindings. Do not set this to false, unless you want the player input to bleed through input fields. |
array<bool, 652> | keys | ZeroIndexArray |
keydown | Returns true if key or chord is down. bool keydown(KEY keychord) bool keydown(char key) |
keypressed | Returns true if key or chord was pressed this GUIFRAME. bool keypressed(KEY keychord, bool repeat = false) bool keypressed(char key, bool repeat = false) |
keyreleased | Returns true if key or chord was released this GUIFRAME. bool keyreleased(KEY keychord) bool keyreleased(char key) |
bool | keyctrl | |
bool | keyshift | |
bool | keyalt | |
bool | keysuper | |
bool | modifierdown(int chord) | bool modifierdown(KEY keychord) Returns true if modifiers in chord are down, ignores other keys in chord. |
bool | wantmouse | True if anyone else (i.e. hovering some window) is already capturing mouse and you probably shouldn't. Set this to true if you want to capture mouse and override UI mouse binding. |
Vec2 | mousepos | |
array<bool, 5> | mousedown | |
array<bool, 5> | mouseclicked | |
array<bool, 5> | mousedoubleclicked | |
array<bool, 5> | mousereleased | |
float | mousewheel | |
Gamepad | gamepad | |
Gamepad | gamepads(int index) | Gamepad gamepads(int index) This is the XInput index 1..4, might not be the same as the player slot. |
bool | showcursor | True when the cursor is visible. Set to true to force the cursor visible. |
Used in PlayerSlot
Type | Name | Description |
int | jump | |
int | attack | |
int | bomb | |
int | rope | |
int | walk_run | |
int | use_door_buy | |
int | pause_menu | |
int | journal | |
int | left | |
int | right | |
int | up | |
int | down | |
array<RAW_KEY, 12> | mapping | Can be indexed with INPUT_FLAG. Keyboard uses RAW_KEY values, controller uses RAW_BUTTON values. |
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
array<PlayerSlot, MAX_PLAYERS> | player_slots | |
PlayerSlot | player_slot_1 | |
PlayerSlot | player_slot_2 | |
PlayerSlot | player_slot_3 | |
PlayerSlot | player_slot_4 | |
array<PlayerSlotSettings, MAX_PLAYERS> | player_settings | |
PlayerSlotSettings | player_slot_1_settings | |
PlayerSlotSettings | player_slot_2_settings | |
PlayerSlotSettings | player_slot_3_settings | |
PlayerSlotSettings | player_slot_4_settings |
Type | Name | Description |
array<KeyboardKey, 112> | keyboard | State of all keyboard buttons in a random game order as usual, most key indexes can be found in RAW_KEY. Zero-based indexing, i.e. use PlayerSlot.input_mapping_keyboard directly to index this. |
array<ControllerInput, 12> | controller | State of controller buttons per controller. Zero-based indexing, i.e. use GameProps.input_index directly to index this. |
Journal types
Used in SaveRelated Derived from JournalPageData
Type | Name | Description |
TEXTURE | texture | |
int | background_sprite_id | |
bool | killed_by_NA | |
bool | defeated_NA |
Used in set_callback with ON.RENDER_POST_JOURNAL_PAGE
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | background | |
int | page_number | |
bool | is_right_side_page() | background.x < 0 |
JOURNAL_PAGE_TYPE | get_type() |
Derived from JournalPage JournalPageDiscoverable
Derived from JournalPage
Type | Name | Description |
TextRenderingInfo | death_cause_text_info |
Derived from JournalPage
Derived from JournalPage
Type | Name | Description |
bool | show_main_image | |
TextRenderingInfo | title_text_info | |
TextRenderingInfo | entry_text_info | |
TextRenderingInfo | chapter_title_text_info |
Derived from JournalPage
Type | Name | Description |
TextRenderingInfo | chapter_title_text_info | |
TextureRenderingInfo | feat_icons |
Derived from JournalPage JournalPageDiscoverable
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | item_icon | |
TextureRenderingInfo | item_background |
Derived from JournalPage
Type | Name | Description |
TextRenderingInfo | journal_text_info | |
TextureRenderingInfo | completion_badge |
Derived from JournalPage
Derived from JournalPage JournalPageDiscoverable
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | character_background | |
TextureRenderingInfo | character_icon | |
TextureRenderingInfo | character_drawing |
Derived from JournalPage JournalPageDiscoverable
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | main_image |
Derived from JournalPage
Derived from JournalPage
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | coffeestain_top |
Derived from JournalPage JournalPageDiscoverable
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | trap_icon | |
TextureRenderingInfo | trap_background |
Used in SaveRelated Derived from JournalPageData
Type | Name | Description |
TEXTURE | texture | |
int | background_sprite_id | |
bool | killed_by_NA | |
bool | defeated_NA | |
TEXTURE | portrait_texture |
Used in SaveRelated Derived from JournalPageData
Type | Name | Description |
TEXTURE | texture | |
int | background_sprite_id |
Levelgen types
Deprecated kept for backward compatibility, don't use, check LevelGenSystem.exit_doors
Type | Name | Description |
float | door1_x | |
float | door1_y | |
float | door2_x | door2 only valid when there are two in the level, like Volcana drill, Olmec, ... |
float | door2_y |
Data relating to level generation, changing anything in here from ON.LEVEL or later will likely have no effect, used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
SHOP_TYPE | shop_type | |
SHOP_TYPE | backlayer_shop_type | |
int | shop_music | |
int | backlayer_shop_music | |
float | spawn_x | |
float | spawn_y | |
int | spawn_room_x | |
int | spawn_room_y | |
vector<Vec2> | exit_doors | |
array<ThemeInfo, 18> | themes | |
int | flags | |
int | flags2 | |
int | flags3 | |
array<int, 17> | level_config |
Lighting types
Generic object for lights in the game, you can make your own with create_illumination
Used in StateMemory, Player, PlayerGhost, BurningRopeEffect ...
Type | Name | Description |
array<LightParams, 4> | lights | Table of light1, light2, ... etc. |
LightParams | light1 | |
LightParams | light2 | |
LightParams | light3 | |
LightParams | light4 | It's rendered on objects around, not as an actual bright spot |
float | brightness | |
float | brightness_multiplier | |
float | light_pos_x | |
float | light_pos_y | |
float | offset_x | |
float | offset_y | |
float | distortion | |
int | entity_uid | |
int | timer | |
int | flags | see flags.hpp illumination_flags |
LIGHT_TYPE | type_flags | |
bool | enabled | |
int | layer |
Used in Illumination
Type | Name | Description |
float | red | |
float | green | |
float | blue | |
float | size | |
Color | as_color() | Returns LightParams as Color, note that size = alpha |
Liquid types
Use LIQUID_POOL enum for the index
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
array<LiquidPool, 5> | pools |
Used in LiquidPool
Type | Name | Description |
bool | pause | |
float | gravity | |
float | cohesion | |
float | elasticity | |
float | size | |
float | weight | |
int | count |
Used in LiquidPool
Type | Name | Description |
float | gravity | |
float | cohesion | |
float | elasticity |
Used in LiquidPhysics
Type | Name | Description |
LiquidPhysicsParams | default | |
LiquidPhysicsEngine | engine |
Logic types
Used in LogicList
Type | Name | Description |
LOGIC | logic_index |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | spawn_cooldown | |
bool | cooling_down | |
bool | apep_journal_entry_logged |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | administrator | entity uid of the character that keeps the time |
int | crate | entity uid. you must break this crate for the run to be valid, otherwise you're cheating |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Used in LogicMoonChallenge, LogicStarChallenge, LogicSunChallenge Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | floor_challenge_entrance_uid | |
int | floor_challenge_waitroom_uid | |
bool | challenge_active | |
int | forcefield_countdown |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | boss_uid | |
ENT_TYPE | boss_type | |
int | bet_machine | entity uid |
int | die1 | entity uid |
int | die2 | entity uid |
int | die_1_value | |
int | die_2_value | |
int | prize_dispenser | entity uid |
int | prize | entity uid |
int | forcefield | entity uid |
bool | bet_active | |
bool | forcefield_deactivated | |
int | result_announcement_timer | the time the boss waits after your second die throw to announce the results |
int | won_prizes_count | |
int | balance | cash balance of all the games |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | toast_timer | default 90 |
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
LogicTutorial | tutorial | Handles dropping of the torch and rope in intro routine (first time play) |
LogicOuroboros | ouroboros | |
LogicBasecampSpeedrun | basecamp_speedrun | Keep track of time, player position passing official |
Logic | ghost_trigger | It's absence is the only reason why ghost doesn't spawn at boss levels or CO |
LogicGhostToast | ghost_toast_trigger | |
Logic | tun_aggro | Spawns tun at the door at 30s mark |
LogicDiceShop | diceshop | |
LogicTunPreChallenge | tun_pre_challenge | |
LogicMoonChallenge | tun_moon_challenge | |
LogicStarChallenge | tun_star_challenge | |
LogicSunChallenge | tun_sun_challenge | |
LogicMagmamanSpawn | magmaman_spawn | |
LogicUnderwaterBubbles | water_bubbles | Only the bubbles that spawn from the floor (no border tiles, checks decoration flag), also spawn droplets falling from ceiling Even without it, entities moving in water still spawn bubbles |
LogicOlmecCutscene | olmec_cutscene | |
LogicTiamatCutscene | tiamat_cutscene | |
LogicApepTrigger | apep_spawner | Triggers and spawns Apep only in rooms set as ROOM_TEMPLATE.APEP |
LogicCOGAnkhSacrifice | city_of_gold_ankh_sacrifice | All it does is it runs transition to Duat after time delay (sets the state next theme etc. and state.items for proper player respawn) |
Logic | duat_bosses_spawner | |
LogicTiamatBubbles | bubbler | Spawn rising bubbles at Tiamat (position hardcoded) |
LogicTuskPleasurePalace | tusk_pleasure_palace | Triggers aggro on everyone when non-high roller enters door |
Logic | discovery_info | black market, vlad, wet fur discovery, logic shows the toast |
Logic | black_market | Changes the camera bounds when you reach black market |
Logic | jellyfish_trigger | |
LogicArena1 | arena_1 | Handles create spawns and more, is cleared as soon as the winner is decided (on last player alive) |
Logic | arena_2 | |
Logic | arena_3 | Handles time end death |
LogicArenaAlienBlast | arena_alien_blast | |
LogicArenaLooseBombs | arena_loose_bombs | |
Logic | start_logic(LOGIC idx) | This only properly constructs the base class you may still need to initialise the parameters correctly |
nil | stop_logic(LOGIC idx) | |
nil | stop_logic(Logic log) |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
vector<MagmamanSpawnPosition> | magmaman_positions | |
nil | add_spawn(int x, int y) | |
nil | add_spawn(MagmamanSpawnPosition ms) | |
nil | remove_spawn(int x, int y) | |
nil | remove_spawn(MagmamanSpawnPosition ms) |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic LogicChallenge
Type | Name | Description |
int | mattock_uid | entity uid |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_olmecpart_large | |
Entity | olmec | |
Entity | player | |
Entity | cinematic_anchor | |
int | timer |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | timer |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic LogicChallenge
Type | Name | Description |
vector<Entity> | torches | |
int | start_countdown |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic LogicChallenge
Type | Name | Description |
int | start_countdown |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | bubble_spawn_timer |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | tiamat | |
Entity | player | |
Entity | cinematic_anchor | |
int | timer |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
int | locked_door |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | pet_tutorial | |
int | timer |
Used in LogicList Derived from Logic
Type | Name | Description |
float | gravity_direction | 1.0 = normal, -1.0 = inversed, other values have undefined behavior this value basically have to be the same as return from ThemeInfo:get_liquid_gravity() |
int | droplets_spawn_chance | It's inverse chance, so the lower the number the higher the chance, values below 10 may crash the game |
bool | droplets_enabled | Enable/disable spawn of ENT_TYPE.FX_WATER_DROP from ceiling (or ground if liquid gravity is inverse) |
Online types
Can be accessed via global online
Type | Name | Description |
array<OnlinePlayer, 4> | online_players | |
OnlinePlayer | local_player | |
OnlineLobby | lobby |
Used in Online
Type | Name | Description |
int | code | |
int | local_player_slot | |
string | get_code() | Gets the string equivalent of the code |
Used in Online
Type | Name | Description |
GAME_MODE | game_mode | |
PLATFORM | platform | |
READY_STATE | ready_state | |
int | character | |
string | player_name |
Particle types
Used in ParticleEmitterInfo
Type | Name | Description |
float | x | |
float | y | |
float | velocityx | |
float | velocityy | |
uColor | color | |
float | width | |
float | height | |
int | lifetime | |
int | max_lifetime |
Used in ParticleDB, get_particle_type
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleDB | new(ParticleDB other) | |
ParticleDB | new(PARTICLEEMITTER particle_id) | |
int | spawn_count_min | |
int | spawn_count | |
int | lifespan_min | |
int | lifespan | |
int | sheet_id | |
int | animation_sequence_length | |
float | spawn_interval | |
float | shrink_growth_factor | |
float | rotation_speed | |
float | opacity | |
float | hor_scattering | |
float | ver_scattering | |
float | scale_x_min | |
float | scale_x | |
float | scale_y_min | |
float | scale_y | |
float | hor_deflection_1 | |
float | ver_deflection_1 | |
float | hor_deflection_2 | |
float | ver_deflection_2 | |
float | hor_velocity | |
float | ver_velocity | |
int | red | |
int | green | |
int | blue | |
bool | permanent | |
bool | invisible | |
TEXTURE | get_texture() | |
bool | set_texture(TEXTURE texture_id) |
Generic type for creating particles in the game, you can make your own with generate_world_particles or generate_screen_particles
Used in ScreenCharacterSelect, ScreenTitle, CursedEffect, OnFireEffect, PoisonedEffect ...
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleDB | particle_type | |
ParticleDB | particle_type2 | |
int | particle_count | |
int | particle_count_back_layer | |
int | entity_uid | |
float | x | |
float | y | |
float | offset_x | |
float | offset_y | |
int | layer | |
int | draw_depth | |
array<Particle> | emitted_particles | |
array<Particle> | emitted_particles_back_layer |
Savegame types
Type | Name | Description |
int | star_count | |
array<ConstellationStar, 45> | stars | |
float | scale | |
int | line_count | |
array<ConstellationLine, 90> | lines | |
float | line_red_intensity |
Type | Name | Description |
int | from | |
int | to |
Type | Name | Description |
int | type | |
float | x | |
float | y | |
float | size | |
float | red | |
float | green | |
float | blue | |
float | alpha | |
float | halo_red | |
float | halo_green | |
float | halo_blue | |
float | halo_alpha | |
bool | canis_ring | |
bool | fidelis_ring |
Type | Name | Description |
array<bool, 16> | places | |
array<bool, 78> | bestiary | |
array<bool, 38> | people | |
array<bool, 54> | items | |
array<bool, 24> | traps | |
string | last_daily | |
int | characters | 20bit bitmask of unlocked characters |
int | tutorial_state | Tutorial state 0..4. Changes the camp layout, camera and lighting. (0=nothing, 1=journal got, 2=key spawned, 3=door unlocked, 4=complete) |
int | shortcuts | Terra quest state 0..10 (0=not met ... 10=complete) |
array<int, 78> | bestiary_killed | |
array<int, 78> | bestiary_killed_by | |
array<int, 38> | people_killed | |
array<int, 38> | people_killed_by | |
int | plays | |
int | deaths | |
int | wins_normal | |
int | wins_hard | |
int | wins_special | |
int | score_total | |
int | score_top | |
int | deepest_area | |
int | deepest_level | |
int | time_best | |
int | time_total | |
int | time_tutorial | |
array<int, 20> | character_deaths | |
array<int, 3> | pets_rescued | |
bool | completed_normal | |
bool | completed_ironman | |
bool | completed_hard | |
bool | profile_seen | |
bool | seeded_unlocked | |
int | world_last | |
int | level_last | |
int | theme_last | |
int | score_last | |
int | time_last | |
array<ENT_TYPE, 20> | stickers | |
array<int, 4> | players | |
Constellation | constellation |
Screen types
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | texture_info | |
ENT_TYPE | entity_type | |
float | spritesheet_column | |
float | spritesheet_row | |
float | spritesheet_animation_length | |
float | velocity_x | |
float | amplitude | |
float | frequency | |
float | sinewave_angle |
Used in SaveRelated
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | wiggling_page_icon | |
TextureRenderingInfo | black_background | |
TextureRenderingInfo | button_icon | |
float | wiggling_page_angle | |
int | chapter_to_show | |
int | entry_to_show | |
int | timer | |
float | slide_position |
Type | Name | Description |
int | state | |
JOURNALUI_PAGE_SHOWN | chapter_shown | |
int | current_page | |
int | flipping_to_page | |
int | max_page_count | |
TextureRenderingInfo | book_background | |
TextureRenderingInfo | arrow_left | |
TextureRenderingInfo | arrow_right | |
TextureRenderingInfo | entire_book | |
int | fade_timer | |
int | page_timer | |
float | opacity | |
vector<JournalPage> | pages | Stores pages loaded into memory. It's not cleared after the journal is closed or when you go back to the main (menu) page. Use :get_type() to check page type and cast it correctly (see ON.RENDER_PRE_JOURNAL_PAGE) |
Type | Name | Description |
int | platform_icon | 16 = PC, 17 = Discord, 18 = Steam, 19 = Xbox, 32 = switch, 48 = PS, 49 = PS again? |
int | character | 0 - Ana Spelunky, 1 - Margaret Tunnel, 2 - Colin Northward, 3 - Roffy D. Sloth.. and so on. Same order as in ENT_TYPE |
bool | ready | |
bool | searching |
Type | Name | Description |
float | menu_slidein_progress | |
TextureRenderingInfo | blurred_background | |
TextureRenderingInfo | woodpanel_left | |
TextureRenderingInfo | woodpanel_middle | |
TextureRenderingInfo | woodpanel_right | |
TextureRenderingInfo | woodpanel_top | |
TextureRenderingInfo | scroll | |
TextureRenderingInfo | confirmation_panel | Prompt background |
int | selected_option | It's set wh game displays the prompt |
bool | prompt_visible | |
array<int, MAX_PLAYERS> | buttons_actions | |
array<int, MAX_PLAYERS> | buttons_movement | |
int | visibility | 0 - Invisible, 1 - Sliding down, 2 - Visible, 3 - Sliding up |
Used in GameManager
Type | Name | Description |
JournalPopupUI | journal_popup_ui | |
map<int, JournalPageData> | places_data | Scale and offset not used in those pages. Can't add more |
map<ENT_TYPE, JournalBestiaryData> | bestiary_data | |
map<ENT_TYPE, ENT_TYPE> | monster_part_to_main | used to map stuff like Osiris_Hand -> Osiris_Head, Hundun limbs -> Hundun etc. |
map<ENT_TYPE, JournalPeopleData> | people_info | |
map<ENT_TYPE, ENT_TYPE> | people_part_to_main | used to map shopkeeper clone to shopkeeper only |
map<ENT_TYPE, JournalPageData> | item_info | |
map<ENT_TYPE, JournalPageData> | trap_info | |
map<ENT_TYPE, ENT_TYPE> | trap_part_to_main | used for stuff like upsidedown_spikes -> spikes, skulldrop skulls -> skulldrop trap etc. |
map<ENT_TYPE, StickersData> | stickers_data | |
SaveData | get_savegame() | Gets local version of the SaveData |
Type | Name | Description |
float | render_timer | |
nil | init() | Initializes the screen. |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | players | |
TextureRenderingInfo | background_colors | |
TextureRenderingInfo | vertical_lines | |
TextureRenderingInfo | vertical_line_electricity_effect | |
TextureRenderingInfo | left_scroll | |
TextureRenderingInfo | right_scroll | |
float | scroll_unfurl | |
bool | waiting | |
float | names_opacity | |
float | line_electricity_effect_timer | |
int | state | |
int | countdown | |
array<ParticleEmitterInfo, 9> | particles |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | get_ready | |
TextureRenderingInfo | get_ready_gray_background | |
TextureRenderingInfo | get_ready_outline | |
array<ParticleEmitterInfo, 11> | particles |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
float | x | |
float | y | |
int | timer1 | |
int | timer2 | |
bool | visible |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
int | buttons |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
-- forces any level transition to immediately go to constellation ending with custom text
if state.screen_next == SCREEN.TRANSITION then
if state.level_count == 0 then state.level_count = 1 end -- no /0
state.win_state = WIN_STATE.COSMIC_OCEAN_WIN
state.screen_next = SCREEN.CONSTELLATION
state.world_next = 8
state.level_next = 99
state.theme_next = THEME.COSMIC_OCEAN
state.level_gen.themes[THEME.COSMIC_OCEAN].sub_theme = state.level_gen.themes[state.theme]
if state.screen_constellation.sequence_state == 2 then
state.screen_constellation.constellation_text = "Lol u stars now"
end, 1)
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
int | sequence_state | |
int | animation_timer | |
float | constellation_text_opacity | |
string | constellation_text | |
SoundMeta | explosion_and_loop | |
SoundMeta | music |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | up | |
bool | down | |
bool | left | |
bool | right | |
int | direction_input | -1 - none, 0 - UP, 1 - DOWN, 2 - LEFT, 3 - RIGHT |
int | hold_down_timer | Delay after which fast scroll activates (can stop at different value, only matters when you hold down the direction button) |
int | fast_scroll_timer |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
float | credits_progression | |
SoundMeta | bg_music_info |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
Available in ScreenOnlineLobby Derived from Screen ScreenCodeInput
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | enter_code_your_code_scroll | |
TextureRenderingInfo | enter_code_your_code_scroll_left_handle | |
TextureRenderingInfo | enter_code_your_code_scroll_right_handle |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | blackout_background | |
float | blackout_alpha | |
bool | active | ends the intro immediately if set to false |
bool | skip_prologue | skips prologue and goes straight to the title screen after the intro |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
int | buttons |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | logo_mossmouth | |
TextureRenderingInfo | logo_blitworks | |
TextureRenderingInfo | logo_fmod | |
int | state | 0 - mossmouth, 1 - blitworks, 2 - fmod, 3 - end (next screen) |
int | timer |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
TextureRenderingInfo | ouroboros | |
float | ouroboros_angle |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
STRINGID | line1 | |
STRINGID | line2 | |
STRINGID | line3 | |
float | line1_alpha | |
float | line2_alpha | |
float | line3_alpha |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
int | time_till_reset | Delay after player death to reset camp |
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
int | buttons | |
int | time_till_death_screen | Delay after player death to open the death screen |
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Derived from Screen
Type | Name | Description |
int | sequence_timer | |
int | frame_timer | |
int | animation_state | |
Entity | rescuing_ship_entity |
Sound types
Derived from SoundMeta
Type | Name | Description |
Handle to a loaded sound, can be used to play the sound and receive a PlayingSound
for more control
It is up to you to not release this as long as any sounds returned by CustomSound:play()
are still playing
Type | Name | Description |
PlayingSound | play() | |
PlayingSound | play(bool paused) | |
PlayingSound | play(bool paused, SOUND_TYPE sound_type) | |
map<VANILLA_SOUND_PARAM, string> | get_parameters() |
Handle to a playing sound, start the sound paused to make sure you can apply changes before playing it You can just discard this handle if you do not need extended control anymore
Type | Name | Description |
bool | is_playing() | |
bool | stop() | |
bool | set_pause(bool pause) | |
bool | set_mute(bool mute) | |
bool | set_pitch(float pitch) | |
bool | set_pan(float pan) | |
bool | set_volume(float volume) | |
bool | set_looping(SOUND_LOOP_MODE loop_mode) | |
bool | set_callback(function callback) | |
map<VANILLA_SOUND_PARAM, string> | get_parameters() | |
optional<float> | get_parameter(VANILLA_SOUND_PARAM parameter_index) | |
bool | set_parameter(VANILLA_SOUND_PARAM parameter_index, float value) |
Type | Name | Description |
SOUNDID | sound_id | |
VANILLA_SOUND | sound_name |
Type | Name | Description |
float | x | |
float | y | |
SoundInfo | sound_info | |
array<float, 38> | left_channel | Use VANILLA_SOUND_PARAM as index, warning: special case with first index at 0, loop using pairs will get you all results but the key/index will be wrong, ipairs will have correct key/index but will skip the first element |
array<float, 38> | right_channel | Use VANILLA_SOUND_PARAM as index warning: special case with first index at 0, loop using pairs will get you all results but the key/index will be wrong, ipairs will have correct key/index but will skip the first element |
bool | start_over | when false, current track starts from the beginning, is immediately set back to true |
bool | playing | set to false to turn off |
nil | start() |
State types
Type | Name | Description |
float | bounds_left | |
float | bounds_right | |
float | bounds_bottom | |
float | bounds_top | |
float | calculated_focus_x | |
float | calculated_focus_y | |
float | adjusted_focus_x | |
float | adjusted_focus_y | |
float | focus_offset_x | |
float | focus_offset_y | |
float | focus_x | |
float | focus_y | |
float | vertical_pan | |
int | shake_countdown_start | |
int | shake_countdown | |
float | shake_amplitude | |
float | shake_multiplier_x | |
float | shake_multiplier_y | |
bool | uniform_shake | |
int | focused_entity_uid | if set to -1, you have free control over camera focus through focus_x, focus_y |
float | inertia | This is a bad name, but it represents the camera tweening speed. [0..5] where 0=still, 1=default (move 20% of distance per frame), 5=max (move 5*20% or 100% aka instantly to destination per frame) |
int | peek_timer | amount of frames to freeze camera in place and move to the peek_layer during the peek you can freely set camera position no matter if focused_entity_uid is set to -1 or not |
int | peek_layer | |
AABB | get_bounds() | |
nil | set_bounds(AABB bounds) |
Can be accessed via global game_manager
Type | Name | Description |
BackgroundMusic | music | |
GameProps | game_props | |
ScreenLogo | screen_logo | |
ScreenIntro | screen_intro | |
ScreenPrologue | screen_prologue | |
ScreenTitle | screen_title | |
ScreenMenu | screen_menu | |
ScreenOptions | screen_options | |
Screen | screen_player_profile | It just opens journal |
Screen | screen_leaderboards | All handled by the Online |
ScreenCodeInput | screen_seed_input | |
ScreenCamp | screen_camp | |
ScreenLevel | screen_level | |
Screen | screen_transition | |
Screen | screen_arena_level | |
Screen | screen_arena_score | |
ScreenOnlineLoading | screen_online_loading | |
ScreenOnlineLobby | screen_online_lobby | |
PauseUI | pause_ui | |
JournalUI | journal_ui | |
SaveRelated | save_related | |
BackgroundSound | main_menu_music | |
array<int, MAX_PLAYERS> | buttons_controls | Yet another place to get player inputs, in some format |
array<int, MAX_PLAYERS> | buttons_movement | Yet another place to get player inputs, in some format |
Type | Name | Description |
array<int, MAX_PLAYERS> | input | Used for player input and might be used for some menu inputs not found in buttons_menu. You can probably capture and edit this in ON.POST_PROCESS_INPUT. These are raw inputs, without things like autorun applied. |
array<int, MAX_PLAYERS> | input_previous | |
MENU_INPUT | input_menu | Inputs used to control all the menus, separate from player inputs. You can probably capture and edit this in ON.POST_PROCESS_INPUT |
MENU_INPUT | input_menu_previous | Previous state of buttons_menu |
bool | game_has_focus | |
bool | menu_open | |
array<int, 5> | input_index | Input index for players 1-4 and maybe for the menu controls. -1: disabled, 0..3: keyboards, 4..7: Xinput, 8..11: other controllers |
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
int | player_count | |
int | saved_pets_count | Only for the level transition, the actual number is held in player inventory |
array<ENT_TYPE, 4> | saved_pets | Pet information for level transition |
array<bool, 4> | is_pet_cursed | |
array<bool, 4> | is_pet_poisoned | |
int | leader | Index of leader player in coop |
array<SelectPlayerSlot, MAX_PLAYERS> | player_select | |
array<Inventory, MAX_PLAYERS> | player_inventory | |
array<Player, MAX_PLAYERS> | players | Table of players, also keeps the dead body until they are destroyed (necromancer revive also destroys the old body) |
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
float | x | |
float | y | |
float | angle | |
float | scale | |
int | texture_column | |
int | texture_row | |
int | texture_range |
Used in StateMemory
Type | Name | Description |
int | theme | |
int | grid_position | |
ENT_TYPE | entity_type | |
float | x | |
float | y | |
float | angle |
Type | Name | Description |
INPUTS | buttons_gameplay | |
INPUTS | buttons | |
InputMapping | input_mapping_keyboard | |
InputMapping | input_mapping_controller | |
int | player_slot | |
bool | is_participating |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | controller_vibration | |
bool | auto_run_enabled | |
bool | controller_right_stick |
Type | Name | Description |
int | yang_state | |
int | jungle_sisters_flags | |
int | van_horsing_state | |
int | sparrow_state | |
int | madame_tusk_state | |
int | beg_state |
Used in Items
Type | Name | Description |
bool | activated | |
ENT_TYPE | character | |
TEXTURE | texture |
Can be accessed via global state
Type | Name | Description |
SCREEN | screen_last | Previous SCREEN, used to check where we're coming from when loading another SCREEN |
SCREEN | screen | Current SCREEN, generally read-only or weird things will happen |
SCREEN | screen_next | Next SCREEN, used to load the right screen when loading. Can be changed in PRE_LOAD_SCREEN to go somewhere else instead. Also see state.loading . |
PAUSE | pause | 8bit flags, multiple might be active at the same time 1: Menu: Pauses the level timer and engine. Can't set, controlled by the menu. 2: Fade/Loading: Pauses all timers and engine. 4: Cutscene: Pauses total/level time but not engine. Used by boss cutscenes. 8: Unknown: Pauses total/level time and engine. Does not pause the global counter so set_global_interval still runs. 16: Unknown: Pauses total/level time and engine. Does not pause the global counter so set_global_interval still runs. 32: Ankh: Pauses all timers, engine, but not camera. Used by the ankh cutscene. |
int | width | level width in rooms (number of rooms horizontally) |
int | height | level height in rooms (number of rooms vertically) |
int | kali_favor | |
int | kali_status | |
int | kali_altars_destroyed | Also affects if the player has punish ball, if the punish ball is destroyed it is set to -1 |
int | kali_gifts | 0 - none, 1 - item, 3 - kapala |
int | seed | Current seed in seeded mode, just set to a funny value and does nothing in adventure mode |
int | time_total | Total frames of current run, equal to the final game time on win |
int | world | Current world number, shown in hud and used by some game logic like choosing the next level on transition |
int | world_next | Next world number, used when loading a new level or transition |
int | world_start | World number to start new runs in |
int | level | Current level number, shown in hud and used by some game logic like choosing the next level on transition |
int | level_next | Next level number, used when loading a new level or transition |
int | level_start | Level number to start new runs in |
THEME | theme | Current THEME number, used to pick the music and by some game logic like choosing the next level on transition |
THEME | theme_next | Next THEME number, used when loading a new level or transition |
THEME | theme_start | THEME to start new runs in |
ThemeInfo | current_theme | Points to the current ThemeInfo |
nil | force_current_theme(THEME t) | This function should only be used in a very specific circumstance (forcing the exiting theme when manually transitioning). Will crash the game if used inappropriately! |
int | shoppie_aggro | Current shoppie aggro |
int | shoppie_aggro_next | Shoppie aggro to use in the next level |
int | outposts_spawned | |
int | merchant_aggro | Tun aggro |
int | kills_npc | |
int | level_count | Current zero-based level count, or number of levels completed |
int | damage_taken | Total amount of damage taken, excluding cause of death |
JOURNAL_FLAG | journal_flags | |
int | time_last_level | Level time of previous level in frames, used by game logic to decide dark levels etc |
int | time_level | Level time of current level in frames, show on the hud |
int | level_flags | |
QUEST_FLAG | quest_flags | 32bit flags, can be written to trigger a run reset on next level load etc. |
PRESENCE_FLAG | presence_flags | |
FADE | loading | Current loading/fade state. Pauses all updates if > FADE.NONE. Writing FADE.OUT or FADE.LOAD will trigger a screen load to screen_next . |
float | fade_value | Current fade-to-black amount (0.0 = all visible; 1.0 = all black). Manipulated by the loading routine when loading > 0. |
int | fade_timer | Remaining frames for fade-in/fade-out when loading. Counts down to 0. |
int | fade_length | Total frames for fade-in/fade-out when loading. |
int | fade_delay | Additional delay after fade_timer reaches 0, before moving to the next fading state. Used after Ouroboros, in credits etc. for longer black screens, but also works after FADE.IN. |
bool | fade_enabled | Enables the fade effect on FADE.IN, setting to false makes loading skip FADE.IN state instantly |
bool | fade_circle | Makes loading use circle iris effect instead of fade on FADE.IN |
int | saved_dogs | Run totals |
int | saved_cats | |
int | saved_hamsters | |
int | win_state | 0 = no win 1 = tiamat win 2 = hundun win 3 = CO win; set this and next doorway leads to victory scene |
Illumination | illumination | The global level illumination, very big and bright. |
int | money_last_levels | |
int | money_shop_total | Total amount spent in shops and sold idols during the run The total money currently available is loop (players[].inventory.money + players[].inventory.collected_money_total) + state.money_shop_total |
PlayerInputs | player_inputs | Access the player inputs even when no player entities are available |
QuestsInfo | quests | NPC quest states |
Camera | camera | Camera bounds and position |
int | special_visibility_flags | |
CAUSE_OF_DEATH | cause_of_death | |
ENT_TYPE | cause_of_death_entity_type | |
int | toast_timer | |
int | speechbubble_timer | |
int | speechbubble_owner | |
LevelGenSystem | level_gen | Entrance and exit coordinates, shop types and all themes |
int | correct_ushabti | See get_correct_ushabti . == anim_frame - (2 * floor(anim_frame/12)) |
Items | items | Has the current player count, player inventories and character selections |
int | camera_layer | |
int | layer_transition_timer | |
int | transition_to_layer | |
ScreenCharacterSelect | screen_character_select | |
ScreenTeamSelect | screen_team_select | For the arena |
ScreenStateCamp | screen_camp | |
ScreenStateLevel | screen_level | |
ScreenTransition | screen_transition | |
ScreenDeath | screen_death | |
ScreenWin | screen_win | |
ScreenCredits | screen_credits | The spaceship minigame |
ScreenScores | screen_scores | Landing on the moon after win |
ScreenConstellation | screen_constellation | |
ScreenRecap | screen_recap | Journal after CO win |
ScreenArenaStagesSelect | screen_arena_stages_select | |
ScreenArenaIntro | screen_arena_intro | |
ScreenArenaLevel | screen_arena_level | |
ScreenArenaScore | screen_arena_score | |
ScreenArenaMenu | screen_arena_menu | |
ScreenArenaItems | screen_arena_items | |
int | get_correct_ushabti() | Returns animation_frame of the correct ushabti |
nil | set_correct_ushabti(int animation_frame) | |
ArenaState | arena | |
ENT_TYPE | speedrun_character | Who administers the tutorial speedrun in base camp |
bool | speedrun_activation_trigger | must transition from true to false to activate it |
ENT_TYPE | end_spaceship_character | Who pops out the spaceship for a tiamat/hundun win, this is set upon the spaceship door open |
bool | world2_coffin_spawned | |
bool | world4_coffin_spawned | |
bool | world6_coffin_spawned | |
ENT_TYPE | first_damage_cause | |
int | first_damage_world | |
int | first_damage_level | |
int | time_speedrun | |
ENT_TYPE | coffin_contents | the contents of the special coffin that will be spawned during levelgen |
int | screen_change_counter | |
int | time_startup | Number of frames since the game was launched |
int | storage_uid | entity uid of the first floor_storage entity |
array<ENT_TYPE, 99> | waddler_storage | |
array<int, 99> | waddler_metadata | |
int | journal_progress_sticker_count | |
array<JournalProgressStickerSlot, 40> | journal_progress_sticker_slots | stickers for notable items and entities in journal progress page |
int | journal_progress_stain_count | |
array<JournalProgressStainSlot, 30> | journal_progress_stain_slots | blood splats and paw prints in journal progress page |
int | journal_progress_theme_count | |
array<THEME, 9> | journal_progress_theme_slots | visited themes in journal progress page |
ThemeInfo | theme_info | Points to the current ThemeInfo |
LogicList | logic | Level logic like dice game and cutscenes |
LiquidPhysics | liquid | |
int | next_entity_uid | Next entity spawned will have this uid |
RoomOwnersInfo | room_owners | Holds info about owned rooms and items (shops, challenge rooms, vault etc.) |
any | user_data | You can store a table (or lua primitive) here and it will store data correctly in online multiplayer, by having a different copy on each state and being copied over when the game does. Doesn't support recursive tables / cyclic references. Metatables will be transferred by reference instead of being copied |
Texture types
Type | Name | Description |
new | TextRenderingInfo:new(string text, float scale_x, float scale_y, VANILLA_TEXT_ALIGNMENT alignment, VANILLA_FONT_STYLE fontstyle) TextRenderingInfo:new(string text, float x, float y, float scale_x, float scale_y, VANILLA_TEXT_ALIGNMENT alignment, VANILLA_FONT_STYLE fontstyle) Creates new TextRenderingInfo that can be used in VanillaRenderContext draw_text For static text, it is better to use one object and call draw_text with it, instead of relaying on draw_text creating this object for you |
float | x | |
float | y | |
int | text_length | You can also just use # operator on the whole TextRenderingInfo to get the text length |
float | width | |
float | height | |
TEXTURE | special_texture_id | Used to draw buttons and stuff, default is -1 which uses the buttons texture |
span<Letter> | get_dest() | Returns reference to the letter coordinates relative to the x,y position |
span<Letter> | get_source() | Returns reference to the letter coordinates in the texture |
tuple<float, float> | text_size() | {width, height}, is only updated when you set/change the text. This is equivalent to draw_text_size |
nil | rotate(float angle, optional |
Rotates the text around the pivot point (default 0), pivot is relative to the text position (x, y), use px and py to offset it |
nil | set_text(string text, float scale_x, float scale_y, VANILLA_TEXT_ALIGNMENT alignment, VANILLA_FONT_STYLE fontstyle) | Changes the text, only position stays the same, everything else (like rotation) is reset or set according to the parameters |
TEXTURE | get_font() | |
bool | set_font(TEXTURE id) |
Use TextureDefinition.new()
to get a new instance to this and pass it to define_texture.
and height
always have to be the size of the image file. They should be divisible by tile_width
and tile_height
and tile_height
define the size of a single tile, the image will automatically be divided into these tiles.
Tiles are labeled in sequence starting at the top left, going right and down at the end of the image (you know, like sentences work in the English language). Use those numbers in Entity::animation_frame
, sub_image_offset_y
, sub_image_width
and sub_image_height
can be used if only a part of the image should be used. Leave them at zero to ignore this.
Type | Name | Description |
string | texture_path | |
int | width | |
int | height | |
int | tile_width | |
int | tile_height | |
int | sub_image_offset_x | |
int | sub_image_offset_y | |
int | sub_image_width | |
int | sub_image_height |
Type | Name | Description |
new | ||
float | x | |
float | y | |
float | destination_bottom_left_x | destination is relative to the x,y center point |
float | destination_bottom_left_y | |
float | destination_bottom_right_x | |
float | destination_bottom_right_y | |
float | destination_top_left_x | |
float | destination_top_left_y | |
float | destination_top_right_x | |
float | destination_top_right_y | |
nil | set_destination(AABB bbox) | |
Quad | dest_get_quad() | |
nil | dest_set_quad(Quad quad) | |
float | source_bottom_left_x | |
float | source_bottom_left_y | |
float | source_bottom_right_x | |
float | source_bottom_right_y | |
float | source_top_left_x | |
float | source_top_left_y | |
float | source_top_right_x | |
float | source_top_right_y | |
Quad | source_get_quad() | |
nil | source_set_quad(Quad quad) |
Theme types
Very basic example how to use a CustomTheme in the procedural levels. Search the examples or check Eternal Flame of Gehenna for custom levels.
-- create a new theme based on dwelling
local my_theme = CustomTheme:new()
-- get some ember effects from volcana
-- change level size
my_theme:post(THEME_OVERRIDE.INIT_LEVEL, function()
state.width = 5
state.height = 15
-- set floor textures to eggy
-- use the level gen from ice caves
ctx:override_level_files({"generic.lvl", "icecavesarea.lvl"})
-- force our theme instead of the default
You can call theme functions from other themes, for example to make all growable tile codes work in your theme:
local custom = CustomTheme:new()
custom:post(THEME_OVERRIDE.SPAWN_LEVEL, function()
Customizable ThemeInfo with ability to override certain theming functions from different themes or write custom functions. Check ThemeInfo for some notes on the vanilla theme functions. Warning: We WILL change these function names, especially the unknown ones, when you figure out what they do. Derived from ThemeInfo
-- When hell freezes over: Examples for hooking ThemeInfo virtuals
state.level_gen.themes[THEME.VOLCANA]:set_pre_texture_dynamic(function(theme, id)
-- change volcana floor to ice floor
-- run the effects function from another theme to get cool ice particle effects
for i=1,50 do
-- then we run this to fix the weird camera bounds set by ice caves
-- don't spawn volcanic effects
return true
-- make players cold
for i,p in pairs(get_local_players()) do
spawn_over(ENT_TYPE.LOGICAL_FROST_BREATH, p.uid, 0, 0)
-- make vlads bluish
Type | Name | Description |
int | unknown3 | |
int | unknown4 | |
int | theme | |
bool | allow_beehive | |
bool | allow_leprechaun | |
ThemeInfo | sub_theme | |
nil | reset_theme_flags() | Sets the beehive and leprechaun flags |
nil | init_flags() | Initializes some flags in the LevelGenSystem, also dark level flag in state.level_flags. |
nil | init_level() | Adds the entrance room and sets spawn_room_x/y. Sets the level size and toast for echoes feeling. Sets some other level_flags, shop related flags and shop_type. |
nil | init_rooms() | |
nil | generate_path(bool reset) | Generates and adds the path rooms and exit room Params: reset to start over from the beginning if other rooms didn't fit |
nil | add_special_rooms() | Adds rooms related to udjat, black market, castle etc |
nil | add_player_coffin() | Adds a player revival coffin room |
nil | add_dirk_coffin() | Adds a Dirk coffin room |
nil | add_idol() | Adds an idol room |
nil | add_vault() | Adds a vault room |
nil | add_coffin() | Adds a character unlock coffin room |
nil | add_special_feeling() | Adds the metal clanking or oppression rooms |
nil | spawn_level() | Calls many other theme functions to spawn the floor, enemies, items etc, but not background and players. (Disable this to only spawn background and players.) |
nil | spawn_border() | Spawns the border entities (some floor or teleportingborder) |
nil | post_process_level() | Theme specific specialties like randomizing ushabti and Coco coffin location, spawns impostor lakes |
nil | spawn_traps() | Spawns theme specific random traps, pushblocks and critters. Sets special exit doors. |
nil | post_process_entities() | Fixes textures on pleasure palace ladders, adds some decorations |
nil | spawn_procedural() | Adds legs under platforms, random pots, goldbars, monsters, compass indicator, initialises quests, random shadows... |
nil | spawn_background() | Adds the main level background , e.g. CO stars / Duat moon / Plain backwall for other themes |
nil | spawn_lights() | Adds room lights to udjat chest room or black market |
nil | spawn_transition() | Spawns the transition tunnel and players in it |
nil | post_transition() | Handles loading the next level screen from a transition screen |
nil | spawn_players() | Spawns the players with inventory at state.level_gen.spawn_x/y . Also shop and kali background and probably other stuff for some stupid reason. |
nil | spawn_effects() | Sets the camera bounds and position. Spawns jelly and orbs and the flag in coop. Sets timers/conditions for more jellies and ghosts. Enables the special fog/ember/ice etc particle effects. Spawns beg and handles it's quest flags |
string | get_level_file() | Returns: The .lvl file to load (e.g. dwelling = dwellingarea.lvl except when level == 4 (cavebossarea.lvl)) |
int | get_theme_id() | Returns: THEME, or subtheme in CO |
int | get_base_id() | Returns: THEME, or logical base THEME for special levels (Abzu->Tide Pool etc) |
ENT_TYPE | get_floor_spreading_type() | Returns: ENT_TYPE used for floor spreading (generic or one of the styled floors) |
ENT_TYPE | get_floor_spreading_type2() | Returns: ENT_TYPE used for floor spreading (stone or one of the styled floors) |
bool | get_transition_styled_floor() | Returns: true if transition should use styled floor |
int | get_transition_floor_modifier() | Determines the types of FLOOR_TUNNEL_NEXT/CURRENT (depending on where you are transitioning from/to) Returns: 85 by default, except for: olmec: 15, cog: 23 |
ENT_TYPE | get_transition_styled_floor_type() | Returns: ENT_TYPE used for the transition floor |
ENT_TYPE | get_backwall_type() | Returns: ENT_TYPE used for the backwall (BG_LEVEL_BACKWALL by default) |
ENT_TYPE | get_border_type() | Returns: ENT_TYPE to use for the border tiles |
ENT_TYPE | get_critter_type() | Returns: ENT_TYPE for theme specific critter |
float | get_liquid_gravity() | Returns: gravity used to initialize liquid pools (-1..1) |
bool | get_player_damage() | Returns: false to disable most player damage and the usage of bombs and ropes. Enabled in parts of base camp. |
bool | get_explosion_soot() | Returns: true if explosions should spawn background soot |
int | get_backlayer_lut() | Returns: TEXTURE for the LUT to be applied to the special back layer, e.g. vlad's castle |
float | get_backlayer_light_level() | Returns: dynamic backlayer light level (0..1) |
bool | get_loop() | Returns: true if the loop rendering should be enabled (Combine with the right get_border_type) |
int | get_vault_level() | Returns: highest y-level a vault can spawn |
bool | get_theme_flag(int index) | Returns: allow_beehive or allow_leprechaun flag Params: index: 0 or 1 |
TEXTURE | get_dynamic_texture(DYNAMIC_TEXTURE texture_id) | Returns: TEXTURE based on texture_id Params: DYNAMIC_TEXTURE texture_id |
nil | pre_transition() | Sets state.level_next, world_next and theme_next (or state.win_state) based on level number. Runs when exiting a level. |
int | get_exit_room_y_level() | Returns: usually state.height - 1. For special levels fixed heights are returned. |
int | get_shop_chance() | Returns: inverse shop chance |
nil | spawn_decoration() | Spawns some specific decoration, e.g. Vlad's big banner |
nil | spawn_decoration2() | Spawns some other specific decorations, e.g. grass, flowers, udjat room decal |
nil | spawn_extra() | Spawns specific extra entities and decorations, like gold key, seaweed, lanterns, banners, signs, wires... |
nil | do_procedural_spawn(SpawnInfo info) | Spawns a single procedural entity, used in spawn_procedural (mostly monsters, scarab in dark levels etc.) |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(THEME_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(THEME_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_dtor(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is nil dtor(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_dtor(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil dtor(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_reset_theme_flags(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool reset_theme_flags(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Sets the beehive and leprechaun flags |
CallbackId | set_post_reset_theme_flags(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil reset_theme_flags(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Sets the beehive and leprechaun flags |
CallbackId | set_pre_init_flags(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool init_flags(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Initializes some flags in the LevelGenSystem, also dark level flag in state.level_flags. |
CallbackId | set_post_init_flags(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil init_flags(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Initializes some flags in the LevelGenSystem, also dark level flag in state.level_flags. |
CallbackId | set_pre_init_level(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool init_level(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds the entrance room and sets spawn_room_x/y. Sets the level size and toast for echoes feeling. Sets some other level_flags, shop related flags and shop_type. |
CallbackId | set_post_init_level(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil init_level(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds the entrance room and sets spawn_room_x/y. Sets the level size and toast for echoes feeling. Sets some other level_flags, shop related flags and shop_type. |
CallbackId | set_pre_init_rooms(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool init_rooms(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_init_rooms(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil init_rooms(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_generate_path(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool generate_path(ThemeInfo self, bool reset) Virtual function docs: Generates and adds the path rooms and exit room Params: reset to start over from the beginning if other rooms didn't fit |
CallbackId | set_post_generate_path(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil generate_path(ThemeInfo self, bool reset) Virtual function docs: Generates and adds the path rooms and exit room Params: reset to start over from the beginning if other rooms didn't fit |
CallbackId | set_pre_special_rooms(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool special_rooms(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_special_rooms(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil special_rooms(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_player_coffin(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool player_coffin(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_player_coffin(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil player_coffin(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_dirk_coffin(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool dirk_coffin(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_dirk_coffin(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil dirk_coffin(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_idol(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool idol(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_idol(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil idol(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_vault(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool vault(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_vault(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil vault(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_coffin(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool coffin(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_coffin(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil coffin(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_feeling(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool feeling(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_feeling(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil feeling(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_level(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_level(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Calls many other theme functions to spawn the floor, enemies, items etc, but not background and players. (Disable this to only spawn background and players.) |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_level(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_level(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Calls many other theme functions to spawn the floor, enemies, items etc, but not background and players. (Disable this to only spawn background and players.) |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_border(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_border(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns the border entities (some floor or teleportingborder) |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_border(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_border(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns the border entities (some floor or teleportingborder) |
CallbackId | set_pre_post_process_level(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool post_process_level(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Theme specific specialties like randomizing ushabti and Coco coffin location, spawns impostor lakes |
CallbackId | set_post_post_process_level(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil post_process_level(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Theme specific specialties like randomizing ushabti and Coco coffin location, spawns impostor lakes |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_traps(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_traps(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns theme specific random traps, pushblocks and critters. Sets special exit doors. |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_traps(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_traps(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns theme specific random traps, pushblocks and critters. Sets special exit doors. |
CallbackId | set_pre_post_process_entities(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool post_process_entities(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Fixes textures on pleasure palace ladders, adds some decorations |
CallbackId | set_post_post_process_entities(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil post_process_entities(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Fixes textures on pleasure palace ladders, adds some decorations |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_procedural(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_procedural(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds legs under platforms, random pots, goldbars, monsters, compass indicator, initialises quests, random shadows... |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_procedural(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_procedural(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds legs under platforms, random pots, goldbars, monsters, compass indicator, initialises quests, random shadows... |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_background(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_background(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds the main level background , e.g. CO stars / Duat moon / Plain backwall for other themes |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_background(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_background(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds the main level background , e.g. CO stars / Duat moon / Plain backwall for other themes |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_lights(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_lights(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds room lights to udjat chest room or black market |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_lights(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_lights(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Adds room lights to udjat chest room or black market |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_transition(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_transition(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns the transition tunnel and players in it |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_transition(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_transition(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns the transition tunnel and players in it |
CallbackId | set_pre_post_transition(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool post_transition(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Handles loading the next level screen from a transition screen |
CallbackId | set_post_post_transition(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil post_transition(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Handles loading the next level screen from a transition screen |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_players(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_players(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns the players with inventory at state.level_gen.spawn_x/y . Also shop and kali background and probably other stuff for some stupid reason. |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_players(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_players(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns the players with inventory at state.level_gen.spawn_x/y . Also shop and kali background and probably other stuff for some stupid reason. |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_effects(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_effects(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Sets the camera bounds and position. Spawns jelly and orbs and the flag in coop. Sets timers/conditions for more jellies and ghosts. Enables the special fog/ember/ice etc particle effects. Spawns beg and handles it's quest flags |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_effects(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_effects(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Sets the camera bounds and position. Spawns jelly and orbs and the flag in coop. Sets timers/conditions for more jellies and ghosts. Enables the special fog/ember/ice etc particle effects. Spawns beg and handles it's quest flags |
CallbackId | set_pre_theme_id(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> theme_id(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_theme_id(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil theme_id(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_base_id(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> base_id(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_base_id(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil base_id(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_ent_floor_spreading(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> ent_floor_spreading(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_ent_floor_spreading(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil ent_floor_spreading(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_ent_floor_spreading2(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> ent_floor_spreading2(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_ent_floor_spreading2(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil ent_floor_spreading2(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_transition_styled_floor(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> transition_styled_floor(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_transition_styled_floor(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil transition_styled_floor(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_transition_modifier(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> transition_modifier(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_transition_modifier(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil transition_modifier(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_ent_transition_styled_floor(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> ent_transition_styled_floor(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_ent_transition_styled_floor(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil ent_transition_styled_floor(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_ent_backwall(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> ent_backwall(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_ent_backwall(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil ent_backwall(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_ent_border(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> ent_border(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_ent_border(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil ent_border(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_ent_critter(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> ent_critter(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_ent_critter(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil ent_critter(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_gravity(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<float> gravity(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_gravity(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil gravity(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_player_damage(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> player_damage(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_player_damage(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil player_damage(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_soot(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> soot(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_soot(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil soot(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_texture_backlayer_lut(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> texture_backlayer_lut(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_texture_backlayer_lut(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil texture_backlayer_lut(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_backlayer_light_level(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<float> backlayer_light_level(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_backlayer_light_level(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil backlayer_light_level(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_loop(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> loop(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_loop(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil loop(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_vault_level(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> vault_level(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_vault_level(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil vault_level(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_theme_flag(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> theme_flag(ThemeInfo self, int) |
CallbackId | set_post_theme_flag(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil theme_flag(ThemeInfo self, int) |
CallbackId | set_pre_texture_dynamic(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> texture_dynamic(ThemeInfo self, int) |
CallbackId | set_post_texture_dynamic(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil texture_dynamic(ThemeInfo self, int) |
CallbackId | set_pre_pre_transition(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool pre_transition(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Sets state.level_next, world_next and theme_next (or state.win_state) based on level number. Runs when exiting a level. |
CallbackId | set_post_pre_transition(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil pre_transition(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Sets state.level_next, world_next and theme_next (or state.win_state) based on level number. Runs when exiting a level. |
CallbackId | set_pre_exit_room_y_level(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> exit_room_y_level(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_exit_room_y_level(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil exit_room_y_level(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_shop_chance(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> shop_chance(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_post_shop_chance(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil shop_chance(ThemeInfo self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_decoration(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_decoration(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns some specific decoration, e.g. Vlad's big banner |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_decoration(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_decoration(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns some specific decoration, e.g. Vlad's big banner |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_decoration2(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_decoration2(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns some other specific decorations, e.g. grass, flowers, udjat room decal |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_decoration2(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_decoration2(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns some other specific decorations, e.g. grass, flowers, udjat room decal |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_extra(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_extra(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns specific extra entities and decorations, like gold key, seaweed, lanterns, banners, signs, wires... |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_extra(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_extra(ThemeInfo self) Virtual function docs: Spawns specific extra entities and decorations, like gold key, seaweed, lanterns, banners, signs, wires... |
CallbackId | set_pre_do_procedural_spawn(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool do_procedural_spawn(ThemeInfo self, SpawnInfo info) Virtual function docs: Spawns a single procedural entity, used in spawn_procedural (mostly monsters, scarab in dark levels etc.) |
CallbackId | set_post_do_procedural_spawn(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil do_procedural_spawn(ThemeInfo self, SpawnInfo info) Virtual function docs: Spawns a single procedural entity, used in spawn_procedural (mostly monsters, scarab in dark levels etc.) |
Entity types
Background entities
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | illumination1 | |
Illumination | illumination2 |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | fx_shell | |
Entity | fx_door | |
Entity | platform_left | |
Entity | platform_middle | |
Entity | platform_right | |
bool | player_in |
Derived from Entity BGSurfaceLayer
Type | Name | Description |
float | distance | Distance it travels up and down from spawn position |
float | speed | |
float | sine_angle |
Derived from Entity BGSurfaceStar
Type | Name | Description |
float | falling_speed | Can make it rise if set to negative |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
float | relative_x | |
float | relative_y |
Derived from Entity BGRelativeElement
Type | Name | Description |
float | x_increment | |
float | y_increment | |
int | timer | |
int | max_timer | |
float | size | Gets smaller as the timer gets close to the max_timer |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
bool | on_entering |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
float | normal_y | |
float | sine_pos | |
int | bubbles_timer | |
bool | bubble_spawn_trigger | |
int | bubble_spawn_delay |
Derived from Entity BGRelativeElement
Type | Name | Description |
float | relative_offset_x | |
float | relative_offset_y |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | blink_timer | |
float | relative_x | |
float | relative_y |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
bool | is_shown |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Effect entities
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | illumination | |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_smoke | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_flame | |
Illumination | illumination |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_burst | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_base | |
int | burst_timer | |
bool | burst_active | If forced to false, it will not play the sound or spawn burst particles |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle |
Floor entities
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | for normal altar: counts from 0 to 20 then 0, then 1 then 0 and sacrifice happens |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | arrow_shot | |
nil | rearm() | |
nil | trigger(int who_uid) | The uid must be movable entity for ownership transfers |
Type | Name | Description |
int | spear_uid | |
bool | left_part | setting the left part to 0 or right part to 1 destroys the trap |
nil | trigger(int who_uid, bool left) | The uid must be movable entity for ownership transfers, has to be called on the left part of the trap, |
Derived from Entity Floor Door ExitDoor DecoratedDoor
Type | Name | Description |
bool | unlocked |
Derived from Entity Floor TransferFloor
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity Floor Door ExitDoor
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | special_bg |
--If you want the locked door to look like the closed exit door at Hundun
function close_hundun_door(door)
for _, uid in pairs(get_entities_overlapping_grid(door.x, door.y, door.layer)) do
ent = get_entity(uid)
if ent.type.id == ENT_TYPE.BG_DOOR then
Type | Name | Description |
int | counter | |
Entity | fx_button | |
int | enter(Entity who) | Returns the entity state / behavior id to set the entity to after the entering animation. |
float | light_level() | Returns the darkest light level used to fade the entity when entering or exiting. 0 = black, 1 = no change |
bool | is_unlocked() | Should we display the button prompt when collided by player. Will always return true for exits, layers and others that the game never locks, even if you lock it with unlock function |
bool | can_enter(Entity player) | Can the door actually be entered by player. Overrides the button prompt too if false. |
nil | unlock(bool unlock) | Lock/Unlock doors |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_enter_attempt(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool enter_attempt(Door self, Entity who) |
CallbackId | set_post_enter_attempt(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil enter_attempt(Door self, Entity who) |
CallbackId | set_pre_hide_hud(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool hide_hud(Door self, Entity who) |
CallbackId | set_post_hide_hud(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil hide_hud(Door self, Entity who) |
CallbackId | set_pre_enter(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> enter(Door self, Entity who) Virtual function docs: Returns the entity state / behavior id to set the entity to after the entering animation. |
CallbackId | set_post_enter(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil enter(Door self, Entity who) Virtual function docs: Returns the entity state / behavior id to set the entity to after the entering animation. |
CallbackId | set_pre_light_level(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<float> light_level(Door self) Virtual function docs: Returns the darkest light level used to fade the entity when entering or exiting. 0 = black, 1 = no change |
CallbackId | set_post_light_level(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil light_level(Door self) Virtual function docs: Returns the darkest light level used to fade the entity when entering or exiting. 0 = black, 1 = no change |
CallbackId | set_pre_is_unlocked(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> is_unlocked(Door self) Virtual function docs: Should we display the button prompt when collided by player. Will always return true for exits, layers and others that the game never locks, even if you lock it with unlock function |
CallbackId | set_post_is_unlocked(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil is_unlocked(Door self) Virtual function docs: Should we display the button prompt when collided by player. Will always return true for exits, layers and others that the game never locks, even if you lock it with unlock function |
CallbackId | set_pre_can_enter(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> can_enter(Door self, Entity player) Virtual function docs: Can the door actually be entered by player. Overrides the button prompt too if false. |
CallbackId | set_post_can_enter(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil can_enter(Door self, Entity player) Virtual function docs: Can the door actually be entered by player. Overrides the button prompt too if false. |
Derived from Entity Floor Door
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity Floor Door EggShipDoor
Type | Name | Description |
bool | entered |
Derived from Entity Floor Door
Type | Name | Description |
bool | entered | if true entering it does not load the transition |
bool | special_door | use provided world/level/theme |
int | level | |
int | timer | |
int | world | |
int | theme |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | deco_top | |
int | deco_bottom | |
int | deco_left | |
int | deco_right | |
nil | fix_border_tile_animation() | Sets animation_frame of the floor for types FLOOR_BORDERTILE , FLOOR_BORDERTILE_METAL and FLOOR_BORDERTILE_OCTOPUS . |
nil | fix_decorations(bool fix_also_neighbors, bool fix_styled_floor) | Used to add decoration to a floor entity after it was spawned outside of level gen, is not necessary when spawning during level gen. Set fix_also_neighbors to true to fix the neighboring floor tile decorations on the border of the two tiles.Set fix_styled_floor to true to fix decorations on FLOORSTYLED_* entities, those usually only have decorations when broken. |
nil | add_decoration(FLOOR_SIDE side) | Explicitly add a decoration on the given side. Corner decorations only exist for FLOOR_BORDERTILE and FLOOR_BORDERTILE_OCTOPUS . |
nil | remove_decoration(FLOOR_SIDE side) | Explicitly remove a decoration on the given side. Corner decorations only exist for FLOOR_BORDERTILE and FLOOR_BORDERTILE_OCTOPUS . |
nil | decorate_internal() | |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_floor_update(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool floor_update(Floor self) |
CallbackId | set_post_floor_update(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil floor_update(Floor self) |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | first_item_beam | |
Entity | fx | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
bool | is_on | |
nil | activate_laserbeam(bool turn_on) |
Type | Name | Description |
int | spawned_uid | |
int | set_timer | |
int | timer | |
int | start_counter | Applicable only for ENT_TYPE.FLOOR_SUNCHALLENGE_GENERATOR |
bool | on_off | Applicable only for ENT_TYPE.FLOOR_SUNCHALLENGE_GENERATOR |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | first_item_beam | |
Entity | fx | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | timer | |
bool | is_on |
Type | Name | Description |
nil | trigger(int who_uid, int direction) | The uid must be movable entity for ownership transfers, direction: 1 = left, 2 = right, 3 = up, 4 = down |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | timer | counts up from 0 after triggering, cannot shoot again until 360 |
nil | trigger(int who_uid) | The uid must be movable entity for ownership transfers |
Derived from Entity Floor Door
Type | Name | Description |
bool | unlocked |
Derived from Entity Floor Door ExitDoor
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | door_blocker | Normally FX_MAIN_EXIT_DOOR but setting any entity here will block the door |
Type | Name | Description |
array<bool, 4> | players_standing | Table of player1_standing, player2_standing, ... etc. |
bool | player1_standing | |
bool | player2_standing | |
bool | player3_standing | |
bool | player4_standing | |
array<bool, 4> | players_health_received | Table of player1_health_received, player2_health_received, ... etc. |
bool | player1_health_received | |
bool | player2_health_received | |
bool | player3_health_received | |
bool | player4_health_received | |
array<int, 4> | players_health_timer | Table of player1_health_timer, player2_health_timer, ... etc. |
int | player1_health_timer | |
int | player2_health_timer | |
int | player3_health_timer | |
int | player4_health_timer | |
int | eggplantchild_timer | |
bool | eggplantchild_detected |
Type | Name | Description |
int | direction_type | 3 - straight_horizontal, 4 - blocked, 5 - down_left_turn, 6 - down_right_turn, 8 - blocked, 9 - up_left_turn, 10 - up_right_turn, 12 - straight_vertical |
bool | end_pipe |
Type | Name | Description |
int | deco_up | |
int | deco_down |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | attached_piece | |
int | active_floor_part_uid | |
int | state | 1 - going up / is at the top, 2 - pause |
SoundMeta | ball_rise | |
SoundMeta | ball_drop |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | spark_uid |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | chain | |
Entity | end_piece | |
int | state | 0 - none, 1 - start, 2 - going_down, 3 - going_up, 4 - pause; going_up is only right when timer is 0, otherwise it just sits at the bottom |
int | timer | for the start and retract |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | attached_piece_uid | |
int | ball_uid | |
int | state | 0 - none, 1 - start, 2 - going down, 3 - is at the bottom, 4 - going up, 5 - pause |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
int | direction | 0 - right, 1 - left, 2 - bottom, 3 - top, 4 - disable |
Type | Name | Description |
int | attached_piece_uid | |
int | tentacle_uid | |
int | state | 0 - none, 1 - start, 2 - moving up, 3 - at the top, 4 - moving down 5 - pause |
Derived from Entity Floor ForceField
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | |
bool | pause |
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | spawn_entity_type | |
SOUNDID | first_sound_id | |
nil | trigger(int who_uid, bool left) | The uid must be movable entity for ownership transfers |
Type | Name | Description |
map<int, int> | transferred_entities | Index is the uid, value is frame the entity entered the floor (time_level), use pairs to loop thru |
Generic entities
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | Can be set negative for longer time period, spawns boulder at 150, setting it higher with count to overflow |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | illumination1 | |
Illumination | illumination2 | |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | blackbar_top | |
Entity | blackbar_bottom | |
float | roll_in | 0.0 to 1.0 |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | attached_to_side_uid | |
int | attached_to_top_uid |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | owner_uid | |
int | timer | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | reticule_internal | |
Entity | reticule_external |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
float | spawn_x | |
float | spawn_y | |
float | sine_pos | |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
EntityDB | type | Type of the entity, contains special properties etc. If you want to edit them just for this entity look at the EntityDB |
Entity | overlay | |
ENT_FLAG | flags | see flags.hpp entity_flags |
ENT_MORE_FLAG | more_flags | see flags.hpp more_flags |
int | uid | Unique id of the entity, save it to variable to check this entity later (don't use the whole Entity type as it will be replaced with a different one when this is destroyed) |
int | animation_frame | Number (id) of the sprite in the texture |
int | draw_depth | Depth level that this entity is drawn on. Don't edit this directly, use set_draw_depth function |
float | x | Position of the entity in the world, or relative to overlay if attached to something. Use get_absolute_position to get real position of anything in the game world. |
float | y | Position of the entity in the world, or relative to overlay if attached to something. Use get_absolute_position to get real position of anything in the game world. |
float | abs_x | Absolute position in the world, even if overlaid. Might be a frame off since it's updated with apply_movement function and so it does not update if game moves the entity in different way after movement is processed.Use get_absolute_position for precise. Read only. |
float | abs_y | Absolute position in the world, even if overlaid. Might be a frame off since it's updated with apply_movement function and so it does not update if game moves the entity in different way after movement is processed.Use get_absolute_position for precise. Read only. |
int | layer | Use set_layer to change |
float | width | Width of the sprite |
float | height | Height of the sprite |
float | special_offsetx | Special offset used for entities attached to others (or picked by others) that need to flip to the other side when the parent flips sides |
float | special_offsety | Special offset used for entities attached to others (or picked by others) that need to flip to the other side when the parent flips sides |
float | tile_width | Size of the sprite in the texture |
float | tile_height | Size of the sprite in the texture |
float | angle | |
Color | color | |
float | hitboxx | Half of the width of the hitbox |
float | hitboxy | Half of the height of the hitbox |
SHAPE | shape | |
bool | hitbox_enabled | |
float | offsetx | Offset of the hitbox in relation to the entity position |
float | offsety | Offset of the hitbox in relation to the entity position |
RenderInfo | rendering_info | |
any | user_data | You can put any arbitrary lua object here for custom entities or player stats, which is then saved across level transitions for players and carried items, mounts etc... This field is local to the script and multiple scripts can write different things in the same entity. The data is saved right before ON.PRE_LOAD_SCREEN from a level and loaded right before ON.POST_LOAD_SCREEN to a level or transition. It is not available yet in post_entity_spawn, but that is a good place to initialize it for new custom entities. See example for more. |
Entity | topmost() | Returns the top entity in a chain (overlay) |
bool | overlaps_with(AABB hitbox) | |
bool | overlaps_with(float rect_left, float rect_bottom, float rect_right, float rect_top) | Deprecated Use overlaps_with(AABB hitbox) instead |
bool | overlaps_with(Entity other) | |
TEXTURE | get_texture() | |
bool | set_texture(TEXTURE texture_id) | Changes the entity texture, check the textures.txt for available vanilla textures or use define_texture to make custom one |
nil | set_draw_depth(int draw_depth, optional |
optional unknown - game usually sets it to 0, doesn't appear to have any special effect (needs more reverse engineering) |
nil | reset_draw_depth() | |
float | friction() | Friction of this entity, affects it's contact with other entities (how fast it slows down on the floor, how fast it can move but also the other way around for floors/activefloors: how other entities can move on it) |
nil | liberate_from_shop(bool clear_parrent) | clear_parent used only for CHAR_* entities, sets the linked_companion_parent to -1. It's not called when item is bought |
Entity | get_held_entity() | |
nil | set_layer(LAYER layer) | Moves the entity to specified layer with all it's items, nothing else happens, so this does not emulate a door transition |
nil | apply_layer() | Adds the entity to its own layer, to add it to entity lookup tables without waiting for a state update |
nil | remove() | Moves the entity to the limbo-layer where it can later be retrieved from again via respawn |
nil | respawn(LAYER layer_to) | Moves the entity from the limbo-layer (where it was previously put by remove ) to layer |
nil | kill(bool destroy_corpse, Entity responsible) | Kills the entity, you can set responsible to nil to ignore it |
nil | destroy() | Completely removes the entity from existence |
nil | activate(Entity activator) | Activates a button prompt (with the Use door/Buy button), e.g. buy shop item, activate drill, read sign, interact in camp, ... get_entity(<udjat socket uid>):activate(players[1]) (make sure player 1 has the udjat eye though) |
nil | perform_teleport(int delta_x, int delta_y) | Performs a teleport as if the entity had a teleporter and used it. The delta coordinates are where you want the entity to teleport to relative to its current position, in tiles (so integers, not floats). Positive numbers = to the right and up, negative left and down. |
bool | trigger_action(Entity user) | Triggers weapons and other held items like teleporter, mattock etc. You can check the virtual-availability.md, if entity has open in the on_open you can use this function, otherwise it does nothing. Returns false if action could not be performed (cooldown is not 0, no arrow loaded in etc. the animation could still be played thou) |
int | get_metadata() | e.g. for turkey: stores health, poison/curse state, for mattock: remaining swings (returned value is transferred) |
nil | apply_metadata(int metadata) | |
nil | set_invisible(bool value) | |
vector<int> | get_items() | |
bool | is_in_liquid() | Returns true if entity is in water/lava |
bool | is_cursed() | |
bool | is_movable() | |
bool | can_be_pushed() | |
nil | kill_recursive(bool destroy_corpse, Entity responsible, optional |
Kill entity along with all entities attached to it. Be aware that for example killing push block with this function will also kill anything on top of it, any items, players, monsters etc. To avoid that, you can inclusively or exclusively limit certain MASK and ENT_TYPE. Note: the function will first check mask, if the entity doesn't match, it will look in the provided ENT_TYPE's destroy_corpse and responsible are the standard parameters for the kill function |
nil | kill_recursive(bool destroy_corpse, Entity responsible) | Short for using RECURSIVE_MODE.NONE |
nil | destroy_recursive(optional |
Destroy entity along with all entities attached to it. Be aware that for example destroying push block with this function will also destroy anything on top of it, any items, players, monsters etc. To avoid that, you can inclusively or exclusively limit certain MASK and ENT_TYPE. Note: the function will first check the mask, if the entity doesn't match, it will look in the provided ENT_TYPE's |
nil | destroy_recursive() | Short for using RECURSIVE_MODE.NONE |
nil | update() | |
nil | flip(bool left) | |
nil | remove_item(Entity entity, bool autokill_check) | Can be called multiple times for the same entity (for example when play throws/drops entity from it's hands) |
nil | apply_db() | Applies changes made in entity.type |
Vec2 | get_absolute_velocity() | Get's the velocity relative to the game world, only for movable or liquid entities |
Vec2 | get_absolute_position() | Get the absolute position of an entity in the game world |
AABB | get_hitbox(optional |
use_render_pos default is false |
nil | attach(Entity new_overlay) | Attach to other entity (at the current relative position to it) |
nil | detach(optional |
Detach from overlay |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_dtor(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is nil dtor(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_post_dtor(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil dtor(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_create_rendering_info(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool create_rendering_info(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_post_create_rendering_info(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil create_rendering_info(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_update_state_machine(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool update_state_machine(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_post_update_state_machine(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil update_state_machine(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_kill(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool kill(Entity self, bool destroy_corpse, Entity responsible) Virtual function docs: Kills the entity, you can set responsible to nil to ignore it |
CallbackId | set_post_kill(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil kill(Entity self, bool destroy_corpse, Entity responsible) Virtual function docs: Kills the entity, you can set responsible to nil to ignore it |
CallbackId | set_pre_on_collision1(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool on_collision1(Entity self, Entity other_entity) Virtual function docs: Collisions with stuff that blocks you, like walls, floors, etc. Triggers for entities in it's EntityDB.collision_mask |
CallbackId | set_post_on_collision1(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil on_collision1(Entity self, Entity other_entity) Virtual function docs: Collisions with stuff that blocks you, like walls, floors, etc. Triggers for entities in it's EntityDB.collision_mask |
CallbackId | set_pre_destroy(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool destroy(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Completely removes the entity from existence |
CallbackId | set_post_destroy(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil destroy(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Completely removes the entity from existence |
CallbackId | set_pre_generate_damage_particles(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool generate_damage_particles(Entity self, Entity victim, DAMAGE_TYPE damage, bool killing) |
CallbackId | set_post_generate_damage_particles(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil generate_damage_particles(Entity self, Entity victim, DAMAGE_TYPE damage, bool killing) |
CallbackId | set_pre_can_be_pushed(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> can_be_pushed(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_post_can_be_pushed(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil can_be_pushed(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_is_in_liquid(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> is_in_liquid(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Returns true if entity is in water/lava |
CallbackId | set_post_is_in_liquid(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil is_in_liquid(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Returns true if entity is in water/lava |
CallbackId | set_pre_set_invisible(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool set_invisible(Entity self, bool value) |
CallbackId | set_post_set_invisible(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil set_invisible(Entity self, bool value) |
CallbackId | set_pre_flip(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool flip(Entity self, bool left) |
CallbackId | set_post_flip(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil flip(Entity self, bool left) |
CallbackId | set_pre_set_draw_depth(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool set_draw_depth(Entity self, int draw_depth, int b3f) |
CallbackId | set_post_set_draw_depth(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil set_draw_depth(Entity self, int draw_depth, int b3f) |
CallbackId | set_pre_reset_draw_depth(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool reset_draw_depth(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_post_reset_draw_depth(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil reset_draw_depth(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_friction(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<float> friction(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Friction of this entity, affects it's contact with other entities (how fast it slows down on the floor, how fast it can move but also the other way around for floors/activefloors: how other entities can move on it) |
CallbackId | set_post_friction(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil friction(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Friction of this entity, affects it's contact with other entities (how fast it slows down on the floor, how fast it can move but also the other way around for floors/activefloors: how other entities can move on it) |
CallbackId | set_pre_set_as_sound_source(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool set_as_sound_source(Entity self, SoundMeta soundmeta) |
CallbackId | set_post_set_as_sound_source(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil set_as_sound_source(Entity self, SoundMeta soundmeta) |
CallbackId | set_pre_remove_item(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool remove_item(Entity self, Entity entity, bool autokill_check) Virtual function docs: Can be called multiple times for the same entity (for example when play throws/drops entity from it's hands) |
CallbackId | set_post_remove_item(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil remove_item(Entity self, Entity entity, bool autokill_check) Virtual function docs: Can be called multiple times for the same entity (for example when play throws/drops entity from it's hands) |
CallbackId | set_pre_get_held_entity(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<Entity> get_held_entity(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_post_get_held_entity(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil get_held_entity(Entity self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_trigger_action(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> trigger_action(Entity self, Entity user) Virtual function docs: Triggers weapons and other held items like teleporter, mattock etc. You can check the virtual-availability.md, if entity has open in the on_open you can use this function, otherwise it does nothing. Returns false if action could not be performed (cooldown is not 0, no arrow loaded in etc. the animation could still be played thou) |
CallbackId | set_post_trigger_action(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil trigger_action(Entity self, Entity user) Virtual function docs: Triggers weapons and other held items like teleporter, mattock etc. You can check the virtual-availability.md, if entity has open in the on_open you can use this function, otherwise it does nothing. Returns false if action could not be performed (cooldown is not 0, no arrow loaded in etc. the animation could still be played thou) |
CallbackId | set_pre_activate(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool activate(Entity self, Entity activator) Virtual function docs: Activates a button prompt (with the Use door/Buy button), e.g. buy shop item, activate drill, read sign, interact in camp, ... get_entity(<udjat socket uid>):activate(players[1]) (make sure player 1 has the udjat eye though) |
CallbackId | set_post_activate(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil activate(Entity self, Entity activator) Virtual function docs: Activates a button prompt (with the Use door/Buy button), e.g. buy shop item, activate drill, read sign, interact in camp, ... get_entity(<udjat socket uid>):activate(players[1]) (make sure player 1 has the udjat eye though) |
CallbackId | set_pre_on_collision2(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool on_collision2(Entity self, Entity other_entity) Virtual function docs: More like on_overlap, triggers when entities touch/overlap each other. Triggers for entities in it's EntityDB.collision2_mask |
CallbackId | set_post_on_collision2(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil on_collision2(Entity self, Entity other_entity) Virtual function docs: More like on_overlap, triggers when entities touch/overlap each other. Triggers for entities in it's EntityDB.collision2_mask |
CallbackId | set_pre_get_metadata(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> get_metadata(Entity self) Virtual function docs: e.g. for turkey: stores health, poison/curse state, for mattock: remaining swings (returned value is transferred) |
CallbackId | set_post_get_metadata(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil get_metadata(Entity self) Virtual function docs: e.g. for turkey: stores health, poison/curse state, for mattock: remaining swings (returned value is transferred) |
CallbackId | set_pre_apply_metadata(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool apply_metadata(Entity self, int metadata) |
CallbackId | set_post_apply_metadata(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil apply_metadata(Entity self, int metadata) |
CallbackId | set_pre_walked_on(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool walked_on(Entity self, Entity walker) |
CallbackId | set_post_walked_on(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil walked_on(Entity self, Entity walker) |
CallbackId | set_pre_walked_off(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool walked_off(Entity self, Entity walker) |
CallbackId | set_post_walked_off(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil walked_off(Entity self, Entity walker) |
CallbackId | set_pre_ledge_grab(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool ledge_grab(Entity self, Entity who) |
CallbackId | set_post_ledge_grab(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil ledge_grab(Entity self, Entity who) |
CallbackId | set_pre_stood_on(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool stood_on(Entity self, Entity entity, Vec2) |
CallbackId | set_post_stood_on(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil stood_on(Entity self, Entity entity, Vec2) |
CallbackId | set_pre_liberate_from_shop(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool liberate_from_shop(Entity self, bool clear_parrent) Virtual function docs: clear_parent used only for CHAR_* entities, sets the linked_companion_parent to -1. It's not called when item is bought |
CallbackId | set_post_liberate_from_shop(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil liberate_from_shop(Entity self, bool clear_parrent) Virtual function docs: clear_parent used only for CHAR_* entities, sets the linked_companion_parent to -1. It's not called when item is bought |
CallbackId | set_pre_init(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool init(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Applies changes made in entity.type |
CallbackId | set_post_init(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil init(Entity self) Virtual function docs: Applies changes made in entity.type |
Derived from Entity LogicalSound
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity LogicalTrapTrigger
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | move_timer | |
bool | flip_vertical |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_surface | |
int | get_liquid_flags() | |
nil | set_liquid_flags(int flags) |
Derived from Entity LogicalSound
Type | Name | Description |
int | mummy_uid | |
int | flies | Numbers of flies spawned |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
float | target_x | |
float | target_y | |
float | velocity_x | |
float | velocity_y |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
float | zoomin_level | Can be set to negative, seams to trigger the warp at some value |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | The neon buzz sound |
Illumination | illumination | |
Illumination | arrow_illumination | |
int | arrow_change_timer |
Derived from Entity LogicalSound
Type | Name | Description |
bool | enter_exit |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | transition_timer | |
int | level | |
int | world | |
int | theme | |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity LogicalSound
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | illumination |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Logical entities
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
float | current_speed | Increases until max_speed reached |
float | max_speed | |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity LogicalSound
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | door_type | Spawns this entity when not covered by floor. Must be initialized to valid ENT_TYPE before revealed, or crashes the game. |
ENT_TYPE | platform_type | Spawns this entity below when tile below is uncovered. Doesn't spawn anything if it was never covered by floor, unless platform_spawned is set to false. Must be initialized to valid ENT_TYPE before revealed, or crashes the game. |
bool | visible | Set automatically when not covered by floor. |
bool | platform_spawned | Set automatically when tile below is not covered by floor. Unset to force the platform to spawn if it was never covered in the first place. |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | Little delay between pulling blob of liquid thru |
Derived from Entity LogicalSound LogicalStaticSound
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | Delay between spawning ufo |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity LogicalSound
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
int | min_empty_distance | Used in BigSpearTrap when it has to have minimum 2 free spaces to be able to trigger, value in tiles |
int | trigger_distance | Value in tiles |
bool | vertical |
Monsters, Inc.
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | jump_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | spawn_x | |
float | spawn_y | |
float | attack_proximity_y | |
float | attack_proximity_x | |
int | ai_timer | |
int | next_attack_timer | |
int | psychic_orbs_counter | |
bool | awake |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster ApepPart
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound1 | |
SoundMeta | sound2 | |
float | distance_traveled | |
int | tail_uid | |
int | fx_mouthpiece1_uid | |
int | fx_mouthpiece2_uid |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | y_pos | |
float | sine_angle | |
int | sync_timer | or pause timer, used to sync the body parts moving up and down |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Mount
Type | Name | Description |
int | attack_cooldown | |
bool | can_teleport |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | spawn_x | |
float | spawn_y |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
bool | can_rest | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | fly_hang_timer | |
int | targeting_timer | |
int | walk_start_time | |
int | walk_end_time | |
float | wobble_x | |
float | wobble_y |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster NPC
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | disappear_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster NPC
Type | Name | Description |
int | position_state | 0 - none, 1 - Tusk dice shop, 2 - Entrance to pleasure palace, 3 - Basement entrance to pleasure palace |
bool | message_shown |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | ai_state | |
int | attack_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
int | wake_up_timer | |
int | can_pick_up_timer | 0 = can pick something up, when holding forced to 179, after tripping and regaining consciousness counts down to 0 |
int | aggro_timer | keeps resetting when angry and a player is nearby |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
bool | tripping | |
bool | shop_entered |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | spit_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | invincibility_timer | |
int | poison_attack_timer | |
int | attacking_claw_uid | |
bool | at_maximum_attack |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | last_picked_up_by_uid | |
int | holding_state |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
bool | pause | used when he's getting eaten |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
int | change_direction_timer | |
int | vertical_flight_direction |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
bool | walking_left | |
bool | unfriendly | moves away from its target instead of towards it |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
float | applied_hor_momentum | |
float | applied_ver_momentum | |
bool | unfriendly | moves away from its target instead of towards it |
int | move_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
float | sine_amplitude | |
float | sine_frequency | |
float | sine_angle | |
int | change_direction_timer | |
int | sit_timer | |
int | sit_cooldown_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
int | swim_pause_timer | |
bool | player_in_proximity |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | jump_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | jump_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
float | x_direction | |
float | y_direction | |
float | pos_x | |
float | pos_y | |
float | rotation_center_x | |
float | rotation_center_y | |
float | rotation_angle | |
float | rotation_speed | |
int | walk_pause_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Critter
Type | Name | Description |
float | x_direction | |
float | y_direction | |
float | pos_x | |
float | pos_y | |
float | rotation_center_x | |
float | rotation_center_y | |
float | rotation_angle | |
float | rotation_speed |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
int | teleport_cooldown |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | squish_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Frog
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | fire_timer | |
bool | going_up | |
bool | detached_from_chain |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
float | max_flight_height | |
int | ai_timer | |
int | walking_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | change_direction_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster NPC
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | grub_being_eaten_uid | |
int | jump_timer | |
bool | pause |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | body_uid | |
int | idle_timer | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | transparency | |
int | fadeout |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | split_timer | for SMALL_HAPPY this is also the sequence timer of its various states |
int | wobble_timer | |
int | pace_timer | Controls ghost pacing when all players are dead. |
float | velocity_multiplier | |
GHOST_BEHAVIOR | ghost_behaviour | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
Entity | linked_ghost | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
bool | blown_by_player | |
bool | happy_dancing_clockwise | |
float | target_dist_visibility_factor | |
float | target_layer_visibility_factor |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | change_direction_timer | when bouncing into a wall |
int | lose_interest_timer | delay in-between attacks |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | head_entity | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
float | sine_amplitude | |
float | sine_frequency | |
float | delta_y_angle | |
int | sine_counter |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | door_front_layer | |
Entity | door_back_layer | |
Entity | platform | |
int | attack_timer | |
int | frogs_ejected_in_cycle | |
int | invincibility_timer | |
int | mouth_close_timer | |
bool | mouth_open_trigger | opens the mouth and starts mouth_close_timer, used when detecting grub in the mouth area |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | jump_timer | |
int | poop_timer | |
int | poop_count |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | rotation_delta | |
bool | drop | |
int | looking_for_new_direction_timer | used when he touches floor/wall/ceiling |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | turn_into_fly_timer | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | dangle_jump_timer | |
float | ceiling_pos_x | |
float | ceiling_pos_y |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | carried_entity_type | |
int | carried_entity_uid | |
int | walk_spit_timer | |
bool | is_active | whether it is hidden behind the carried block or not, if true you can damage him |
bool | is_inactive | |
bool | spawn_new_carried_item | defaults to true, when toggled to false, a new carried item spawns |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | eaten_uid | dungbeetle being eaten |
int | walk_pause_timer | alternates between walking and pausing when timer reaches zero |
int | attack_cooldown_timer | won't attack until timer reaches zero |
int | blood_squirt_timer | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | applied_hor_velocity | |
float | applied_ver_velocity | |
int | birdhead_entity_uid | |
int | snakehead_entity_uid | |
float | y_level | current floor level |
int | bounce_timer | |
int | fireball_timer | |
bool | birdhead_defeated | |
bool | snakehead_defeated | |
int | hundun_flags | 1: Will move to the left, 2: Birdhead emerged, 3: Snakehead emerged, 4: Top level arena reached, 5: Birdhead shot last - to alternate the heads shooting fireballs |
float | y_limit | This is custom variable, you need activate_hundun_hack to use it |
float | rising_speed_x | This is custom variable, you need activate_hundun_hack to use it |
float | rising_speed_y | This is custom variable, you need activate_hundun_hack to use it |
float | bird_head_spawn_y | This is custom variable, you need activate_hundun_hack to use it |
float | snake_head_spawn_y | This is custom variable, you need activate_hundun_hack to use it |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | attack_position_x | Position where the head will move on attack |
float | attack_position_y | |
int | egg_crack_effect_uid | |
int | targeted_player_uid | |
int | looking_for_target_timer | also cooldown before attack |
int | invincibility_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | carrying_uid | |
float | patrol_y_level |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | wait_timer | wait time between jumps |
int | jump_counter | only female aka assassin: when 0 will jump up into ceiling |
bool | on_ceiling | only female aka assassin |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | squish_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound1 | initialized when breaking the shell (sliding down sound maybe?) |
SoundMeta | sound2 | Turning into stone sound |
float | climb_direction_x | |
float | climb_direction_y | |
int | climb_pause_timer | |
int | shell_invincibility_timer | |
int | monster_spawn_timer | |
int | initial_shell_health | Excalibur wipes out immediately, bombs take off 11 points, when 0 vulnerable to whip |
bool | player_seen_by_kingu |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | eyeball | |
int | attack_cooldown_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | attack_effect_entity | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | flight_timer | |
int | attack_timer | |
float | attack_angle |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | shoot_lava_timer | when this timer reaches zero, it appears on the surface/shoots lava, triggers on player proximity |
int | jump_pause_timer | |
int | lava_detection_timer | |
bool | is_hot | |
int | player_detect_state | 0 - didn't see player, 1 - saw player, 2 - spitted lava; probably used so he won't spit imminently after seeing the player |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | hump_timer | |
int | target_in_sight_timer | |
int | gold | amount of gold he picked up, will be drooped on death |
int | timer_after_humping | |
vector<ENT_TYPE> | collected_treasure |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
int | jump_timer | |
int | alive_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | alternates between walking and pausing every time it reaches zero |
int | eaten_uid | the uid of the entity the mantrap has eaten, in case it can break out, like a shopkeeper |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Mount
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | crouch_walk_sound | |
SoundMeta | explosion_sound | |
int | gun_cooldown | |
bool | walking | |
bool | breaking_wall |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | flipper1 | |
Entity | flipper2 | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | orb_uid | game checks if this uid, and two following exist, if not, the Jellyfish starts chasing player |
int | tail_bg_uid | |
float | applied_velocity | |
float | wagging_tail_counter | |
int | flipper_distance | only applies to door-blocking one |
int | velocity_application_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | burrowing_sound | |
SoundMeta | nonburrowing_sound | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | burrowing_particle | |
float | burrow_dir_x | |
float | burrow_dir_y | |
int | burrowing_in_uid | stores the last uid as well |
int | counter_burrowing | |
int | counter_nonburrowing | |
int | countdown_for_appearing | |
int | digging_state | 0 - non_burrowed, 1 - unknown, 2 - burrowed, 3 - state_change |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | jump_timer | |
bool | on_vine |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable
Type | Name | Description |
int | chased_target_uid | |
int | target_selection_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | direction_x | |
float | direction_y | |
float | stuck_rel_pos_x | |
float | stuck_rel_pos_y | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | climb_direction | |
int | target_in_sight_timer | |
int | ai_state | |
bool | aggro | for bodyguard and shopkeeperclone it spawns a weapon as well |
bool | should_attack_on_sight() | |
ENT_TYPE | weapon_type() |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
float | red_skeleton_spawn_x | |
float | red_skeleton_spawn_y | |
int | resurrection_uid | |
int | resurrection_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
bool | armor_on | |
bool | in_stack | disables the attack, stun, lock's looking left flag between stack |
bool | in_stack2 | is set to false couple frame after being detached from stack |
int | on_top_uid | |
float | y_offset | |
int | attack_cooldown_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | attack_cooldown_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | right_hand_uid | right from his perspective |
int | left_hand_uid | |
bool | moving_left | |
int | targeting_timer | |
int | invincibility_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_button | |
int | petting_by_uid | person whos petting it, only in the camp |
int | yell_counter | counts up to 400 (6.6 sec), when 0 the pet yells out |
int | func_timer | used when free running in the camp |
int | active_state | -1 = sitting and yelling, 0 = either running, dead or picked up |
int | petted_counter | number of times petted in the camp |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable
Type | Name | Description |
Inventory | inventory | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | linked_companion_parent | entity uid |
int | linked_companion_child | entity uid |
Ai | ai | |
PlayerSlot | input | |
Entity | basecamp_button_entity | Used in base camp to talk with the NPC's |
SoundMeta | special_sound | For Lise System walking and looking up sounds |
int | jump_lock_timer | Increases when holding jump button in the air, set to max while jumping. If this isn't 0, a jump will only be registered if the jump button was not held on the previous frame. |
int | coyote_timer | can jump while airborne if greater than 0 |
int | swim_timer | Timer between strokes when holding jump button in water. |
int | hired_hand_name | 0-25 alphabetical index of hired hand names. |
nil | set_jetpack_fuel(int fuel) | |
int | kapala_blood_amount() | |
string | get_name() | Get the full name of the character, this will be the modded name not only the vanilla name. |
string | get_short_name() | Get the short name of the character, this will be the modded name not only the vanilla name. |
Color | get_heart_color() | Get the heart color of the character, this will be the modded heart color not only the vanilla heart color. |
bool | is_female() | Check whether the character is female, will be true if the character was modded to be female as well. |
nil | set_heart_color(Color hcolor) | Set the heart color for the character. |
nil | let_go() | Drops from ladders, ropes and ledge grabs |
Type | Name | Description |
nil | remove_powerup(ENT_TYPE powerup_type) | Removes a currently applied powerup. Specify ENT_TYPE.ITEM_POWERUP_xxx , not ENT_TYPE.ITEM_PICKUP_xxx ! Removing the Eggplant crown does not seem to undo the throwing of eggplants, the other powerups seem to work. |
nil | give_powerup(ENT_TYPE powerup_type) | Gives the player/monster the specified powerup. Specify ENT_TYPE.ITEM_POWERUP_xxx , not ENT_TYPE.ITEM_PICKUP_xxx ! Giving true crown to a monster crashes the game. |
bool | has_powerup(ENT_TYPE powerup_type) | Checks whether the player/monster has a certain powerup |
vector<ENT_TYPE> | get_powerups() | Return all powerups that the entity has |
nil | unequip_backitem() | Unequips the currently worn backitem |
int | worn_backitem() | Returns the uid of the currently worn backitem, or -1 if wearing nothing |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_blood_collision(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> blood_collision(PowerupCapable self) Virtual function docs: only triggers when entity has kapala |
CallbackId | set_post_blood_collision(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil blood_collision(PowerupCapable self) Virtual function docs: only triggers when entity has kapala |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | movement_state | 1: "Headpulse/explosion related, 2: Walking, 3: Headpulse/explosion related, 4: Crawling, 6: Headpulse/explosion related |
int | walk_pause_explode_timer | |
int | walking_speed | 0 = slow, 4 = fast |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Mount
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | fly_gallop_sound | |
int | attack_cooldown |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
bool | seen_player |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Illumination | emitted_light_explosion |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Mount
Type | Name | Description |
int | attack_cooldown |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | room_index | |
float | climb_y_direction | |
int | ai_state | |
int | patrol_timer | |
int | lose_interest_timer | |
int | countdown_timer | can't shot when the timer is running |
bool | is_patrolling | |
bool | aggro_trigger | setting this makes him angry, if it's shopkeeper you get 2 aggro points |
bool | was_hurt | also is set true if you set aggro to true, get's trigger even when whipping |
bool | should_attack_on_sight() | |
bool | is_angry_flag_set() | |
ENT_TYPE | weapon_type() |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | timer | how long to stay in current position |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
int | jump_cooldown_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster RoomOwner
Type | Name | Description |
int | name | 0 - Ali, 1 - Bob, 2 - Comso ... and so one, anything above 28 is just random string, can crash the game |
int | shotgun_attack_delay | can't shot when the timer is running |
bool | has_key | will drop key after stun/kill |
bool | is_ear | |
bool | shop_owner |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | explosion_timer | -1 = never explodes |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
int | inbetween_attack_timer | |
float | in_air_timer | |
Illumination | halo_emitted_light | |
Entity | fx_entity | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | hover_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | ceiling_pos_x | |
float | ceiling_pos_y | |
int | jump_timer | For the giant spider, some times he shot web instead of jumping |
float | trigger_distance | only in the x coordinate |
bool | on_ceiling() |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | acceleration_timer | |
bool | player_spotted |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_button | |
float | x_pos | |
int | abuse_speechbubble_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | Turning into stone sound |
int | fx_tiamat_head | |
int | fx_tiamat_arm_right1 | |
int | fx_tiamat_arm_right2 | |
int | frown_timer | |
int | damage_timer | |
int | attack_timer | |
float | tail_angle | |
float | tail_radian | |
float | tail_move_speed | |
float | right_arm_angle | |
float | attack_x | This is custom variable, you need activate_tiamat_position_hack to use it |
float | attack_y | This is custom variable, you need activate_tiamat_position_hack to use it |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster RoomOwner
Type | Name | Description |
int | arrows_left | |
int | reload_timer | when 0, a new arrow is loaded into the bow; resets when she finds an arrow on the ground |
bool | challenge_fee_paid | affect only the speech bubble |
bool | congrats_challenge | congrats message shown after exiting a challenge |
bool | murdered | |
bool | shop_entered | |
bool | tiamat_encounter | if set to false, greets you with 'you've done well to reach this place' |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | patrol_distance | |
int | attack_cooldown_timer | |
bool | is_falling |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
float | jump_trigger_distance_x | |
float | jump_trigger_distance_y | |
float | sleep_pos_x | |
float | sleep_pos_y | |
int | walk_pause_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster NPC
Type | Name | Description |
bool | show_text | if set to true, he will say "I've been hunting this fiend a long time!" when on screen |
bool | special_message_shown | one way door message has been shown |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster Vampire
Type | Name | Description |
int | teleport_timer | triggers when Vlad teleports, when timer running he can't teleport and will stun when hit |
bool | aggro | or is awake |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster RoomOwner
Type | Name | Description |
bool | player_detected | |
bool | on_the_ground | |
int | air_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | chatting_to_uid | |
int | walk_pause_timer | alternates between walking and pausing every time it reaches zero |
int | cooldown_timer | used for chatting with other monsters, attack cooldowns etc. |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster WalkingMonster
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | skull_regen_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | witch_doctor_uid | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
float | rotation_angle |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
bool | message_shown |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster RoomOwner
Type | Name | Description |
set<int> | turkeys_in_den | Table of uids of the turkeys, goes only up to 3, is nil when yang is angry |
bool | first_message_shown | I'm looking for turkeys, wanna help? |
bool | quest_incomplete | Is set to false when the quest is over (Yang dead or second turkey delivered) |
bool | special_message_shown | Tusk palace/black market/one way door - message shown |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_fog | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_dust | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_sparkles |
Derived from Entity Movable PowerupCapable Monster
Type | Name | Description |
int | walk_pause_timer |
Movable entities
Type | Name | Description |
float | speed_x | |
float | speed_y | |
float | float_counter |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | player | |
Entity | fx_glow | |
int | timer1 | |
int | timer2 | |
int | timer3 | |
bool | music_on_off |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
int | flame_uid | |
bool | is_on_fire | |
bool | is_poisoned | |
bool | shot_from_trap | |
nil | poison_arrow(bool poisoned) | |
nil | light_up(bool lit) |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile
Type | Name | Description |
int | trapped_uid | |
float | size | |
float | swing | |
float | swing_periodicity | |
float | distance_after_capture |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup
Type | Name | Description |
bool | explosion_trigger | More like on fire trigger, the explosion happens when the timer reaches > 29 |
int | explosion_timer | |
nil | trigger_explosion() | |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_trigger_explosion(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool trigger_explosion(Backpack self) |
CallbackId | set_post_trigger_explosion(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil trigger_explosion(Backpack self) |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
float | scale_hor | 1.25 = default regular bomb, 1.875 = default giant bomb, > 1.25 generates ENT_TYPE_FX_POWEREDEXPLOSION |
float | scale_ver | |
bool | is_big_bomb | is bomb from powerpack |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_button | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | music_note1 | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | music_note2 | |
float | spawn_y | |
int | station | |
int | station_change_delay | |
int | jump_timer | |
int | jump_state |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | trail | |
float | distance | |
float | rotation | |
int | returns_to_uid |
Type | Name | Description |
int | is_rolling | is set to 1 when the boulder first hits the ground |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
float | get_arrow_special_offset() | When laying on the ground |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
int | button_sprite | Only one can be set: 1 - pad: A, key: Z 2 - pad: X, key: X 4 - pad: B, key: C 8 - pad: Y, key: D 16 - pad: LB, key: L Shift 32 - pad: RB, key: A 64 - pad: menu?, key: (none) 128 - pad: copy?, key: Tab |
float | visibility | |
bool | is_visible | It's false for selldialog used in shops |
bool | player_trigger | It's set true even if player does not see the button, like the drill or COG door |
int | seen | -1 - hasn't been seen 0 - last seen by player 1 1 - last seen by player 2 2 - last seen by player 3 3 - last seen by player 4 |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup Backpack
Type | Name | Description |
bool | floating_down |
Type | Name | Description |
int | attached_to_uid | |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity Movable PushBlock
Type | Name | Description |
bool | is_chained |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | leprechaun | |
bool | bomb | size of the bomb is random, if set both true only leprechaun spawns |
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | treasure_type | |
int | treasure_uid | |
float | treasure_x_pos | |
float | treasure_y_pos | |
int | top_part_uid |
Type | Name | Description |
int | crabman_uid | |
float | spawn_x | |
float | spawn_y |
Type | Name | Description |
int | segment_nr_inverse | |
int | burn_timer | entity is killed after 20 |
Entity | above_part | |
Entity | below_part | |
int | segment_nr |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile LightShot
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | |
float | spawn_y |
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | inside | |
int | timer | |
bool | player_respawn |
Type | Name | Description |
int | nominal_price |
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | inside |
Derived from Entity Movable Torch
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particles_smoke | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particles_flames | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particles_warp | |
SoundMeta | sound |
Type | Name | Description |
float | y_limit | This is custom variable, you need activate_crush_elevator_hack to use it |
float | speed | This is custom variable, you need activate_crush_elevator_hack to use it |
Type | Name | Description |
float | dirx | |
float | diry | |
int | timer | counts from 30 to 0 before moving, after it stops, counts from 60 to 0 before it can be triggered again |
int | bounce_back_timer | counts from 7 to 0 after it hits the wall and moves away until the timer hits 0, then moves back and counts from 255 until it hits the wall again, if needed it will start the counter again for another bounce |
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | smoke | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | smoke2 |
Opaque handle to a custom movable behavior from a script mod Derived from MovableBehavior
Type | Name | Description |
VanillaMovableBehavior | base_behavior | |
nil | set_force_state(function force_state) | Set the force_state function of a CustomMovableBehavior , this will be called every frame whenthe movable is updated. If an force_state is already set it will be overridden. The signatureof the function is bool force_state(Movable movable, function base_fun) , when the function returns true the movable willenter this behavior. If no base behavior is set base_fun will be nil . |
nil | set_on_enter(function on_enter) | Set the on_enter function of a CustomMovableBehavior , this will be called when the movableenters the state. If an on_enter is already set it will be overridden. The signature of thefunction is nil on_enter(Movable movable, function base_fun)) . If no base behavior is set base_fun will be nil . |
nil | set_on_exit(function on_exit) | Set the on_exit function of a CustomMovableBehavior , this will be called when the movableleaves the state. If an on_exit is already set it will be overridden. The signature of thefunction is nil on_exit(Movable movable, function base_fun)) . If no base behavior is set base_fun will be nil . |
nil | set_update_logic(function update_logic) | Set the update_logic function of a CustomMovableBehavior , this will be called every frame whenthe movable is updated. If an update_logic is already set it will be overridden. The signatureof the function is nil update_logic(Movable movable, function base_fun)) , use it to change the color, texture,some timers, etc. of the movable. If no base behavior is set base_fun will be nil . |
nil | set_update_world(function update_world) | Set the update_world function of a CustomMovableBehavior , this will be called every frame whenthe movable is updated. If an update_world is already set it will be overridden. The signatureof the function is nil update_world(Movable movable, function base_fun)) , use this to update the move, velocity,current_animation, etc. of the movable, then call mov:generic_update_world to update the movable. If nobase behavior is set base_fun will be nil . |
nil | set_get_next_state_id(function get_next_state_id) | Set the get_next_state_id function of a CustomMovableBehavior , this will be called every frame whenthe movable is updated. If an get_next_state_id is already set it will be overridden. The signatureof the function is int get_next_state_id(Movable movable, function base_fun)) , use this to move to another state, return nil .or this behaviors state_id to remain in this behavior. If no base behavior is set base_fun will be nil . |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound1 | |
SoundMeta | sound2 | |
Entity | top_chain_piece | |
nil | trigger(optional |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | replace_entity | |
bool | exploding | |
int | explosion_timer | Explodes when timer reaches 30 |
nil | trigger_explosion(Entity who) | Transfers ownership etc. for who to blame, sets the exploding bool |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_trigger_explosion(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool trigger_explosion(DummyPurchasableEntity self, Entity who) Virtual function docs: Transfers ownership etc. for who to blame, sets the exploding bool |
CallbackId | set_post_trigger_explosion(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil trigger_explosion(DummyPurchasableEntity self, Entity who) Virtual function docs: Transfers ownership etc. for who to blame, sets the exploding bool |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
bool | smoke_on |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | timer | pause timer, counts down 60 to 0 |
bool | moving_up |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_button | |
Entity | ghost |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | in_stone |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | |
float | shaking_factor | |
float | y_pos |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile LightShot SoundShot
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Derived from Entity Movable Flame
Type | Name | Description |
float | flame_size | if changed, gradually goes down (0.03 per frame) to the default size, it's the base value for entity.width and entity.height |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
int | vored_entity_uid |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
float | radius | |
float | inclination | |
float | speed | 0 - 1.0 |
float | sine_angle | |
float | size |
Type | Name | Description |
float | sine_angle | Counts form 0 to 2*pi, responsible for moving back and forth |
float | visibility | |
bool | is_active | Player has compass |
Type | Name | Description |
float | sine_angle |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | illumination | |
int | light_timer | |
int | cooldown_timer | Timer between light flashes |
Type | Name | Description |
int | kill_timer | Short timer after the head is dead |
Type | Name | Description |
float | rotation_angle | |
float | radius | |
float | speed |
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_smoke | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle_flame | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Illumination | illumination |
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle |
Type | Name | Description |
float | attack_angle |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | timer | When breaking open in tutorial |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
float | speed | |
int | timer | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
float | spawn_y | |
float | visibility |
Type | Name | Description |
int | attached_to | |
float | pos_x | |
float | pos_y |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_value | |
Entity | fx_icon | |
Entity | fx_button | |
float | shake_amplitude | For effect when you don't have enough money |
bool | sound_trigger | Also sound_played, keeps re-triggering from time to time |
int | pop_in_out_procentage |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | illumination |
Type | Name | Description |
float | size |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | |
Illumination | illumination |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
float | angle_two | Added _two just to not shadow angle in entity, it's angle but the pivot point is at the edge |
float | x_pos | |
float | y_pos |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | |
float | torso_target_size | Slowly increases/decreases to the given value |
Type | Name | Description |
int | page_number | Only in tutorial |
Type | Name | Description |
int | bubble_source_uid | |
int | direction | 1 / -1 |
bool | pop | Setting it true makes it disappear/fade away |
bool | inverted |
Type | Name | Description |
float | max_y |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | inverted | |
int | droplet_source_uid |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | visible |
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | |
bool | big_cloud |
Type | Name | Description |
int | close_timer | |
int | open_timer |
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
int | cooldown | |
int | shots | used only for webgun |
int | shots2 | used only for clonegun |
int | in_chamber | Only for webgun, uid of the webshot entity |
Type | Name | Description |
int | spider_uid |
Type | Name | Description |
float | start_pos_y |
Type | Name | Description |
int | wiggle_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup Backpack
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
bool | is_on |
Derived from Entity Movable Treasure
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | trap_triggered | if you set it to true for the ice caves or volcano idol, the trap won't trigger |
int | touch | changes to 0 when first picked up by player and back to -1 if HH picks it up |
float | spawn_x | |
float | spawn_y |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup Backpack
Type | Name | Description |
bool | flame_on | |
int | fuel | |
float | acceleration() | |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_acceleration(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<float> acceleration(Jetpack self) |
CallbackId | set_post_acceleration(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil acceleration(Jetpack self) |
Type | Name | Description |
float | move_x | |
float | move_y |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup
Type | Name | Description |
int | amount_of_blood |
Derived from Entity Movable Flame
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | flame_particle |
Derived from Entity Movable LightEmitter
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | explodes at 57, if you set it to 58 will count to overflow |
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | sparks | |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Type | Name | Description |
float | fade_away_counter | counts to 100.0 then the leaf fades away |
int | swing_direction | |
bool | fade_away_trigger |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable Arrow
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile
Type | Name | Description |
Illumination | emitted_light |
Type | Name | Description |
float | glow_radius | |
float | sine_pos | |
float | sine_pos_increment |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
int | remaining |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
float | spin_speed |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
float | velocity_x | |
float | velocity_y | |
float | swing | |
float | up_down_normal | 0.0 - down, 1.0 - up, 0.5 - idle |
Type | Name | Description |
float | offset_x | |
float | offset_y | |
float | normal_y_offset | Is added to offset_y |
Derived from Entity
Type | Name | Description |
Vec2 | move | {movex, movey} |
float | movex | Move directions (-1.0 to 1.0) that represent in whit direction the entity want's to move |
float | movey | Move directions (-1.0 to 1.0) that represent in whit direction the entity want's to move |
BUTTON | buttons | |
BUTTON | buttons_previous | |
int | stand_counter | |
float | jump_height_multiplier | EntityDB.jump gets multiplied by this to get the jump |
int | price | |
int | owner_uid | |
int | last_owner_uid | |
Animation | current_animation | |
int | idle_counter | |
int | standing_on_uid | |
float | velocityx | speed, can be relative to the platform you standing on (pushblocks, elevators), use get_velocity to get accurate speed in the game world |
float | velocityy | speed, can be relative to the platform you standing on (pushblocks, elevators), use get_velocity to get accurate speed in the game world |
int | holding_uid | |
int | state | |
int | last_state | |
int | move_state | |
int | health | |
int | stun_timer | |
int | stun_state | |
int | lock_input_timer | Related to taking damage, also drops you from ladder/rope, can't be set while on the ground unless you're on a mount |
int | wet_effect_timer | |
int | poison_tick_timer | Used to apply damage from poison, can be set to -1 to cure poison, to set poison use poison_entity |
int | falling_timer | |
int | dark_shadow_timer | |
int | onfire_effect_timer | |
int | exit_invincibility_timer | |
int | invincibility_frames_timer | |
int | frozen_timer | |
bool | is_poisoned() | |
bool | is_button_pressed(BUTTON button) | |
bool | is_button_held(BUTTON button) | |
bool | is_button_released(BUTTON button) | |
nil | stun(int framecount) | |
nil | freeze(int framecount, bool ignore_lava) | Sets the frozen_timer , the param ignore_lava doesn't do much, just skips the liquid check,if in lava the game will set frozen_timer to 0 immediately most of the time |
nil | light_on_fire(int time) | Does not damage entity |
nil | set_cursed(bool b, bool effect) | |
nil | drop() | Called when dropping or throwing |
nil | pick_up(Entity entity_to_pick_up) | |
Entity | standing_on() | |
bool | collect_treasure(int value, ENT_TYPE treasure) | Adds or subtracts the specified amount of money to the movable's (player's) inventory. Shows the calculation animation in the HUD. Adds treasure to the inventory list shown on transition. Use the global add_money to add money without adding specific treasure. |
bool | can_jump() | Return true if the entity is allowed to jump, even midair. Return false and can't jump, except from ladders apparently. |
bool | is_on_fire() | |
bool | is_powerup_capable() | |
bool | can_be_picked_up_by(Entity entity_picking_up, bool) | |
bool | can_break_block(bool horizontal, Entity block) | |
nil | break_block(bool camera_shake, Entity block) | |
bool | damage(Entity damage_dealer, int damage_amount, DAMAGE_TYPE damage_flags, Vec2 velocity, int unknown_damage_phase, int stun_amount, int iframes, bool unknown_is_final) | Damage the movable by the specified amount, stuns and gives it invincibility for the specified amount of frames and applies the velocities. damage_dealer can be set to nil.Returns: true if entity was affected (for stuff like: if pot was thrown into entity, should that pot break after hit), false if the event should be ignored by damage_dealer |
vector<int> | get_all_behaviors() | Get all available behavior ids |
bool | set_behavior(int behavior_id) | Set behavior, this is more than just state as it's an active function, for example climbing ladder is a behavior and it doesn't actually need ladder/rope entity Returns false if entity doesn't have this behavior id |
int | get_behavior() | Get the current behavior id |
nil | set_gravity(float gravity) | Force the gravity for this entity. Will override anything set by special states like swimming too, unless you reset it. Default 1.0 |
nil | reset_gravity() | Remove the gravity hook and reset to defaults |
nil | set_position(float to_x, float to_y) | Set the absolute position of an entity and offset all rendering related things accordingly to teleport without any interpolation or graphical glitches. If the camera is focused on the entity, it is also moved. |
nil | process_input() | |
float | calculate_jump_velocity(bool dont_ignore_liquid) | |
nil | apply_velocity(Vec2 velocities, bool ignore_weight) | Mostly used for ragdoll by the game |
int | get_damage() | Returns the damage that the entity deals |
bool | attack(Entity victim) | Runs on contact damage, returns false if there wasn't any interaction (called from on_collision2, will be called as long as the hitboxes overlap) |
bool | thrown_into(Entity victim) | Same as above, but for being thrown into something and potentially dealing damage that way |
SOUNDID | get_damage_sound(DAMAGE_TYPE damage) | returns sound id for the damage taken, return 0 to make it silence |
nil | copy_extra_info(Entity clone, int some_entity_uid) | Entities must be of the same type! |
CutsceneBehavior | cutscene | |
nil | clear_cutscene() | |
VanillaMovableBehavior | get_base_behavior(int state_id) | Gets a vanilla behavior from this movable, needs to be called before clear_behaviors but the returned values are still valid after a call to clear_behaviors |
nil | add_behavior(MovableBehavior behavior) | Add a behavior to this movable, can be either a VanillaMovableBehavior or aCustomMovableBehavior |
nil | clear_behavior(MovableBehavior behavior) | Clear a specific behavior of this movable, can be either a VanillaMovableBehavior or aCustomMovableBehavior , a behavior with this behaviors state_id may be required torun this movables statemachine without crashing, so add a new one if you are not sure |
nil | clear_behaviors() | Clears all behaviors of this movable, need to call add_behavior to avoid crashing |
nil | generic_update_world(bool disable_gravity) | Move a movable according to its velocity, can disable gravity Will also update movable.animation_frame and various timers and counters |
nil | generic_update_world() | Move a movable according to its velocity, update physics, gravity, etc. Will also update movable.animation_frame and various timers and counters |
nil | generic_update_world(Vec2 move, float sprint_factor, bool disable_gravity, bool on_rope) | Move a movable according to its velocity and move , if the movables BUTTON.RUN isheld apply sprint_factor on move.x , can disable gravity or lock its horizontalmovement via on_rope . Use this for example to update a custom enemy type.Will also update movable.animation_frame and various timers and counters |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_can_jump(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> can_jump(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Return true if the entity is allowed to jump, even midair. Return false and can't jump, except from ladders apparently. |
CallbackId | set_post_can_jump(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil can_jump(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Return true if the entity is allowed to jump, even midair. Return false and can't jump, except from ladders apparently. |
CallbackId | set_pre_sprint_factor(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<float> sprint_factor(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_post_sprint_factor(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil sprint_factor(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_calculate_jump_velocity(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<float> calculate_jump_velocity(Movable self, bool dont_ignore_liquid) |
CallbackId | set_post_calculate_jump_velocity(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil calculate_jump_velocity(Movable self, bool dont_ignore_liquid) |
CallbackId | set_pre_apply_velocity(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool apply_velocity(Movable self, Vec2 velocities, bool ignore_weight) Virtual function docs: Mostly used for ragdoll by the game |
CallbackId | set_post_apply_velocity(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil apply_velocity(Movable self, Vec2 velocities, bool ignore_weight) Virtual function docs: Mostly used for ragdoll by the game |
CallbackId | set_pre_get_damage(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<int> get_damage(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Returns the damage that the entity deals |
CallbackId | set_post_get_damage(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil get_damage(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Returns the damage that the entity deals |
CallbackId | set_pre_is_on_fire(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> is_on_fire(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_post_is_on_fire(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil is_on_fire(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_attack(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> attack(Movable self, Entity victim) Virtual function docs: Runs on contact damage, returns false if there wasn't any interaction (called from on_collision2, will be called as long as the hitboxes overlap) |
CallbackId | set_post_attack(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil attack(Movable self, Entity victim) Virtual function docs: Runs on contact damage, returns false if there wasn't any interaction (called from on_collision2, will be called as long as the hitboxes overlap) |
CallbackId | set_pre_thrown_into(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> thrown_into(Movable self, Entity victim) Virtual function docs: Same as above, but for being thrown into something and potentially dealing damage that way |
CallbackId | set_post_thrown_into(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil thrown_into(Movable self, Entity victim) Virtual function docs: Same as above, but for being thrown into something and potentially dealing damage that way |
CallbackId | set_pre_damage(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> damage(Movable self, Entity damage_dealer, int damage_amount, DAMAGE_TYPE damage_flags, Vec2 velocity, int unknown_damage_phase, int stun_amount, int iframes, bool unknown_is_final) Virtual function docs: Damage the movable by the specified amount, stuns and gives it invincibility for the specified amount of frames and applies the velocities. damage_dealer can be set to nil.Returns: true if entity was affected (for stuff like: if pot was thrown into entity, should that pot break after hit), false if the event should be ignored by damage_dealer |
CallbackId | set_post_damage(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil damage(Movable self, Entity damage_dealer, int damage_amount, DAMAGE_TYPE damage_flags, Vec2 velocity, int unknown_damage_phase, int stun_amount, int iframes, bool unknown_is_final) Virtual function docs: Damage the movable by the specified amount, stuns and gives it invincibility for the specified amount of frames and applies the velocities. damage_dealer can be set to nil.Returns: true if entity was affected (for stuff like: if pot was thrown into entity, should that pot break after hit), false if the event should be ignored by damage_dealer |
CallbackId | set_pre_on_hit(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool on_hit(Movable self, Entity damage_dealer) Virtual function docs: Hit by broken arrows etc that don't deal damage, calls damage with 0 damage. |
CallbackId | set_post_on_hit(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil on_hit(Movable self, Entity damage_dealer) Virtual function docs: Hit by broken arrows etc that don't deal damage, calls damage with 0 damage. |
CallbackId | set_pre_get_damage_sound(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<SOUNDID> get_damage_sound(Movable self, DAMAGE_TYPE damage) Virtual function docs: returns sound id for the damage taken, return 0 to make it silence |
CallbackId | set_post_get_damage_sound(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil get_damage_sound(Movable self, DAMAGE_TYPE damage) Virtual function docs: returns sound id for the damage taken, return 0 to make it silence |
CallbackId | set_pre_stun(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool stun(Movable self, int framecount) |
CallbackId | set_post_stun(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil stun(Movable self, int framecount) |
CallbackId | set_pre_freeze(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool freeze(Movable self, int framecount, bool ignore_lava) Virtual function docs: Sets the frozen_timer , the param ignore_lava doesn't do much, just skips the liquid check,if in lava the game will set frozen_timer to 0 immediately most of the time |
CallbackId | set_post_freeze(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil freeze(Movable self, int framecount, bool ignore_lava) Virtual function docs: Sets the frozen_timer , the param ignore_lava doesn't do much, just skips the liquid check,if in lava the game will set frozen_timer to 0 immediately most of the time |
CallbackId | set_pre_light_on_fire(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool light_on_fire(Movable self, int time) Virtual function docs: Does not damage entity |
CallbackId | set_post_light_on_fire(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil light_on_fire(Movable self, int time) Virtual function docs: Does not damage entity |
CallbackId | set_pre_set_cursed(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool set_cursed(Movable self, bool b, bool effect) |
CallbackId | set_post_set_cursed(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil set_cursed(Movable self, bool b, bool effect) |
CallbackId | set_pre_web_collision(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool web_collision(Movable self, bool bool) |
CallbackId | set_post_web_collision(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil web_collision(Movable self, bool bool) |
CallbackId | set_pre_check_out_of_bounds(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool check_out_of_bounds(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Disable to not get killed outside level bounds. |
CallbackId | set_post_check_out_of_bounds(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil check_out_of_bounds(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Disable to not get killed outside level bounds. |
CallbackId | set_pre_set_standing_on(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool set_standing_on(Movable self, int entity_uid) |
CallbackId | set_post_set_standing_on(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil set_standing_on(Movable self, int entity_uid) |
CallbackId | set_pre_standing_on(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<Entity> standing_on(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_post_standing_on(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil standing_on(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_stomped_by(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> stomped_by(Movable self, Entity stomper) |
CallbackId | set_post_stomped_by(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil stomped_by(Movable self, Entity stomper) |
CallbackId | set_pre_thrown_by(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool thrown_by(Movable self, Entity thrower) |
CallbackId | set_post_thrown_by(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil thrown_by(Movable self, Entity thrower) |
CallbackId | set_pre_cloned_to(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool cloned_to(Movable self, Entity clone, int some_entity_uid) Virtual function docs: Entities must be of the same type! |
CallbackId | set_post_cloned_to(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil cloned_to(Movable self, Entity clone, int some_entity_uid) Virtual function docs: Entities must be of the same type! |
CallbackId | set_pre_pick_up(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool pick_up(Movable self, Entity entity_to_pick_up) |
CallbackId | set_post_pick_up(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil pick_up(Movable self, Entity entity_to_pick_up) |
CallbackId | set_pre_can_be_picked_up_by(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> can_be_picked_up_by(Movable self, Entity entity_picking_up, bool) |
CallbackId | set_post_can_be_picked_up_by(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil can_be_picked_up_by(Movable self, Entity entity_picking_up, bool) |
CallbackId | set_pre_drop(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool drop(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Called when dropping or throwing |
CallbackId | set_post_drop(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil drop(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Called when dropping or throwing |
CallbackId | set_pre_collect_treasure(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> collect_treasure(Movable self, int value, ENT_TYPE treasure) Virtual function docs: Adds or subtracts the specified amount of money to the movable's (player's) inventory. Shows the calculation animation in the HUD. Adds treasure to the inventory list shown on transition. Use the global add_money to add money without adding specific treasure. |
CallbackId | set_post_collect_treasure(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil collect_treasure(Movable self, int value, ENT_TYPE treasure) Virtual function docs: Adds or subtracts the specified amount of money to the movable's (player's) inventory. Shows the calculation animation in the HUD. Adds treasure to the inventory list shown on transition. Use the global add_money to add money without adding specific treasure. |
CallbackId | set_pre_apply_movement(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> apply_movement(Movable self, int, int, int) |
CallbackId | set_post_apply_movement(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil apply_movement(Movable self, int, int, int) |
CallbackId | set_pre_is_powerup_capable(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> is_powerup_capable(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_post_is_powerup_capable(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil is_powerup_capable(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_initialize(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool initialize(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_post_initialize(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil initialize(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_process_input(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool process_input(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_post_process_input(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil process_input(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_pre_picked_up(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool picked_up(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Called for entity that just has been picked up |
CallbackId | set_post_picked_up(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil picked_up(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Called for entity that just has been picked up |
CallbackId | set_pre_release(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool release(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Called for entity that just has been thrown/dropped |
CallbackId | set_post_release(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil release(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Called for entity that just has been thrown/dropped |
CallbackId | set_pre_generate_landing_effects(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool generate_landing_effects(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Only for landing on the floor or activefloor, generates "poof" particle and plays sfx (note: when stunned, sfx is played by the damage function) |
CallbackId | set_post_generate_landing_effects(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil generate_landing_effects(Movable self) Virtual function docs: Only for landing on the floor or activefloor, generates "poof" particle and plays sfx (note: when stunned, sfx is played by the damage function) |
CallbackId | set_pre_fall(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool fall(Movable self, float float) Virtual function docs: Applies gravity to entity. Disable to float like on hoverpack. |
CallbackId | set_post_fall(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil fall(Movable self, float float) Virtual function docs: Applies gravity to entity. Disable to float like on hoverpack. |
CallbackId | set_pre_apply_friction(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool apply_friction(Movable self, float, bool vertical, float) |
CallbackId | set_post_apply_friction(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil apply_friction(Movable self, float, bool vertical, float) |
CallbackId | set_pre_can_break_block(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is optional<bool> can_break_block(Movable self, bool horizontal, Entity block) |
CallbackId | set_post_can_break_block(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil can_break_block(Movable self, bool horizontal, Entity block) |
CallbackId | set_pre_break_block(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool break_block(Movable self, bool camera_shake, Entity block) |
CallbackId | set_post_break_block(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil break_block(Movable self, bool camera_shake, Entity block) |
CallbackId | set_pre_crush(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool crush(Movable self, Entity entity) |
CallbackId | set_post_crush(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil crush(Movable self, Entity entity) |
CallbackId | set_pre_body_destruction(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool body_destruction(Movable self) |
CallbackId | set_post_body_destruction(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil body_destruction(Movable self) |
Type | Name | Description |
int | movement_timer | Used to move it up and down in sync with others |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | target_uid | |
int | attack_phase | 0 = stomp, 1 = bombs, 2 = stomp+ufos, 3 = in lava |
int | attack_timer | in phase 0/2: time spent looking for player, in phase 1: time between bomb salvo |
int | ai_timer | general timer that counts down whenever olmec is active |
int | move_direction | -1 = left, 0 = down, 1 = right, phase 0/2: depends on target, phase 1: travel direction |
int | jump_timer | |
int | phase1_amount_of_bomb_salvos | |
int | unknown_attack_state | |
int | broken_floaters() |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | |
int | bombs_left | |
nil | spawn_projectile() | |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_spawn_projectile(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool spawn_projectile(OlmecCannon self) |
CallbackId | set_post_spawn_projectile(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil spawn_projectile(OlmecCannon self) |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | both_floaters_intact | |
bool | on_breaking |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | door_fx | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | smoke | |
int | flight_time | |
bool | has_spawned_jetflames |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | timer |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup
Type | Name | Description |
int | falltime_deploy | this gets compared with entity's falling_timer |
bool | deployed | |
nil | deploy() | |
int | gold_timer | Timer for spawning a single gold nugget. |
int | gold_spawning_time | Time until gold nuggets stop spawning. |
Type | Name | Description |
int | bombs | |
int | ropes |
Derived from Entity Movable LightEmitter
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | sparkles_particle | |
PlayerSlot | player_inputs | |
Inventory | inventory | |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | body_uid | Is not set to -1 when crushed |
int | shake_timer | |
int | boost_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | inside | |
bool | dont_transfer_dmg |
Type | Name | Description |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_putting_on(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool putting_on(Powerup self, PowerupCapable who) Virtual function docs: only for backpacks |
CallbackId | set_post_putting_on(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil putting_on(Powerup self, PowerupCapable who) Virtual function docs: only for backpacks |
CallbackId | set_pre_putting_off(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool putting_off(Powerup self, PowerupCapable who) Virtual function docs: only for backpacks |
CallbackId | set_post_putting_off(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil putting_off(Powerup self, PowerupCapable who) Virtual function docs: only for backpacks |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
ENT_TYPE | inside |
Type | Name | Description |
array<int, 6> | item_ids | Id's of the items (not types), by default 0-24, look at change_diceshop_prizes for the list of default prizes so for example: id 0 equals ITEM_PICKUP_BOMBBAG, id 1 equals ITEM_PICKUP_BOMBBOX etc. Game generates 6 but uses max 5 for Tusk dice shop |
int | prizes_spawned |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
int | attached_to_uid | |
int | timer | counts down from 20 while the ball is eligible to break a floor and tries to break it at 0 |
float | x_pos | |
float | y_pos |
Type | Name | Description |
nil | equip(Entity who) | Is called after purchase, changes the DummyPurchasableEntity into the real entity plus tries to equip it, or pick it up (for stuff like weapons), or give the powerup. Nothing else happens, by itself it does not remove item from shop etc. |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_equip(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool equip(Purchasable self, Entity who) Virtual function docs: Is called after purchase, changes the DummyPurchasableEntity into the real entity plus tries to equip it, or pick it up (for stuff like weapons), or give the powerup. Nothing else happens, by itself it does not remove item from shop etc. |
CallbackId | set_post_equip(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil equip(Purchasable self, Entity who) Virtual function docs: Is called after purchase, changes the DummyPurchasableEntity into the real entity plus tries to equip it, or pick it up (for stuff like weapons), or give the powerup. Nothing else happens, by itself it does not remove item from shop etc. |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | dust_particle | |
float | dest_pos_x |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | on_breaking |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
float | roll_speed | |
nil | give_powerup(Entity who, bool play_sfx) | Skip this function for item to be unpickable |
CallbackId | set_pre_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function at index entry . |
CallbackId | set_post_virtual(ENTITY_OVERRIDE entry, function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function at index entry . |
nil | clear_virtual(CallbackId callback_id) | Clears the hook given by callback_id , alternatively use clear_callback() inside the hook. |
CallbackId | set_pre_give_powerup(function fun) | Hooks before the virtual function. The callback signature is bool give_powerup(RollingItem self, Entity who, bool play_sfx) Virtual function docs: Skip this function for item to be unpickable |
CallbackId | set_post_give_powerup(function fun) | Hooks after the virtual function. The callback signature is nil give_powerup(RollingItem self, Entity who, bool play_sfx) Virtual function docs: Skip this function for item to be unpickable |
Type | Name | Description |
Type | Name | Description |
int | cooldown |
Derived from Entity Movable LightEmitter
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
float | speed | |
int | idle_timer | short timer before it goes after target |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
float | shake |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
int | left_skull_uid | |
int | middle_skull_uid | |
int | right_skull_uid | |
int | left_skull_drop_time | |
int | middle_skull_drop_time | |
int | right_skull_drop_time | |
int | timer | counts from 60 to 0, 3 times, the last time dropping the skulls, then random longer timer for reset |
Type | Name | Description |
int | show_hide_timer |
Type | Name | Description |
int | bait_uid | |
int | reload_timer |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile LightShot
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity Movable Flame
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | particle | |
Entity | fx_entity | |
float | rotation_center_x | |
float | rotation_center_y | |
float | rotation_angle | |
float | size | slowly goes down to default 1.0, is 0.0 when not on screen |
float | size_multiply | 0.0 when not on screen |
float | next_size | width and height will be set to next_size * size_multiply next frame |
int | size_change_timer | very short timer before next size change, giving a pulsing effect |
float | speed | This is custom variable, you need activate_sparktraps_hack to use it |
float | distance | This is custom variable, you need activate_sparktraps_hack to use it |
Type | Name | Description |
SOUNDID | sound_id |
Derived from Entity Movable LightEmitter
Type | Name | Description |
float | target_x | |
float | target_y |
Type | Name | Description |
int | at_end_of_chain_uid | |
float | dot_offset | |
int | position_in_chain | |
int | inverse_doubled_position_in_chain | |
bool | is_dot_hidden |
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound | |
Entity | fx_button | |
Illumination | emitted_light | |
int | station |
Derived from Entity Movable Purchasable
Type | Name | Description |
int | teleport_number |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup Backpack
Type | Name | Description |
int | teleport_number |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_button | |
Entity | camera_anchor | |
int | looked_through_by_uid |
Derived from Entity Movable Chain
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | bottom |
Type | Name | Description |
int | strength | counts down when standing on, maximum is 134 as based of this value it changes animation_frame, and above that value it changes to wrong sprite |
Derived from Entity Movable LightEmitter
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity Movable PushBlock
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer | timer till explosion, -1 = pause, counts down |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile LightShot
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
int | flame_uid | |
bool | is_lit | It's used just to check, to light/extinguish use light_up function |
nil | light_up(bool lit) | |
ENT_TYPE | get_flame_type() |
Derived from Entity Movable Flame
Type | Name | Description |
ParticleEmitterInfo | smoke_particle | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | flame_particle | |
ParticleEmitterInfo | warp_particle | |
float | flame_size |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | ceiling |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | cashed | spawns a dust effect and adds money for the total |
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup
Type | Name | Description |
int | timer |
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | fx_button |
Type | Name | Description |
bool | bounce |
Type | Name | Description |
int | wiggle_timer | |
int | shine_timer |
Opaque handle to a movable behavior from the vanilla game Derived from MovableBehavior
Type | Name | Description |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup Backpack Cape
Type | Name | Description |
bool | can_double_jump |
Derived from Entity Movable Torch
Type | Name | Description |
bool | dropped_gold | if false, it will drop gold when light up |
Type | Name | Description |
float | decay_rate | Is subtracted from the color alpha every frame after the stand_counter is more than 300.Entity automatically dies when the alpha is less than 0.1 |
Derived from Entity Movable Projectile
Type | Name | Description |
bool | shot | if false, it's attached to the gun |
Type | Name | Description |
int | ceiling_1_uid | |
int | ceiling_2_uid | |
float | falling_speed |
Derived from Entity Movable Powerup Backpack Cape
Type | Name | Description |
SoundMeta | sound |
Search script examples for set_callback
These events are used in set_callback to call your callback function before or after something happens in the game. The named events related to game screens generally run on the first engine update when changing to said screen. Coming back from the options screen does not fire the parent screen event though (OPTIONS to LEVEL for example). If you need more fine-grained control over the screen events, use SCREEN
with the help of the state.screen
Search script examples for ON.LOGO
Runs when entering the the mossmouth logo screen.
Search script examples for ON.INTRO
Runs when entering the intro cutscene.
Search script examples for ON.PROLOGUE
Runs when entering the prologue / poem.
Search script examples for ON.TITLE
Runs when entering the title screen.
Search script examples for ON.MENU
Runs when entering the main menu.
Search script examples for ON.OPTIONS
Runs when entering the options menu.
Search script examples for ON.PLAYER_PROFILE
Runs when entering the player profile screen.
Search script examples for ON.LEADERBOARD
Runs when entering the leaderboard screen.
Search script examples for ON.SEED_INPUT
Runs when entering the seed input screen of a seeded run.
Search script examples for ON.CHARACTER_SELECT
Runs when entering the character select screen.
Search script examples for ON.TEAM_SELECT
Runs when entering the team select screen of arena mode.
Search script examples for ON.CAMP
Runs when entering the camp, after all entities have spawned, on the first level frame.
Search script examples for ON.LEVEL
Runs when entering any level, after all entities have spawned, on the first level frame.
Search script examples for ON.TRANSITION
Runs when entering the transition screen, after all entities have spawned.
Search script examples for ON.DEATH
Runs when entering the death screen.
Search script examples for ON.SPACESHIP
Runs when entering the olmecship cutscene after Tiamat.
Search script examples for ON.WIN
Runs when entering any winning cutscene, including the constellation.
Search script examples for ON.CREDITS
Runs when entering the credits screen.
Search script examples for ON.SCORES
Runs when entering the final score celebration screen of a normal or hard ending.
Search script examples for ON.CONSTELLATION
Runs when entering the turning into constellation cutscene after cosmic ocean.
Search script examples for ON.RECAP
Runs when entering the Dear Journal screen after final scores.
Search script examples for ON.ARENA_MENU
Runs when entering the main arena rules menu screen.
Search script examples for ON.ARENA_STAGES
Runs when entering the arena stage selection screen.
Search script examples for ON.ARENA_ITEMS
Runs when entering the arena item config screen.
Search script examples for ON.ARENA_SELECT
Search script examples for ON.ARENA_INTRO
Runs when entering the arena VS intro screen.
Search script examples for ON.ARENA_MATCH
Runs when entering the arena level screen, after all entities have spawned, on the first level frame, before the get ready go scene.
Search script examples for ON.ARENA_SCORE
Runs when entering the arena scores screen.
Search script examples for ON.ONLINE_LOADING
Runs when entering the online loading screen.
Search script examples for ON.ONLINE_LOBBY
Runs when entering the online lobby screen.
Search script examples for ON.GUIFRAME
Params: GuiDrawContext draw_ctx
Runs every frame the game is rendered, thus runs at selected framerate. Drawing functions are only available during this callback through a GuiDrawContext
Search script examples for ON.FRAME
Runs while playing the game while the player is controllable, not in the base camp or the arena mode
Search script examples for ON.GAMEFRAME
Runs whenever the game engine is actively running. This includes base camp, arena, level transition and death screen
Search script examples for ON.SCREEN
Runs whenever state.screen changes
Search script examples for ON.START
Runs on the first ON.SCREEN of a run
Search script examples for ON.LOADING
Runs whenever state.loading changes and is > 0. Prefer PRE/POST_LOAD_SCREEN instead though.
Search script examples for ON.RESET
Runs when resetting a run
Search script examples for ON.SAVE
Params: SaveContext save_ctx
Runs at the same times as ON.SCREEN, but receives the save_ctx
Search script examples for ON.LOAD
Params: LoadContext load_ctx
Runs as soon as your script is loaded, including reloads, then never again
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LOAD_LEVEL_FILES
Params: PreLoadLevelFilesContext load_level_ctx
Runs right before level files would be loaded
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION
Runs before any level generation, no entities exist at this point. Runs in most screens that have entities. Return true to block normal level generation, i.e. stop any entities from being spawned by ThemeInfo functions. Does not block other ThemeInfo functions, like spawn_effects though. POST_LEVEL_GENERATION will still run if this callback is blocked.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LOAD_SCREEN
Runs right before loading a new screen based on screen_next. Return true from callback to block the screen from loading.
Search script examples for ON.POST_ROOM_GENERATION
Params: PostRoomGenerationContext room_gen_ctx
Runs right after all rooms are generated before entities are spawned
Search script examples for ON.POST_LEVEL_GENERATION
Runs right after level generation is done, i.e. after all level gen entities are spawned, before any entities are updated. You can spawn your own entities here, like extra enemies, give items to players etc.
Search script examples for ON.POST_LOAD_SCREEN
Runs right after a screen is loaded, before rendering anything
Search script examples for ON.PRE_GET_RANDOM_ROOM
Params: int x, int y, LAYER layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template
Return: string room_data
Called when the game wants to get a random room for a given template. Return a string that represents a room template to make the game use that.
If the size of the string returned does not match with the room templates expected size the room is discarded.
White spaces at the beginning and end of the string are stripped, not at the beginning and end of each line.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_HANDLE_ROOM_TILES
Params: int x, int y, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template, PreHandleRoomTilesContext room_ctx
Return: bool last_callback
to determine whether callbacks of the same type should be executed after this
Runs after a random room was selected and right before it would spawn entities for each tile code
Allows you to modify the rooms content in the front and back layer as well as add a back layer if not yet existant
Search script examples for ON.SCRIPT_ENABLE
Runs when the script is enabled from the UI or when imported by another script while disabled, but not on load.
Search script examples for ON.SCRIPT_DISABLE
Runs when the script is disabled from the UI and also right before unloading/reloading.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_HUD
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, Hud hud
Runs before the HUD is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture
function of the render_ctx or edit the Hud values. Return true
to skip rendering.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_HUD
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, Hud hud
Runs after the HUD is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture
function of the render_ctx
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_PAUSE_MENU
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx
Runs before the pause menu is drawn on screen. In this event, you can't really draw textures, because the blurred background is drawn on top of them. Return true
to skip rendering.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_PAUSE_MENU
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx
Runs after the pause menu is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture
function of the render_ctx
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_BLURRED_BACKGROUND
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, float blur
Runs before the blurred background is drawn on screen, behind pause menu or journal book. In this event, you can't really draw textures, because the blurred background is drawn on top of them. Return true
to skip rendering.
-- replace journal book background with a piece of paper, drawn on top of the blurred bg
set_callback(function(ctx, blur)
local src = Quad:new(AABB:new(0.535, 0.21, 0.85, 0.93))
local dest = Quad:new(AABB:new(-1, 1, 1, -1))
local col = Color:white()
col.a = game_manager.journal_ui.opacity --or simply 'blur' to draw behind pause menu too
ctx:draw_screen_texture(TEXTURE.DATA_TEXTURES_JOURNAL_TOP_MAIN_0, src, dest, col)
-- hide real book offscreen, only drawing pages
game_manager.journal_ui.book_background.y = 2
-- the previous cb is not called for death screen, default to normal book bg there
set_pre_render_screen(SCREEN.DEATH, function(ctx)
game_manager.journal_ui.book_background.y = 0
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_BLURRED_BACKGROUND
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, float blur
Runs after the blurred background is drawn on screen, behind pause menu or journal book. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture
function of the render_ctx. (blur amount is probably the same as journal opacity)
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int draw_depth
Runs before the entities of the specified draw_depth are drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_world_texture
function of the render_ctx. Return true
to skip rendering.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_DRAW_DEPTH
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int draw_depth
Runs right after the entities of the specified draw_depth are drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_world_texture
function of the render_ctx
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_JOURNAL_PAGE
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, JOURNAL_PAGE_TYPE page_type, JournalPage page
Runs before the journal page is drawn on screen. Return true
to skip rendering.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_JOURNAL_PAGE
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, JOURNAL_PAGE_TYPE page_type, JournalPage page
Runs after the journal page is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture function of the VanillaRenderContext
The JournalPage parameter gives you access to the specific fields of the page. Be sure to cast it to the correct type, the following functions are available to do that:page:as_journal_page_progress()
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_LAYER
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int rendered_layer
Runs before a layer is rendered, runs for both layers during layer door transitions. Return true
to skip rendering.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_LAYER
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int rendered_layer
Runs after a layer is rendered, runs for both layers during layer door transitions. Things drawn here will be part of the layer transition animation
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_LEVEL
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int camera_layer
Runs before the level is rendered. Return true
to skip rendering.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_LEVEL
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int camera_layer
Runs after the level is rendered, before hud
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_PRE_GAME
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx
Runs before the in-game part of the game is rendered. Return true
to skip rendering.
Search script examples for ON.RENDER_POST_GAME
Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx
Runs after the level and HUD are rendered, before pause menus and blur effects
Search script examples for ON.SPEECH_BUBBLE
Params: Entity speaking_entity, string text
Runs before any speech bubble is created, even the one using say function
Return: if you don't return anything it will execute the speech bubble function normally with default message
if you return empty string, it will not create the speech bubble at all, if you return string, it will use that instead of the original
The first script to return string (empty or not) will take priority, the rest will receive callback call but the return behavior won't matter
Search script examples for ON.TOAST
Params: string text
Runs before any toast is created, even the one using toast function
Return: if you don't return anything it will execute the toast function normally with default message
if you return empty string, it will not create the toast at all, if you return string, it will use that instead of the original message
The first script to return string (empty or not) will take priority, the rest will receive callback call but the return behavior won't matter
Search script examples for ON.DEATH_MESSAGE
Params: STRINGID id
Runs once after death when the death message journal page is shown. The parameter is the STRINGID of the title, like 1221 for BLOWN UP.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LOAD_JOURNAL_CHAPTER
Runs before the journal or any of it's chapter is opened
Return: return true to not load the chapter (or journal as a whole)
Search script examples for ON.POST_LOAD_JOURNAL_CHAPTER
Params: JOURNALUI_PAGE_SHOWN chapter, array:int pages
Runs after the pages for the journal are prepared, but not yet displayed, pages
is a list of page numbers that the game loaded, if you want to change it, do the changes (remove pages, add new ones, change order) and return it
All new pages will be created as JournalPageStory, any custom with page number above 9 will be empty, I recommend using above 99 to be sure not to get the game page, you can later use this to recognise and render your own stuff on that page in the RENDER_POST_JOURNAL_PAGE
Return: return new page array to modify the journal, returning empty array or not returning anything will load the journal normally, any page number that was already loaded will result in the standard game page
When changing the order of game pages make sure that the page that normally is rendered on the left side is on the left in the new order, otherwise you get some messed up result, custom pages don't have this problem. The order is: left, right, left, right ...
Search script examples for ON.PRE_GET_FEAT
Runs before getting performed status for a FEAT when rendering the Feats page in journal.
Return: true to override the vanilla feat with your own. Defaults to Steam GetAchievement.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_SET_FEAT
Runs before the game sets a vanilla feat performed.
Return: true to block the default behaviour of calling Steam SetAchievement.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_UPDATE
Runs before the State is updated, runs always (menu, settings, camp, game, arena, online etc.) with the game engine, typically 60FPS
Return behavior: return true to stop further PRE_UPDATE callbacks from executing and don't update the state (this will essentially freeze the game engine)
Search script examples for ON.POST_UPDATE
Runs right after the State is updated, runs always (menu, settings, camp, game, arena, online etc.) with the game engine, typically 60FPS
Search script examples for ON.USER_DATA
Params: Entity ent
Runs on all changes to Entity.user_data, including after loading saved user_data in the next level and transition. Also runs the first time user_data is set back to nil, but nil won't be saved to bother you on future levels.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LEVEL_CREATION
Runs right before the front layer is created. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually.
Search script examples for ON.POST_LEVEL_CREATION
Runs right after the back layer has been created and you can start spawning entities in it. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LAYER_CREATION
Params: LAYER layer
Runs right before a layer is created. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually.
Search script examples for ON.POST_LAYER_CREATION
Params: LAYER layer
Runs right after a layer has been created and you can start spawning entities in it. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LEVEL_DESTRUCTION
Runs right before the current level is unloaded and any entities destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last.
Search script examples for ON.POST_LEVEL_DESTRUCTION
Runs right after the current level has been unloaded and all entities destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LAYER_DESTRUCTION
Params: LAYER layer
Runs right before a layer is unloaded and any entities there destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last.
Search script examples for ON.POST_LAYER_DESTRUCTION
Params: LAYER layer
Runs right after a layer has been unloaded and any entities there destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_PROCESS_INPUT
Runs right before the game gets input from various devices and writes to a bunch of buttons-variables. Return true to disable all game input completely.
Search script examples for ON.POST_PROCESS_INPUT
Runs right after the game gets input from various devices and writes to a bunch of buttons-variables. Probably the first chance you have to capture or edit buttons_gameplay or buttons_menu sort of things.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_GAME_LOOP
Runs right before the main engine loop. Return true to block state updates and menu updates, i.e. to pause inside menus.
Search script examples for ON.POST_GAME_LOOP
Runs right after the main engine loop.
Search script examples for ON.PRE_SAVE_STATE
Runs right before the main StateMemory is manually saved to a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState. Return true to block save.
Params: int slot, StateMemory saved
Search script examples for ON.POST_SAVE_STATE
Runs right after the main StateMemory is manually saved to a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState.
Params: int slot, StateMemory saved
Search script examples for ON.PRE_LOAD_STATE
Runs right before the main StateMemory is manually loaded from a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState. Return true to block load.
Params: int slot, StateMemory loaded
Search script examples for ON.POST_LOAD_STATE
Runs right after the main StateMemory is manually loaded from a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState.
Params: int slot, StateMemory loaded
Search script examples for ON.BLOCKED_UPDATE
Runs instead of POST_UPDATE when anything blocks a PRE_UPDATE. Even runs in Playlunky when Overlunky blocks a PRE_UPDATE.
Search script examples for ON.BLOCKED_GAME_LOOP
Runs instead of POST_GAME_LOOP when anything blocks a PRE_GAME_LOOP. Even runs in Playlunky when Overlunky blocks a PRE_GAME_LOOP.
Search script examples for ON.BLOCKED_PROCESS_INPUT
Runs instead of POST_PROCESS_INPUT when anything blocks a PRE_PROCESS_INPUT. Even runs in Playlunky when Overlunky blocks a PRE_PROCESS_INPUT.
Enums are like numbers but in text that's easier to remember.
if state.theme == THEME.COSMIC_OCEAN then
x, y, l = get_position(players[1].uid)
spawn(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_JETPACK, x, y, l, 0, 0)
end, ON.LEVEL)
Search script examples for BEG
Beg quest states
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for BUTTON
Name | Data | Description |
JUMP | 1 | |
WHIP | 2 | |
BOMB | 4 | |
ROPE | 8 | |
RUN | 16 | |
DOOR | 32 |
Search script examples for CAUSE_OF_DEATH
Name | Data | Description |
DEATH | 0 | |
ENTITY | 1 | |
LONG_FALL | 2 | |
MISSED | 4 | |
Search script examples for CHAR_STATE
Name | Data | Description |
FLAILING | 0 | |
STANDING | 1 | |
SITTING | 2 | |
HANGING | 4 | |
DUCKING | 5 | |
CLIMBING | 6 | |
PUSHING | 7 | |
JUMPING | 8 | |
FALLING | 9 | |
DROPPING | 10 | |
ATTACKING | 12 | |
THROWING | 17 | |
STUNNED | 18 | |
ENTERING | 19 | |
LOADING | 20 | |
EXITING | 21 | |
DYING | 22 |
Search script examples for CONST
Some arbitrary constants of the engine
Name | Data | Description |
ENGINE_FPS | 60 | The framerate at which the engine updates, e.g. at which ON.GAMEFRAME and similar are called.Independent of rendering framerate, so it does not correlate with the call rate of ON.GUIFRAME and similar. |
ROOM_WIDTH | 10 | Width of a 1x1 room, both in world coordinates and in tiles. |
ROOM_HEIGHT | 8 | Height of a 1x1 room, both in world coordinates and in tiles. |
MAX_TILES_VERT | g_level_max_y | Maximum number of working floor tiles in vertical axis, 126 (0-125 coordinates) Floors spawned above or below will not have any collision |
MAX_TILES_HORIZ | g_level_max_x | Maximum number of working floor tiles in horizontal axis, 86 (0-85 coordinates) Floors spawned above or below will not have any collision |
NOF_DRAW_DEPTHS | 53 | Number of draw_depths, 53 (0-52) |
MAX_PLAYERS | 4 | Just the max number of players in multiplayer |
Search script examples for CORNER_FINISH
Name | Data | Description |
NONE | CORNER_FINISH::NONE | Don't draw corner at all, will draw lines as separate pieces, overlapping etc. |
REAL | CORNER_FINISH::REAL | Draws a real corner, no matter how far away the "peak" of the corner may end up being |
CUT | CORNER_FINISH::CUT | Instead of drawing a sharp point at the end of the corner, it just cuts it flat |
ADAPTIVE | CORNER_FINISH::ADAPTIVE | Default similar to REAL but for low angles reduces the size of the "peak" of the corner |
Search script examples for COSUBTHEME
Parameter to force_co_subtheme
Name | Data | Description |
NONE | -1 | |
RESET | -1 | |
DWELLING | 0 | |
JUNGLE | 1 | |
VOLCANA | 2 | |
TIDE_POOL | 3 | |
TEMPLE | 4 | |
ICE_CAVES | 5 | |
Search script examples for DAMAGE_TYPE
16bit bitmask used in Movable::damage. Can be many things, like 0x2024 = hit by a burning object that was thrown by an explosion.
Name | Data | Description |
GENERIC | 0x1 | enemy contact, rope hit, spikes(-1 damage), anubisshot, forcefield, dagger shot, spear trap... |
WHIP | 0x2 | |
THROW | 0x4 | rock, bullet, monkey, yeti |
ARROW | 0x8 | |
SWORD | 0x10 | |
FIRE | 0x20 | fire, fireball, lava |
POISON | 0x40 | applies the status effect, not damage |
POISON_TICK | 0x80 | actual damage from being poisoned for a while |
CURSE | 0x100 | witchskull, catmummy directly, but not cloud |
FALL | 0x200 | |
LASER | 0x400 | laser trap, ufo, not dagger |
ICE_BREAK | 0x800 | damage or fall when frozen |
STOMP | 0x1000 | |
EXPLOSION | 0x2000 | also from lava |
VOODOO | 0x4000 |
Search script examples for DRAW_LAYER
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for DROP
Name | Data | Description |
...see drops.cpp for a list of possible drops... | ||
Search script examples for DROPCHANCE
Name | Data | Description |
...see drops.cpp for a list of possible dropchances... | ||
Search script examples for DYNAMIC_TEXTURE
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for ENTITY_OVERRIDE
Search script examples for ENT_FLAG
Name | Data | Description |
SOLID | 3 | |
NO_GRAVITY | 10 | |
STUNNABLE | 12 | |
FACING_LEFT | 17 | |
USABLE_ITEM | 19 | |
LOCKED | 22 | |
SHOP_ITEM | 23 | |
SHOP_FLOOR | 24 | |
DEAD | 29 | |
Search script examples for ENT_MORE_FLAG
Name | Data | Description |
SWIMMING | 11 | |
HIT_GROUND | 12 | |
HIT_WALL | 13 | |
FALLING | 14 | |
ELIXIR_BUFF | 16 | |
Search script examples for ENT_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
...check entities.txt... | ||
Search script examples for FADE
Name | Data | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
OUT | 1 | |
LOAD | 2 | |
IN | 3 |
Search script examples for FLOOR_SIDE
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for GAMEPAD
Name | Data | Description |
UP | 0x0001 | |
DOWN | 0x0002 | |
LEFT | 0x0004 | |
RIGHT | 0x0008 | |
START | 0x0010 | |
BACK | 0x0020 | |
LEFT_THUMB | 0x0040 | |
RIGHT_THUMB | 0x0080 | |
LEFT_SHOULDER | 0x0100 | |
RIGHT_SHOULDER | 0x0200 | |
A | 0x1000 | |
B | 0x2000 | |
X | 0x4000 | |
Y | 0x8000 |
Search script examples for GAMEPAD_FLAG
Name | Data | Description |
UP | 1 | |
DOWN | 2 | |
LEFT | 3 | |
RIGHT | 4 | |
START | 5 | |
BACK | 6 | |
LEFT_THUMB | 7 | |
A | 13 | |
B | 14 | |
X | 15 | |
Y | 16 |
Search script examples for GAME_MODE
Can be accessed via global online
Used in Online
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for GAME_SETTING
Name | Data | Description |
...check game_settings.txt... | ||
Search script examples for GHOST_BEHAVIOR
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for HOTKEY_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
NORMAL | HOTKEY_TYPE::NORMAL | Suppressed when the game window is inactive or inputting text in this tool instance (get_io().wantkeyboard == true). Can't detect if OL is in a text input and script is running in PL though. Use ImGuiIO if you need to do that. |
GLOBAL | HOTKEY_TYPE::GLOBAL | Enabled even when the game window is inactive and will capture keys even from other programs. |
INPUT | HOTKEY_TYPE::INPUT | Enabled even when inputting text and will override normal text input keys. |
Search script examples for HUNDUNFLAGS
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for INPUTS
Name | Data | Description |
NONE | 0x0 | |
JUMP | 0x1 | |
WHIP | 0x2 | |
BOMB | 0x4 | |
ROPE | 0x8 | |
RUN | 0x10 | |
DOOR | 0x20 | |
MENU | 0x40 | |
JOURNAL | 0x80 | |
LEFT | 0x100 | |
RIGHT | 0x200 | |
UP | 0x400 | |
DOWN | 0x800 |
Search script examples for INPUT_FLAG
Name | Data | Description |
JUMP | 1 | |
WHIP | 2 | |
BOMB | 3 | |
ROPE | 4 | |
RUN | 5 | |
DOOR | 6 | |
MENU | 7 | |
JOURNAL | 8 | |
LEFT | 9 | |
RIGHT | 10 | |
UP | 11 | |
DOWN | 12 |
Search script examples for JOURNALUI_PAGE_SHOWN
Name | Data | Description |
JOURNAL | 2 | |
PLACES | 3 | |
PEOPLE | 4 | |
BESTIARY | 5 | |
ITEMS | 6 | |
TRAPS | 7 | |
STORY | 8 | |
FEATS | 9 | |
RECAP | 10 | |
DEATH | 11 |
Search script examples for JOURNALUI_STATE
Name | Data | Description |
FADING_IN | 1 | |
STABLE | 2 | |
Search script examples for JOURNAL_FLAG
Name | Data | Description |
PACIFIST | 1 | |
VEGAN | 2 | |
CRIME_LORD | 6 | |
KING | 7 | |
QUEEN | 8 | |
FOOL | 9 | |
EGGPLANT | 10 | |
NO_GOLD | 11 | |
LIKED_PETS | 12 | |
LOVED_PETS | 13 | |
TOOK_DAMAGE | 14 | |
ANKH | 15 | |
KINGU | 16 | |
OSIRIS | 17 | |
TIAMAT | 18 | |
HUNDUN | 19 | |
COSMOS | 20 | |
DIED | 21 |
Search script examples for JOURNAL_PAGE_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
PROGRESS | JournalPageType::Progress | |
JOURNAL_MENU | JournalPageType::JournalMenu | |
PLACES | JournalPageType::Places | |
PEOPLE | JournalPageType::People | |
BESTIARY | JournalPageType::Bestiary | |
ITEMS | JournalPageType::Items | |
TRAPS | JournalPageType::Traps | |
STORY | JournalPageType::Story | |
FEATS | JournalPageType::Feats | |
DEATH_CAUSE | JournalPageType::DeathCause | |
DEATH_MENU | JournalPageType::DeathMenu | |
RECAP | JournalPageType::Recap | |
PLAYER_PROFILE | JournalPageType::PlayerProfile | |
LAST_GAME_PLAYED | JournalPageType::LastGamePlayed |
Search script examples for JUNGLESISTERS
Jungle sister quest flags (angry = -1)
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for KEY
Name | Data | Description |
A | 65 | |
...check lua_enums.txt... |
Search script examples for KEY_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for LAYER
Name | Data | Description |
FRONT | 0 | |
BACK | 1 | |
PLAYER | -1 | |
PLAYER1 | -1 | |
PLAYER2 | -2 | |
PLAYER3 | -3 | |
PLAYER4 | -4 | |
BOTH | -128 |
Search script examples for LEVEL_CONFIG
Use with get_level_config
Search script examples for LIGHT_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
NONE | LIGHT_TYPE::NONE | Normal static light, position can be edited to move it around |
FOLLOW_CAMERA | LIGHT_TYPE::FOLLOW_CAMERA | Position is updated to the camera position, can be moved around via offset |
FOLLOW_ENTITY | LIGHT_TYPE::FOLLOW_ENTITY | Position is updated to the entity position (from the uid field), if the uid is not found it will behave as LIGHT_TYPE.NONE, can be moved around via offset |
ROOM_LIGHT | LIGHT_TYPE::ROOM_LIGHT | Rectangle, full brightness always uses light1, disabling light1 does nothing |
Search script examples for LIQUID_POOL
Name | Data | Description |
WATER | 1 | |
LAVA | 3 | |
Search script examples for LOGIC
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for MASK
Name | Data | Description |
PLAYER | 0x1 | All CHAR_* entities, only Player type |
MOUNT | 0x2 | All MOUNT_* entities, only Mount type |
MONSTER | 0x4 | All MONS_* entities, various types, all Movable |
ROPE | 0x20 | Only: ITEM_ROPE, ITEM_CLIMBABLE_ROPE, ITEM_UNROLLED_ROPE Various types, all Movable |
ACTIVEFLOOR | 0x80 | All ACTIVEFLOOR_* entities Various types, all Movable |
FLOOR | 0x100 | All FLOOR_* and FLOORSTYLED_* entities Various types, all Floor |
BG | 0x400 | All MIDBG* entities and most of the BG_* entities does not include: a lot .. check 1024 in search_flags for full list of included entitiesAlso includes: DECORATION_PALACE_PORTRAIT Various types, all Entity |
SHADOW | 0x800 | All the BG_* entities excluded from BG (MASK.BG | MASK.SHADOW) will get you all BG_* entities plus one extra decoration mentioned aboveVarious types, all Entity |
LIQUID | 0x6000 | Short for (MASK.WATER | MASK.LAVA) |
ANY | 0x0 | Value of 0, treated by all the functions as ANY mask |
Search script examples for MENU_INPUT
Name | Data | Description |
NONE | 0x0 | |
SELECT | 0x1 | |
BACK | 0x2 | |
DELETE | 0x4 | |
RANDOM | 0x8 | |
JOURNAL | 0x10 | |
LEFT | 0x20 | |
RIGHT | 0x40 | |
UP | 0x80 | |
DOWN | 0x100 |
Search script examples for ON
Name | Data | Description |
LOGO | ON::LOGO | Runs when entering the the mossmouth logo screen. |
INTRO | ON::INTRO | Runs when entering the intro cutscene. |
PROLOGUE | ON::PROLOGUE | Runs when entering the prologue / poem. |
TITLE | ON::TITLE | Runs when entering the title screen. |
MENU | ON::MENU | Runs when entering the main menu. |
OPTIONS | ON::OPTIONS | Runs when entering the options menu. |
PLAYER_PROFILE | ON::PLAYER_PROFILE | Runs when entering the player profile screen. |
LEADERBOARD | ON::LEADERBOARD | Runs when entering the leaderboard screen. |
SEED_INPUT | ON::SEED_INPUT | Runs when entering the seed input screen of a seeded run. |
CHARACTER_SELECT | ON::CHARACTER_SELECT | Runs when entering the character select screen. |
TEAM_SELECT | ON::TEAM_SELECT | Runs when entering the team select screen of arena mode. |
CAMP | ON::CAMP | Runs when entering the camp, after all entities have spawned, on the first level frame. |
LEVEL | ON::LEVEL | Runs when entering any level, after all entities have spawned, on the first level frame. |
TRANSITION | ON::TRANSITION | Runs when entering the transition screen, after all entities have spawned. |
DEATH | ON::DEATH | Runs when entering the death screen. |
SPACESHIP | ON::SPACESHIP | Runs when entering the olmecship cutscene after Tiamat. |
WIN | ON::WIN | Runs when entering any winning cutscene, including the constellation. |
CREDITS | ON::CREDITS | Runs when entering the credits screen. |
SCORES | ON::SCORES | Runs when entering the final score celebration screen of a normal or hard ending. |
CONSTELLATION | ON::CONSTELLATION | Runs when entering the turning into constellation cutscene after cosmic ocean. |
RECAP | ON::RECAP | Runs when entering the Dear Journal screen after final scores. |
ARENA_MENU | ON::ARENA_MENU | Runs when entering the main arena rules menu screen. |
ARENA_STAGES | ON::ARENA_STAGES | Runs when entering the arena stage selection screen. |
ARENA_ITEMS | ON::ARENA_ITEMS | Runs when entering the arena item config screen. |
ARENA_INTRO | ON::ARENA_INTRO | Runs when entering the arena VS intro screen. |
ARENA_MATCH | ON::ARENA_MATCH | Runs when entering the arena level screen, after all entities have spawned, on the first level frame, before the get ready go scene. |
ARENA_SCORE | ON::ARENA_SCORE | Runs when entering the arena scores screen. |
ONLINE_LOADING | ON::ONLINE_LOADING | Runs when entering the online loading screen. |
ONLINE_LOBBY | ON::ONLINE_LOBBY | Runs when entering the online lobby screen. |
GUIFRAME | ON::GUIFRAME | Params: GuiDrawContext draw_ctx Runs every frame the game is rendered, thus runs at selected framerate. Drawing functions are only available during this callback through a GuiDrawContext |
FRAME | ON::FRAME | Runs while playing the game while the player is controllable, not in the base camp or the arena mode |
GAMEFRAME | ON::GAMEFRAME | Runs whenever the game engine is actively running. This includes base camp, arena, level transition and death screen |
SCREEN | ON::SCREEN | Runs whenever state.screen changes |
START | ON::START | Runs on the first ON.SCREEN of a run |
LOADING | ON::LOADING | Runs whenever state.loading changes and is > 0. Prefer PRE/POST_LOAD_SCREEN instead though. |
RESET | ON::RESET | Runs when resetting a run |
SAVE | ON::SAVE | Params: SaveContext save_ctx Runs at the same times as ON.SCREEN, but receives the save_ctx |
LOAD | ON::LOAD | Params: LoadContext load_ctx Runs as soon as your script is loaded, including reloads, then never again |
PRE_LOAD_LEVEL_FILES | ON::PRE_LOAD_LEVEL_FILES | Params: PreLoadLevelFilesContext load_level_ctx Runs right before level files would be loaded |
PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION | ON::PRE_LEVEL_GENERATION | Runs before any level generation, no entities exist at this point. Runs in most screens that have entities. Return true to block normal level generation, i.e. stop any entities from being spawned by ThemeInfo functions. Does not block other ThemeInfo functions, like spawn_effects though. POST_LEVEL_GENERATION will still run if this callback is blocked. |
PRE_LOAD_SCREEN | ON::PRE_LOAD_SCREEN | Runs right before loading a new screen based on screen_next. Return true from callback to block the screen from loading. |
POST_ROOM_GENERATION | ON::POST_ROOM_GENERATION | Params: PostRoomGenerationContext room_gen_ctx Runs right after all rooms are generated before entities are spawned |
POST_LEVEL_GENERATION | ON::POST_LEVEL_GENERATION | Runs right after level generation is done, i.e. after all level gen entities are spawned, before any entities are updated. You can spawn your own entities here, like extra enemies, give items to players etc. |
POST_LOAD_SCREEN | ON::POST_LOAD_SCREEN | Runs right after a screen is loaded, before rendering anything |
PRE_GET_RANDOM_ROOM | ON::PRE_GET_RANDOM_ROOM | Params: int x, int y, LAYER layer, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template Return: string room_data Called when the game wants to get a random room for a given template. Return a string that represents a room template to make the game use that. If the size of the string returned does not match with the room templates expected size the room is discarded. White spaces at the beginning and end of the string are stripped, not at the beginning and end of each line. |
PRE_HANDLE_ROOM_TILES | ON::PRE_HANDLE_ROOM_TILES | Params: int x, int y, ROOM_TEMPLATE room_template, PreHandleRoomTilesContext room_ctx Return: bool last_callback to determine whether callbacks of the same type should be executed after thisRuns after a random room was selected and right before it would spawn entities for each tile code Allows you to modify the rooms content in the front and back layer as well as add a back layer if not yet existant |
SCRIPT_ENABLE | ON::SCRIPT_ENABLE | Runs when the script is enabled from the UI or when imported by another script while disabled, but not on load. |
SCRIPT_DISABLE | ON::SCRIPT_DISABLE | Runs when the script is disabled from the UI and also right before unloading/reloading. |
RENDER_PRE_HUD | ON::RENDER_PRE_HUD | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, Hud hud Runs before the HUD is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture function of the render_ctx or edit the Hud values. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_HUD | ON::RENDER_POST_HUD | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, Hud hud Runs after the HUD is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture function of the render_ctx |
RENDER_PRE_PAUSE_MENU | ON::RENDER_PRE_PAUSE_MENU | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx Runs before the pause menu is drawn on screen. In this event, you can't really draw textures, because the blurred background is drawn on top of them. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_PAUSE_MENU | ON::RENDER_POST_PAUSE_MENU | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx Runs after the pause menu is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture function of the render_ctx |
RENDER_PRE_BLURRED_BACKGROUND | ON::RENDER_PRE_BLURRED_BACKGROUND | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, float blur Runs before the blurred background is drawn on screen, behind pause menu or journal book. In this event, you can't really draw textures, because the blurred background is drawn on top of them. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_BLURRED_BACKGROUND | ON::RENDER_POST_BLURRED_BACKGROUND | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, float blur Runs after the blurred background is drawn on screen, behind pause menu or journal book. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture function of the render_ctx. (blur amount is probably the same as journal opacity) |
RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH | ON::RENDER_PRE_DRAW_DEPTH | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int draw_depth Runs before the entities of the specified draw_depth are drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_world_texture function of the render_ctx. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_DRAW_DEPTH | ON::RENDER_POST_DRAW_DEPTH | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int draw_depth Runs right after the entities of the specified draw_depth are drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_world_texture function of the render_ctx |
RENDER_PRE_JOURNAL_PAGE | ON::RENDER_PRE_JOURNAL_PAGE | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, JOURNAL_PAGE_TYPE page_type, JournalPage page Runs before the journal page is drawn on screen. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_JOURNAL_PAGE | ON::RENDER_POST_JOURNAL_PAGE | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, JOURNAL_PAGE_TYPE page_type, JournalPage page Runs after the journal page is drawn on screen. In this event, you can draw textures with the draw_screen_texture function of the VanillaRenderContext The JournalPage parameter gives you access to the specific fields of the page. Be sure to cast it to the correct type, the following functions are available to do that: page:as_journal_page_progress() page:as_journal_page_journalmenu() page:as_journal_page_places() page:as_journal_page_people() page:as_journal_page_bestiary() page:as_journal_page_items() page:as_journal_page_traps() page:as_journal_page_feats() page:as_journal_page_deathcause() page:as_journal_page_deathmenu() page:as_journal_page_playerprofile() page:as_journal_page_lastgameplayed() |
RENDER_PRE_LAYER | ON::RENDER_PRE_LAYER | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int rendered_layer Runs before a layer is rendered, runs for both layers during layer door transitions. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_LAYER | ON::RENDER_POST_LAYER | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int rendered_layer Runs after a layer is rendered, runs for both layers during layer door transitions. Things drawn here will be part of the layer transition animation |
RENDER_PRE_LEVEL | ON::RENDER_PRE_LEVEL | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int camera_layer Runs before the level is rendered. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_LEVEL | ON::RENDER_POST_LEVEL | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx, int camera_layer Runs after the level is rendered, before hud |
RENDER_PRE_GAME | ON::RENDER_PRE_GAME | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx Runs before the in-game part of the game is rendered. Return true to skip rendering. |
RENDER_POST_GAME | ON::RENDER_POST_GAME | Params: VanillaRenderContext render_ctx Runs after the level and HUD are rendered, before pause menus and blur effects |
SPEECH_BUBBLE | ON::SPEECH_BUBBLE | Params: Entity speaking_entity, string text Runs before any speech bubble is created, even the one using say function Return: if you don't return anything it will execute the speech bubble function normally with default message if you return empty string, it will not create the speech bubble at all, if you return string, it will use that instead of the original The first script to return string (empty or not) will take priority, the rest will receive callback call but the return behavior won't matter |
TOAST | ON::TOAST | Params: string text Runs before any toast is created, even the one using toast function Return: if you don't return anything it will execute the toast function normally with default message if you return empty string, it will not create the toast at all, if you return string, it will use that instead of the original message The first script to return string (empty or not) will take priority, the rest will receive callback call but the return behavior won't matter |
DEATH_MESSAGE | ON::DEATH_MESSAGE | Params: STRINGID id Runs once after death when the death message journal page is shown. The parameter is the STRINGID of the title, like 1221 for BLOWN UP. |
PRE_LOAD_JOURNAL_CHAPTER | ON::PRE_LOAD_JOURNAL_CHAPTER | Params: JOURNALUI_PAGE_SHOWN chapter Runs before the journal or any of it's chapter is opened Return: return true to not load the chapter (or journal as a whole) |
POST_LOAD_JOURNAL_CHAPTER | ON::POST_LOAD_JOURNAL_CHAPTER | Params: JOURNALUI_PAGE_SHOWN chapter, array:int pages Runs after the pages for the journal are prepared, but not yet displayed, pages is a list of page numbers that the game loaded, if you want to change it, do the changes (remove pages, add new ones, change order) and return itAll new pages will be created as JournalPageStory, any custom with page number above 9 will be empty, I recommend using above 99 to be sure not to get the game page, you can later use this to recognise and render your own stuff on that page in the RENDER_POST_JOURNAL_PAGE Return: return new page array to modify the journal, returning empty array or not returning anything will load the journal normally, any page number that was already loaded will result in the standard game page When changing the order of game pages make sure that the page that normally is rendered on the left side is on the left in the new order, otherwise you get some messed up result, custom pages don't have this problem. The order is: left, right, left, right ... |
PRE_GET_FEAT | ON::PRE_GET_FEAT | Runs before getting performed status for a FEAT when rendering the Feats page in journal. Return: true to override the vanilla feat with your own. Defaults to Steam GetAchievement. |
PRE_SET_FEAT | ON::PRE_SET_FEAT | Runs before the game sets a vanilla feat performed. Return: true to block the default behaviour of calling Steam SetAchievement. |
PRE_UPDATE | ON::PRE_UPDATE | Runs before the State is updated, runs always (menu, settings, camp, game, arena, online etc.) with the game engine, typically 60FPS Return behavior: return true to stop further PRE_UPDATE callbacks from executing and don't update the state (this will essentially freeze the game engine) |
POST_UPDATE | ON::POST_UPDATE | Runs right after the State is updated, runs always (menu, settings, camp, game, arena, online etc.) with the game engine, typically 60FPS |
USER_DATA | ON::USER_DATA | Params: Entity ent Runs on all changes to Entity.user_data, including after loading saved user_data in the next level and transition. Also runs the first time user_data is set back to nil, but nil won't be saved to bother you on future levels. |
PRE_LEVEL_CREATION | ON::PRE_LEVEL_CREATION | Runs right before the front layer is created. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually. |
POST_LEVEL_CREATION | ON::POST_LEVEL_CREATION | Runs right after the back layer has been created and you can start spawning entities in it. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually. |
PRE_LAYER_CREATION | ON::PRE_LAYER_CREATION | Params: LAYER layer Runs right before a layer is created. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually. |
POST_LAYER_CREATION | ON::POST_LAYER_CREATION | Params: LAYER layer Runs right after a layer has been created and you can start spawning entities in it. Runs in all screens that usually have entities, or when creating a layer manually. |
PRE_LEVEL_DESTRUCTION | ON::PRE_LEVEL_DESTRUCTION | Runs right before the current level is unloaded and any entities destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last. |
POST_LEVEL_DESTRUCTION | ON::POST_LEVEL_DESTRUCTION | Runs right after the current level has been unloaded and all entities destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last. |
PRE_LAYER_DESTRUCTION | ON::PRE_LAYER_DESTRUCTION | Params: LAYER layer Runs right before a layer is unloaded and any entities there destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last. |
POST_LAYER_DESTRUCTION | ON::POST_LAYER_DESTRUCTION | Params: LAYER layer Runs right after a layer has been unloaded and any entities there destroyed. Runs in pretty much all screens, even ones without entities. The screen has already changed at this point, meaning the screen being destroyed is in state.screen_last. |
PRE_PROCESS_INPUT | ON::PRE_PROCESS_INPUT | Runs right before the game gets input from various devices and writes to a bunch of buttons-variables. Return true to disable all game input completely. |
POST_PROCESS_INPUT | ON::POST_PROCESS_INPUT | Runs right after the game gets input from various devices and writes to a bunch of buttons-variables. Probably the first chance you have to capture or edit buttons_gameplay or buttons_menu sort of things. |
PRE_GAME_LOOP | ON::PRE_GAME_LOOP | Runs right before the main engine loop. Return true to block state updates and menu updates, i.e. to pause inside menus. |
POST_GAME_LOOP | ON::POST_GAME_LOOP | Runs right after the main engine loop. |
PRE_SAVE_STATE | ON::PRE_SAVE_STATE | Runs right before the main StateMemory is manually saved to a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState. Return true to block save. Params: int slot, StateMemory saved |
POST_SAVE_STATE | ON::POST_SAVE_STATE | Runs right after the main StateMemory is manually saved to a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState. Params: int slot, StateMemory saved |
PRE_LOAD_STATE | ON::PRE_LOAD_STATE | Runs right before the main StateMemory is manually loaded from a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState. Return true to block load. Params: int slot, StateMemory loaded |
POST_LOAD_STATE | ON::POST_LOAD_STATE | Runs right after the main StateMemory is manually loaded from a slot or a custom SaveState. Slot is 1..4 or -1 on custom SaveState. Params: int slot, StateMemory loaded |
BLOCKED_UPDATE | ON::BLOCKED_UPDATE | Runs instead of POST_UPDATE when anything blocks a PRE_UPDATE. Even runs in Playlunky when Overlunky blocks a PRE_UPDATE. |
BLOCKED_GAME_LOOP | ON::BLOCKED_GAME_LOOP | Runs instead of POST_GAME_LOOP when anything blocks a PRE_GAME_LOOP. Even runs in Playlunky when Overlunky blocks a PRE_GAME_LOOP. |
BLOCKED_PROCESS_INPUT | ON::BLOCKED_PROCESS_INPUT | Runs instead of POST_PROCESS_INPUT when anything blocks a PRE_PROCESS_INPUT. Even runs in Playlunky when Overlunky blocks a PRE_PROCESS_INPUT. |
Search script examples for PARTICLEEMITTER
Name | Data | Description |
...check particle_emitters.txt... | ||
Search script examples for PAUSE
8bit bitmask used in state.pause
Name | Data | Description |
MENU | 0x01 | Menu: Pauses the level timer and engine. Can't set, controller by the menu. |
FADE | 0x02 | Fade/Loading: Pauses all timers and engine. |
CUTSCENE | 0x04 | Cutscene: Pauses total/level time but not engine. Used by boss cutscenes. |
FLAG4 | 0x08 | Unknown purpose: Pauses total/level time and engine. Does not pause the global counter so set_global_interval timers still run. Might change this later! |
FLAG5 | 0x10 | Unknown purpose: Pauses total/level time and engine. Does not pause the global counter so set_global_interval timers still run. Might change this later! |
ANKH | 0x20 | Ankh: Pauses all timers, physics and music, but not camera. Used by the ankh cutscene. |
Search script examples for PAUSEUI_VISIBILITY
Name | Data | Description |
VISIBLE | 2 | |
Search script examples for PAUSE_SCREEN
Used in PauseAPI
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for PAUSE_TRIGGER
Used in PauseAPI
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for PAUSE_TYPE
Used in PauseAPI
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for PLATFORM
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for POS_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
FLOOR | POS_TYPE::FLOOR | On top of solid floor |
CEILING | POS_TYPE::CEILING | Below solid ceiling |
AIR | POS_TYPE::AIR | Is a non-solid tile (no need to explicitly add this to everything) |
WALL | POS_TYPE::WALL | Next to a wall |
ALCOVE | POS_TYPE::ALCOVE | Has a floor, ceiling and exactly one wall |
PIT | POS_TYPE::PIT | Has a floor, two walls and no ceiling |
HOLE | POS_TYPE::HOLE | Air pocket surrounded by floors |
WATER | POS_TYPE::WATER | Is in water (otherwise assumed not in water) |
LAVA | POS_TYPE::LAVA | Is in lava (otherwise assumed not in lava) |
SAFE | POS_TYPE::SAFE | Avoid hazards, like certain traps, shops and any special floor |
EMPTY | POS_TYPE::EMPTY | Has nothing but decoration and background in it |
SOLID | POS_TYPE::SOLID | Is inside solid floor or activefloor |
WALL_LEFT | POS_TYPE::WALL_LEFT | Next to a wall on the left |
WALL_RIGHT | POS_TYPE::WALL_RIGHT | Next to a wall on the right |
Search script examples for PRESENCE_FLAG
Name | Data | Description |
UDJAT_EYE | 1 | |
DRILL | 3 | |
Search script examples for PRNG_CLASS
Determines what class of prng is used, which in turn determines which parts of the game's future prng is affected. See more info at PRNG
For example when choosing PRNG_CLASS.PROCEDURAL_SPAWNS
to generate a random number, random Tiamat spawns will not be affected.
Any integer in the range [0, 9] is a valid class, some are however not documented because of missing information.
Name | Data | Description |
PROCEDURAL_SPAWNS | PRNG::PROCEDURAL_SPAWNS | Anything level gen related really, including but not limited to path, room and enemy placement. |
PARTICLES | PRNG::PARTICLES | Direction and angle of torch flames etc, but also includes other things not related to particles at all... |
ENTITY_VARIATION | PRNG::ENTITY_VARIATION | Some entities that have many texture to choose from on spawn |
LEVEL_DECO | PRNG::LEVEL_DECO | I have no idea what this name means, cause this seems to advance every 3 or so frames even with zero entities in a level |
LIQUID | PRNG::LIQUID | Liquid movement |
AI | PRNG::EXTRA_SPAWNS | Monster AI decisions |
LEVEL_GEN | PRNG::PROCEDURAL_SPAWNS | Anything level gen related really, including but not limited to path, room and enemy placement. |
FX | PRNG::FX | Some effects, like water splashes, background stars and teleport shadow |
CHAR_AI | PRNG::CHAR_AI | Character AI decisions |
Search script examples for PROCEDURAL_CHANCE
Name | Data | Description |
...check spawn_chances.txt... |
Search script examples for QUEST_FLAG
Name | Data | Description |
RESET | 1 | |
SEEDED | 7 | |
DAILY | 8 | |
Search script examples for RAW_BUTTON
Name | Data | Description |
UP | 0 | |
DOWN | 1 | |
LEFT | 2 | |
RIGHT | 3 | |
A | 4 | |
B | 5 | |
X | 6 | |
Y | 7 | |
LEFT_THUMB | 12 | |
RIGHT_THUMB | 13 | |
BACK | 14 | |
START | 15 |
Search script examples for RAW_DUALSHOCK
Name | Data | Description |
UP | 0 | |
DOWN | 1 | |
LEFT | 2 | |
RIGHT | 3 | |
CROSS | 4 | |
CIRCLE | 5 | |
SQUARE | 6 | |
TRIANGLE | 7 | |
L1 | 8 | |
R1 | 9 | |
L2 | 10 | |
R2 | 11 | |
L3 | 12 | |
R3 | 13 | |
SHARE | 14 | |
OPTIONS | 15 |
Search script examples for RAW_KEY
Name | Data | Description |
UP | 1 | |
...check lua_enums.txt... |
Search script examples for READY_STATE
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for RECURSIVE_MODE
Name | Data | Description |
EXCLUSIVE | RECURSIVE_MODE::EXCLUSIVE | In this mode the provided ENT_TYPE and MASK will not be affected nor will entities attached to them |
INCLUSIVE | RECURSIVE_MODE::INCLUSIVE | In this mode the provided ENT_TYPE and MASK will be the only affected entities, anything outside of the specified mask or type will not be touched including entities attached to them For this mode you have to specify at least one mask or ENT_TYPE, otherwise nothing will be affected |
NONE | RECURSIVE_MODE::NONE | Ignores provided ENT_TYPE and MASK and affects all the entities |
Search script examples for RENDER_INFO_OVERRIDE
Name | Data | Description |
DTOR | 0 | |
DRAW | 1 | |
RENDER | 3 |
Search script examples for REPEAT_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for ROOM_TEMPLATE
Name | Data | Description |
SIDE | 0 | |
...check room_templates.txt... |
Search script examples for ROOM_TEMPLATE_TYPE
Use in define_room_template
to declare whether a room template has any special behavior
Name | Data | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
ENTRANCE | 1 | |
EXIT | 2 | |
SHOP | 3 | |
Search script examples for SAFE_SETTING
Paramater to set_setting
Name | Data | Description |
PET_STYLE | 20 | |
HUD_STYLE | 23 | |
HUD_SIZE | 24 | |
LEVEL_TIMER | 25 | |
FEAT_POPUPS | 32 | |
DIALOG_TEXT | 37 | |
KALI_TEXT | 38 | |
Search script examples for SCREEN
Name | Data | Description |
LOGO | 0 | |
INTRO | 1 | |
PROLOGUE | 2 | |
TITLE | 3 | |
MENU | 4 | |
OPTIONS | 5 | |
SEED_INPUT | 8 | |
TEAM_SELECT | 10 | |
CAMP | 11 | |
LEVEL | 12 | |
DEATH | 14 | |
SPACESHIP | 15 | |
WIN | 16 | |
CREDITS | 17 | |
SCORES | 18 | |
RECAP | 20 | |
ARENA_MENU | 21 | |
ARENA_ITEMS | 23 | |
ARENA_INTRO | 25 | |
ARENA_LEVEL | 26 | |
ARENA_SCORE | 27 | |
Search script examples for SHAPE
Name | Data | Description |
Search script examples for SHOP_TYPE
Determines which kind of shop spawns in the level, if any
Name | Data | Description |
PET_SHOP | 5 | |
DICE_SHOP | 6 | |
CURIO_SHOP | 9 | |
TURKEY_SHOP | 11 | |
GHIST_SHOP | 12 | |
Search script examples for SOUND_LOOP_MODE
Paramater to PlayingSound:set_looping()
, specifies what type of looping this sound should do
Name | Data | Description |
OFF | 0 | |
LOOP | 1 | |
Search script examples for SOUND_TYPE
Third parameter to CustomSound:play()
, specifies which group the sound will be played in and thus how the player controls its volume
Name | Data | Description |
SFX | 0 | |
MUSIC | 1 |
Search script examples for SPARROW
Sparrow quest states
Search script examples for SPAWN_TYPE
Name | Data | Description |
LEVEL_GEN | SPAWN_TYPE_LEVEL_GEN | For any spawn happening during level generation, even if the call happened from the Lua API during a tile code callback. |
LEVEL_GEN_TILE_CODE | SPAWN_TYPE_LEVEL_GEN_TILE_CODE | Similar to LEVEL_GEN but only triggers on tile code spawns. |
LEVEL_GEN_PROCEDURAL | SPAWN_TYPE_LEVEL_GEN_PROCEDURAL | Similar to LEVEL_GEN but only triggers on random level spawns, like snakes or bats. |
LEVEL_GEN_FLOOR_SPREADING | SPAWN_TYPE_LEVEL_GEN_FLOOR_SPREADING | Includes solid floor type spreading (i.e. floorstyled bleeding to existing generic floor) but also corner filling of empty tiles. |
LEVEL_GEN_GENERAL | SPAWN_TYPE_LEVEL_GEN_GENERAL | Covers all spawns during level gen that are not covered by the other two. |
SCRIPT | SPAWN_TYPE_SCRIPT | Runs for any spawn happening through a call from the Lua API, also during level generation. |
SYSTEMIC | SPAWN_TYPE_SYSTEMIC | Covers all other spawns, such as items from crates or the player throwing bombs. |
ANY | SPAWN_TYPE_ANY | Covers all of the above. |
Search script examples for TEXTURE
Name | Data | Description |
...check textures.txt... | ||
Search script examples for THEME
Name | Data | Description |
DWELLING | 1 | |
JUNGLE | 2 | |
VOLCANA | 3 | |
OLMEC | 4 | |
TIDE_POOL | 5 | |
TEMPLE | 6 | |
ICE_CAVES | 7 | |
CITY_OF_GOLD | 11 | |
DUAT | 12 | |
ABZU | 13 | |
TIAMAT | 14 | |
HUNDUN | 16 | |
BASE_CAMP | 17 | |
ARENA | 18 |
Search script examples for THEME_OVERRIDE
Name | Data | Description |
DTOR | 0 | |
INIT_FLAGS | 2 | |
INIT_LEVEL | 3 | |
INIT_ROOMS | 4 | |
IDOL | 9 | |
VAULT | 10 | |
COFFIN | 11 | |
FEELING | 12 | |
SPAWN_LEVEL | 13 | |
SPAWN_TRAPS | 16 | |
THEME_ID | 26 | |
BASE_ID | 27 | |
ENT_BORDER | 34 | |
ENT_CRITTER | 35 | |
GRAVITY | 36 | |
SOOT | 38 | |
LOOP | 41 | |
VAULT_LEVEL | 42 | |
THEME_FLAG | 43 | |
SHOP_CHANCE | 47 | |
SPAWN_EXTRA | 50 | |
Search script examples for TILE_CODE
Name | Data | Description |
EMPTY | 0 | |
...check tile_codes.txt... |
Search script examples for TUSK
Madame Tusk quest states
Name | Data | Description |
ANGRY | -2 | |
DEAD | -1 | |
Search script examples for VANHORSING
Van Horsing quest states
Name | Data | Description |
SHOT_VLAD | 4 | |
Search script examples for VANILLA_FONT_STYLE
Used in the render_ctx:draw_text
and render_ctx:draw_text_size
functions of the ON.RENDER_PRE/POST_xxx event
There are more styles, we just didn't name them all
Name | Data | Description |
NORMAL | 0 | |
ITALIC | 1 | |
BOLD | 2 |
Search script examples for VANILLA_SOUND
Name | Data | Description |
...check vanilla_sounds.txt... | ||
FX_FX_DM_BANNER | FX/FX_dm_banner |
Search script examples for VANILLA_SOUND_CALLBACK_TYPE
Bitmask parameter to set_vanilla_sound_callback()
Name | Data | Description |
CREATED | FMODStudio::EventCallbackType::Created | Params: PlayingSound vanilla_sound |
DESTROYED | FMODStudio::EventCallbackType::Destroyed | Params: PlayingSound vanilla_sound |
STARTED | FMODStudio::EventCallbackType::Started | Params: PlayingSound vanilla_sound |
RESTARTED | FMODStudio::EventCallbackType::Restarted | Params: PlayingSound vanilla_sound |
STOPPED | FMODStudio::EventCallbackType::Stopped | Params: PlayingSound vanilla_sound |
START_FAILED | FMODStudio::EventCallbackType::StartFailed | Params: PlayingSound vanilla_sound |
Search script examples for VANILLA_SOUND_PARAM
Name | Data | Description |
POS_SCREEN_X | 0 | |
...check vanilla_sound_params.txt... | ||
Search script examples for VANILLA_TEXT_ALIGNMENT
Used in the render_ctx:draw_text
and render_ctx:draw_text_size
functions of the ON.RENDER_PRE/POST_xxx event
Name | Data | Description |
LEFT | 0 | |
CENTER | 1 | |
RIGHT | 2 |
Search script examples for WIN_STATE
After setting the WIN_STATE, the exit door on the current level will lead to the chosen ending
Name | Data | Description |
NO_WIN | 0 | |
TIAMAT_WIN | 1 | |
HUNDUN_WIN | 2 | |
Search script examples for WORLD_SHADER
Name | Data | Description |
COLOR | WorldShader::Colors | Renders a solid color |
TEXTURE | WorldShader::Texture | Renders a texture without applying the given color |
TEXTURE_ALPHA_COLOR | WorldShader::TextureAlphaColor | Renders a texture by interpreting its red channel as alpha and applying the given color |
TEXTURE_COLOR | WorldShader::TextureColor | The default shader to be used, just renders a texture with transparency and the given color |
TEXTURE_COLORS_WARP | WorldShader::TextureColorsWarp | Renders the texture, with "gamma correction" of the color channels and multiplying everything by the input color alpha only |
DEFERRED_COLOR_TRANSPARENT | WorldShader::DeferredColorTransparent | Basically same as COLOR but goes through the deferred pipeline |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor | Basically same as TEXTURE_COLOR but goes through the deferred pipeline |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_POISONED | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_Poisoned | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR but applies poison color effect |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_CURSED | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_Cursed | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR but applies cursed color effect |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_POISONED_CURSED | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_PoisonedCursed | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR but applies poisoned and cursed color effect |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_TRANSPARENT | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_Transparent | Basically same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_TRANSPARENT_CORRECTED | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_TransparentCorrected | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_TRANSPARENT but applies gamma correction to alpha channel |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_Emissive | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR but renders to the emissive channel |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_GLOW | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_EmissiveGlow | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR but renders to the emissive channel with glow |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_GLOW_HEAVY | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_EmissiveGlowHeavy | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_GLOW but renders to the emissive channel with heavy glow |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_GLOW_BRIGHTNESS | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_EmissiveGlowBrightness | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_GLOW_HEAVY but renders glow on top of the texture |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_COLORIZED_GLOW | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_EmissiveColorizedGlow | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR but renders heavy glow behind the texture |
DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_COLORIZED_GLOW_SATURATION | WorldShader::DeferredTextureColor_EmissiveColorizedGlow_Saturation | Same as DEFERRED_TEXTURE_COLOR_EMISSIVE_COLORIZED_GLOW but renders texture as solid color |
Search script examples for YANG
Yang quest states
Name | Data | Description |
ANGRY | -1 | |
Automatic casting of entities
When using get_entity()
the returned entity will automatically be of the correct type. It is not necessary to use the as_<typename>
To figure out what type of entity you get back, consult the entity hierarchy list.
You can also use the types (uppercase <typename>
) as ENT_TYPE.<typename>
in get_entities
functions and pre/post spawn
For reference, the available as_<typename>
functions are listed below:
- as_acidbubble
- as_alien
- as_altar
- as_ammit
- as_ankhpowerup
- as_anubis
- as_apephead
- as_apeppart
- as_arrow
- as_arrowtrap
- as_axolotl
- as_axolotlshot
- as_backpack
- as_bat
- as_bee
- as_beg
- as_bgbacklayerdoor
- as_bgeggshiproom
- as_bgfloatingdebris
- as_bgmovingstar
- as_bgrelativeelement
- as_bgshootingstar
- as_bgshopentrance
- as_bgshopkeeperprime
- as_bgsurfacelayer
- as_bgsurfacestar
- as_bgtutorialsign
- as_bigspeartrap
- as_birdies
- as_bodyguard
- as_bomb
- as_boneblock
- as_boombox
- as_boomerang
- as_boulder
- as_boulderspawner
- as_bow
- as_bullet
- as_burningropeeffect
- as_button
- as_cameraflash
- as_cape
- as_catmummy
- as_caveman
- as_cavemanshopkeeper
- as_chain
- as_chainedpushblock
- as_chest
- as_cinematicanchor
- as_cityofgolddoor
- as_clambase
- as_claw
- as_climbablerope
- as_clonegunshot
- as_cobra
- as_coffin
- as_coin
- as_container
- as_conveyorbelt
- as_cookfire
- as_crabman
- as_critter
- as_critterbeetle
- as_critterbutterfly
- as_crittercrab
- as_critterdrone
- as_critterfirefly
- as_critterfish
- as_critterlocust
- as_critterpenguin
- as_critterslime
- as_crittersnail
- as_crocman
- as_crossbeam
- as_crushelevator
- as_crushtrap
- as_cursedeffect
- as_cursedpot
- as_decorateddoor
- as_decoregeneratingblock
- as_destructiblebg
- as_dmalienblast
- as_dmspawning
- as_door
- as_drill
- as_dummypurchasableentity
- as_dustwallapep
- as_eggplantminister
- as_eggplantthrower
- as_eggsac
- as_eggshipcenterjetflame
- as_eggshipdoor
- as_eggshipdoors
- as_elevator
- as_empressgrave
- as_entity
- as_excalibur
- as_exitdoor
- as_explosion
- as_fallingplatform
- as_fireball
- as_firebug
- as_firebugunchained
- as_firefrog
- as_fish
- as_flame
- as_flamesize
- as_floor
- as_fly
- as_flyhead
- as_forcefield
- as_forestsister
- as_frog
- as_frostbreatheffect
- as_frozenliquid
- as_fxalienblast
- as_fxankhbrokenpiece
- as_fxankhrotatingspark
- as_fxcompass
- as_fxempress
- as_fxfireflylight
- as_fxhundunneckpiece
- as_fxjellyfishstar
- as_fxjetpackflame
- as_fxkingusliding
- as_fxlamassuattack
- as_fxmainexitdoor
- as_fxnecromancerankh
- as_fxouroborodragonpart
- as_fxouroborooccluder
- as_fxpickupeffect
- as_fxplayerindicator
- as_fxquicksand
- as_fxsalecontainer
- as_fxshotgunblast
- as_fxsorceressattack
- as_fxsparksmall
- as_fxspringtrapring
- as_fxtiamathead
- as_fxtiamattail
- as_fxtiamattorso
- as_fxtornjournalpage
- as_fxunderwaterbubble
- as_fxvatbubble
- as_fxwaterdrop
- as_fxwebbedeffect
- as_fxwitchdoctorhint
- as_generator
- as_ghist
- as_ghost
- as_ghostbreath
- as_giantclamtop
- as_giantfish
- as_giantfly
- as_giantfrog
- as_goldbar
- as_goldmonkey
- as_grub
- as_gun
- as_hanganchor
- as_hangspider
- as_hangstrand
- as_hermitcrab
- as_honey
- as_horizontalforcefield
- as_hornedlizard
- as_hoverpack
- as_hundun
- as_hundunchest
- as_hundunhead
- as_iceslidingsound
- as_idol
- as_imp
- as_jetpack
- as_jiangshi
- as_jumpdog
- as_junglespearcosmetic
- as_junglespeartrap
- as_jungletraptrigger
- as_kapalapowerup
- as_kingu
- as_lahamu
- as_lamassu
- as_lampflame
- as_landmine
- as_laserbeam
- as_lasertrap
- as_lava
- as_lavamander
- as_leaf
- as_leprechaun
- as_lightarrow
- as_lightarrowplatform
- as_lightemitter
- as_lightshot
- as_limbanchor
- as_liquid
- as_liquidsurface
- as_lockeddoor
- as_logicalanchovyflock
- as_logicalconveyorbeltsound
- as_logicaldoor
- as_logicaldrain
- as_logicalliquidstreamsound
- as_logicalminigame
- as_logicalregeneratingblock
- as_logicalsound
- as_logicalstaticsound
- as_logicaltraptrigger
- as_magmaman
- as_mainexit
- as_mantrap
- as_mattock
- as_mech
- as_megajellyfish
- as_megajellyfisheye
- as_minigameasteroid
- as_minigameship
- as_minigameshipoffset
- as_mole
- as_monkey
- as_monster
- as_mosquito
- as_motherstatue
- as_mount
- as_movable
- as_movingicon
- as_mummy
- as_mummyfliessound
- as_necromancer
- as_npc
- as_octopus
- as_olmec
- as_olmeccannon
- as_olmecfloater
- as_olmecship
- as_olmite
- as_onfireeffect
- as_orb
- as_osirishand
- as_osirishead
- as_ouroborocameraanchor
- as_ouroborocamerazoomin
- as_palacesign
- as_parachutepowerup
- as_pet
- as_pipe
- as_pipetravelersound
- as_player
- as_playerbag
- as_playerghost
- as_poisonedeffect
- as_poledeco
- as_portal
- as_pot
- as_powerup
- as_powerupcapable
- as_present
- as_prizedispenser
- as_projectile
- as_protoshopkeeper
- as_punishball
- as_purchasable
- as_pushblock
- as_qilin
- as_quicksand
- as_quicksandsound
- as_quillback
- as_regenblock
- as_robot
- as_rockdog
- as_rollingitem
- as_roomlight
- as_roomowner
- as_rubble
- as_scarab
- as_scepter
- as_sceptershot
- as_scorpion
- as_shield
- as_shootingstarspawner
- as_shopkeeper
- as_skeleton
- as_skulldroptrap
- as_sleepbubble
- as_slidingwallceiling
- as_snaptrap
- as_sorceress
- as_soundshot
- as_spark
- as_sparktrap
- as_spear
- as_specialshot
- as_spider
- as_spikeballtrap
- as_splashbubblegenerator
- as_stickytrap
- as_stretchchain
- as_switch
- as_tadpole
- as_teleporter
- as_teleporterbackpack
- as_teleportingborder
- as_telescope
- as_tentacle
- as_tentaclebottom
- as_terra
- as_thinice
- as_tiamat
- as_tiamatshot
- as_timedforcefield
- as_timedpowderkeg
- as_timedshot
- as_torch
- as_torchflame
- as_totemtrap
- as_transferfloor
- as_trappart
- as_treasure
- as_treasurehook
- as_truecrownpowerup
- as_tun
- as_tv
- as_udjatsocket
- as_ufo
- as_unchainedspikeball
- as_ushabti
- as_vampire
- as_vanhorsing
- as_vlad
- as_vladscape
- as_waddler
- as_walkingmonster
- as_walltorch
- as_web
- as_webgun
- as_webshot
- as_weteffect
- as_witchdoctor
- as_witchdoctorskull
- as_woodenlogtrap
- as_yama
- as_yang
- as_yellowcape
- as_yetiking
- as_yetiqueen